
What do anarchists think about the economic crisis? This new collection of essays explores the history and present of anarchist-inspired economic analysis.No other collection has so fully explored contemporary economics from an anarchist perspective; left-leaning readers with an interest in economic theory, as well as in participatory economics (Parecon) will find this collection of great use.Accumulation of Freedom includes contributions from some of the most well-known political economists of the radical left (including Z Magazine founder Michael Albert, and economist Robin Hahnel), and is edited by a group of promising young scholars who are garnering accolades in the scholarly community for their new book series at Routledge.Two of the editors are organizers of the annual North American Anarchist Studies Network conference; Accumulation of Freedom will launch at NAASN and the editors will tour the country throughout the Spring.


While other titles have explored gender in the context of the American prison population, Captive Genders is the first book to explicitly examine self-identified trans-folk and gender-queer individuals inside US prisons.Composed largely of first-hand accounts of the policing of trans and gender-queer folks, this book is suitable for readers in the GLBTQ community, as well as for readers who are looking for an introduction to the history of sexual-identity-based politics and discrimination.The collection is edited by two noted young GLBTQ activists.Since the abolition of the «Category B» classification in the late 1990s, it has been impossible to quantify the exact number of trans-folks currently incarcerated. However, a recent study suggests that widespread job-site discrimination has made it difficult for trans-identified individuals to gain legal employment, leading in turn to a wild upsurge in the trans population in America's prisons.


The first English translation of Guérin’s monumental anthology of anarchism, published here in one volume. It details a vast array of unpublished documents, letters, debates, manifestos, reports, impassioned calls-to-arms and reasoned analysis; the history, organization and practice of the movement—its theorists, advocates and activists; the great names and the obscure, towering legends and unsung heroes. This definitive anthology portrays anarchism as a sophisticated ideology whose nuances and complexities highlight the natural desire for freedom in all of us. The classical texts will re-establish anarchism as both an intellectual and practical force to be reckoned with. Includes writings by Emma Goldman, Kropotkin, Berkman, Bakunin, Proudhon, and Malatesta. Daniel Guérin was the author of Anarchism: From Theory to Practice.


While there are a handful of books available to help teenagers cope with different issues, such as Dan Savage's It Gets Better and Grace Llewellyn's The Teenage Liberation Handbook, there is no collection that addresses such a broad array of issues—education, family, race, community, sex, drugs, relationships—central to growing up while maintaining your political identity. The drive to publish this work came from frequent requests for a collection of this kind.This book is developed for youth, by youth. It will resonate well with teens who are looking for peer-driven analyses of the issues that they face. The contributor line-up, which includes, Dan Savage, Noam Chomsky, and Grace Llewellyn ensures that this collection will be of interest not just to teens, but to adults who are interested to learn about the challenges today's radical youth face.Matt Hern's voice ties this collection together, and guarantees built-in readership due to acclaim for his previous work on education, which includes Everywhere All the Time: A New Deschooling Reader, Field Day: Getting Society Out of Schoool, and Deschooling Our Lives.


Will be of interest to GLBTQ activists and theorists, and anyone interested in gender politics.By the author of anthologies That's Revolting! Queer Strategies for Resisting Assimilation and Nobody Passes: Rejecting the Rules of Gender and Conformity, which are staples on the shelves of anyone interested in queer theory.Mattilda Bernstein Sycamore is a well-respected and well-known queer cultural icon with a large and loyal following. 25 essays by recognized and exciting up-and-coming writers.


For decades, the field of Mennonite literature has been dominated by the question of Mennonite identity. After Identity interrogates this prolonged preoccupation and explores the potential to move beyond it to a truly post-identity Mennonite literature. The twelve essays collected here view Mennonite writing as transitioning beyond a tradition concerned primarily with defining itself and its cultural milieu. What this means for the future of Mennonite literature and its attendant criticism is the question at the heart of this volume. Contributors explore the histories and contexts—as well as the gaps—that have informed and diverted the perennial focus on identity in Mennonite literature, even as that identity is reread, reframed, and expanded. After Identity is a timely reappraisal of the Mennonite literature of Canada and the United States at the very moment when that literature seems ready to progress into a new era. In addition to the editor, the contributors are Ervin Beck, Di Brandt, Daniel Shank Cruz, Jeff Gundy, Ann Hostetler, Julia Spicher Kasdorf, Royden Loewen, Jesse Nathan, Magdalene Redekop, Hildi Froese Tiessen, and Paul Tiessen.


In the current geopolitical climate—in which unaccompanied children cross the border in record numbers, and debates on the topic swing violently from pole to pole—the subject of immigration demands innovative inquiry. In The Rhetorics of US Immigration, some of the most prominent and prolific scholars in immigration studies come together to discuss the many facets of immigration rhetoric in the United States. The Rhetorics of US Immigration provides readers with an integrated sense of the rhetorical multiplicity circulating among and about immigrants. Whereas extant literature on immigration rhetoric tends to focus on the media, this work extends the conversation to the immigrants themselves, among others. A collection whose own eclecticism highlights the complexity of the issue, The Rhetorics of US Immigration is not only a study in the language of immigration but also a frank discussion of who is doing the talking and what it means for the future. From questions of activism, authority, and citizenship to the influence of Hollywood, the LGBTQ community, and the church, The Rhetorics of US Immigration considers the myriad venues in which the American immigration question emerges—and the interpretive framework suited to account for it. Along with the editor, the contributors are Claudia Anguiano, Karma R. Chávez, Terence Check, Jay P. Childers, J. David Cisneros, Lisa M. Corrigan, D. Robert DeChaine, Anne Teresa Demo, Dina Gavrilos, Emily Ironside, Christine Jasken, Yazmin Lazcano-Pry, Michael Lechuga, and Alessandra B. Von Burg.


Does love command an ineffability that remains inaccessible to the philosopher? Thinking About Love considers the nature and experience of love through the writing of well-known Continental philosophers such as Hannah Arendt, Simone de Beauvoir, Jacques Derrida, and Maurice Merleau-Ponty. Evolving forms of social organization, rapid developments in the field of psychology, and novel variations on relationships demand new approaches to and ways of talking about love. Rather than offering prescriptive claims, this volume explores how one might think about the concept philosophically, without attempting to resolve or alleviate its ambiguities, paradoxes, and limitations. The essays focus on the contradictions and limits of love, manifested in such phenomena as trust, abuse, grief, death, violence, politics, and desire. An erudite examination of the many facets of love, this book fills a lacuna in the philosophy of this richly complicated topic. Along with the editors, the contributors are Sophie Bourgault, John Caruana, Christina M. Gschwandtner, Marguerite La Caze, Alphonso Lingis, Christian Lotz, Todd May, Dawne McCance, Dorothea Olkowski, Felix Ó Murchadha, Fiona Utley, and Mélanie Walton.


Each of the five volumes in the Stone Art Theory Institutes series brings together a range of scholars who are not always directly familiar with one another’s work. The outcome of each of these convergences is an extensive and “unpredictable conversation” on knotty and provocative issues about art. This fifth and final volume in the series focuses on the identity, nature, and future of visual studies, discussing critical questions about its history, objects, and methods. The contributors question the canon of literature of visual studies and the place of visual studies with relation to theories of vision, visuality, epistemology, politics, and art history, giving voice to a variety of inter- and transdisciplinary perspectives. Rather than dismissing visual studies, as its provocative title might suggest, this volume aims to engage a critical discussion of the state of visual studies today, how it might move forward, and what it might leave behind to evolve in productive ways. The contributors are Emmanuel Alloa, Nell Andrew, Linda Báez Rubí, Martin A. Berger, Hans Dam Christensen, Isabelle Decobecq, Bernhard J. Dotzler, Johanna Drucker, James Elkins, Michele Emmer, Yolaine Escande, Gustav Frank, Theodore Gracyk, Asbjørn Grønstad, Stephan Günzel, Charles W. Haxthausen, Miguel Á. Hernández-Navarro, Tom Holert, Kıvanç Kılınç, Charlotte Klonk, Tirza True Latimer, Mark Linder, Sunil Manghani, Anna Notaro, Julia Orell, Mark Reinhardt, Vanessa R. Schwartz, Bernd Stiegler, Øyvind Vågnes, Sjoukje van der Meulen, Terri Weissman, Lisa Zaher, and Marta Zarzycka.


Authored by prominent scholars, the twelve essays in this volume use the historical perspective to explore American urban housing policy as it unfolded from the late nineteenth through the twentieth centuries. Focusing on the enduring quest of policy makers to restore urban community, the essays examine such topics as the war against the slums, planned suburbs for workers, the rise of government-aided and built housing during the Great Depression, the impact of post–World War II renewal policies, and the retreat from public housing in the Nixon, Carter, and Reagan years.