
Ten women poets bring the ancient collection of psalms into modern context: seeking justice and celebrating beauty, longing for grace and proclaiming love. «The Words of Her Mouth: Psalms for the Struggle» is a balm in these days of spiritual strife and political struggle.
"The Psalms are testimonies from the ancient faithful and speak to us across time and beyond time. Yet they also remain firmly in their own context, naming the particular struggles of a community and its ancestors, its losses and battles and conflicts with God. As I composed and complained in the margins of my Bible, I wondered what women writers might have to say in conversation with the psalms in this season when progressive people of faith lament child separation and climate change and proclaim #MeToo and #BlackLivesMatter. I invited nine women whose faith and writing I value to join me in discovering what the psalms say to us and what psalms are inside us. – Martha Spong, from the Forward of «The Words of Her Mouth»


