
The book exposes various mechanisms and methods by which covert colonial mechanisms are employed to perpetuate colonialism, especially in Africa. Less overt and more covert perpetuation of colonialism is done through the use of networks. The main achievement of the initial phase of colonialism was the establishment of networks that are nefarious and omnipresent; constituting “distributed presence,” which allows for “action at a distance.” As a result, colonial subjects became willing participants in these processes, unbeknownst to them, which perpetuated their own colonialism. The book exposes forms of colonialism where manufactured consent is used to perpetuate colonialism. Trapped in this capitalist, Western, Christian language and moral world order without sovereignty, African countries continuously sink deeper into the colonial quagmire.


How we teach ethics has been an ambiguous instructional area for many years. In religious schools it is left to the work of the religion teacher, and in public schools it is often incorporated into a civics course. Across the curriculum there are multiple points at which we can incorporate the study of ethics in interdisciplinary ways. In this volume we will focus on how educators in high schools (grades 9-12) can incorporate the teaching of ethics effectively across all disciplines (Sciences, Humanities, Arts, Math and Technology). The introduction of the book will be a foundational description of ethics – what it means to study ethics and to be an ethical person.


В настоящее издание включены тексты следующих уставов Вооруженных Сил Российской Федерации: Устав внутренней службы Вооруженных Сил Российской Федерации; Дисциплинарный устав Вооруженных Сил Российской Федерации; Устав гарнизонной и караульной служб Вооруженных Сил Российской Федерации; Строевой устав Вооруженных Сил Российской Федерации; Устав военной полиции Вооруженных Сил Российской Федерации; а также Указ Президента Российской Федерации от 6 мая 2020 г. № 308 «О внесении изменений в некоторые акты Президента Российской Федерации», в соответствии с которым военнослужащим и гражданам, призванным на военные сборы, запрещено предоставлять СМИ либо с использованием сети Интернет распространять или предоставлять определенную информацию, иметь при себе электронные изделия, в которых могут храниться или которые позволяют с использованием сети Интернет распространять или предоставлять аудио-, фото-, видеоматериалы и данные геолокации. Для военнослужащих, курсантов военных училищ, слушателей военных кафедр вузов.


«Семь дней ТВ-программа» – развлекательный иллюстрированный журнал для семейного чтения, содержащий аннотированную телепрограмму. Телепрограмма с 13 по 19 июля.


Христианство – самая крупная мировая религия, как по численности приверженцев, которых 2,5 миллиарда, так и по географической распространенности – в каждой стране мира есть хотя бы одна христианская община. Только вдумайтесь, как минимум каждый третий человек на Земле верует в Иисуса Христа! Любая вера имеет свою терминологию, порой не каждому известную. В нашем словаре вы найдете самые распространенные термины и понятия, применяемые в христианских церквях. Книга будет полезна не только последователям православной веры, но и представителям других конфессий. В формате a4-pdf сохранен издательский макет книги.



The first book in which people discuss their own spiritual emergencies and share what helped them through. Our authors are the experts of their own experience, and they share their wild journeys with courage, insight and poetry. There are fascinating parallels in their experiences, suggesting minds in extremis go to similar places. These are beautiful postcards from the edge of human consciousness, testaments to the soul's natural resilience. Our authors have returned from their descent with valuable insights for our culture, as we go through a collective spiritual emergency, with old myths and structures breaking down, and new possibilities breaking open. What is there beyond our present egocentric model of reality? What tools can help us navigate the emergence?"This book is essential reading for anyone who wants to understand the connection between spiritual awakening and what we normally term 'mental illness.' It is full of inspirational and moving stories that show that psychological disturbances often lead to significant personal growth, if supported properly. As a culture, we urgently need a new paradigm of mental illness and treatment, and this and this book makes an important contribution to that shift.' Steve Taylor PhD, author of The Leap and Spiritual Science


”Green Card STEM Voices” is a collection of essays and digital narratives from twenty immigrants and refugees living in Minnesota and working in STEM. This multimedia project serves as a platform for first generation immigrants and refugees working in science, technology, engineering, and math to share their stories in their own words. Their essays and digital narrative will offer insight into the experiences and expertise they’ve gleaned through their work in fields that include medicine, computer science, neuroscience, and microbiology. This book, along with its accompanying video narratives, memorializes their contributions to the STEM field.


Green Card Youth Voices: Immigration Stories from Madison and Milwaukee High Schools is the fifth book in the award winning Green Card Youth Voices series. The series is tremendously popular in classrooms (EL, social studies, history, etc.) and libraries, and are particularly suited for the local cities in which they are based.
