
First published in 1955, “Believe in Yourself” by Dr. Joseph Murphy, the Irish-American author and New Thought minister with a Ph.D. in Psychology, is the inspiring and fascinating book on the power of self-confidence and positive thinking. Dr. Murphy draws on the experiences of highly successful and talented people, such as inventors, artists, and businessmen, to show that believing in your dreams and your own potential is the secret to great success. Dr. Murphy argues that one must continue to believe that success is within their grasp and that they are destined to succeed and that belief will become self-fulfilling and one will, in fact, be driven to succeed. Dr. Murphy lectured, taught, and counseled countless people for decades and studied religions and philosophies from all over the world and came to the conclusion that the power to achieve one’s greatest dreams resides in one’s own state of mind. This engaging and encouraging book not only motivates the reader to adopt positive thinking and success as a mindset, but also provides practical tools so that the reader may incorporate these lessons in their daily life.


First published in 1923, “The Murder on the Links” is Agatha Christie’s second novel featuring her most famous character, Belgian detective Hercule Poirot and his assistant, Arthur Hastings. Poirot and Hastings have traveled to France to meet Paul Renauld, who has recently requested their help. They are too late however and arrive to find him brutally murdered and buried in a newly dug grave near a local golf course. Poirot notices many things about Renauld’s death that are strange and unexplained. Frighteningly, before a suspect is caught, a second man turns up dead in nearly identical circumstances. Poirot clashes with local law enforcement who resent his interference, but he is dogged in his quest to find the truth. Using his uncanny memory for detail and deep understanding of human nature, Poirot soon sees what everyone else has missed and solves this complicated case of greed, blackmail, and deceit. “The Murder on the Links” was published to great critical praise and commercial success, with many reviewers favorably comparing Christie’s writing and the character Poirot to Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and the iconic Sherlock Holmes. This classic continues to entertain and thrill all fans of mystery and suspense. This edition includes a biographical afterword.


First published together in 1923, “The Inimitable Jeeves” is a collection of short stories by P. G. Wodehouse featuring his famous characters Bertie Wooster and his wise valet, Jeeves. The stories were previously published in magazines before being collected together and most share the common theme of Bertie’s friend, Bingo Little, and his dramatic love life. The Inimitable Jeeves is the second collection of Jeeves stories, following “My Man Jeeves”, published in 1919, and appearing before “Carry On, Jeeves”, published in 1925. Many of Wodehouse’s most popular and hilarious tales appear in this timeless collection, such as “Aunt Agatha Takes the Count”, where Bertie’s intimidating Aunt Agatha tries to make him marry a boring, respectable young lady; “Comrade Bingo”, where Bingo shows he will do anything for his current love, including joining the Communist Party; and “The Great Sermon Handicap”, where Bertie, Bingo, and others bet on the length of the sermons of local parsons, which is considered to be one Wodehouse’s most entertaining stories. This popular collection from a master humorist shows why Bertie and Jeeves have remained such enduring and charming characters. This edition includes a biographical afterword.


First published in 1921, “The Golden Fleece and The Heroes Who Lived Before Achilles” by the acclaimed and award-winning children’s author Padraic Colum is a classic retelling of the ancient mythological tales of Jason and the Argonauts and their quest for the Golden Fleece. Woven into this volume of Greek mythology are also the stories of the creation of the heavens and the earth, Zeus's battle with the Titans, Pandora's box, Persephone in the Underworld with Hades, and the adventures of the hero Heracles. Born in 1881 in Ireland, Colum first rose to fame as a playwright and poet in Dublin and became a leading figure in the Irish Literary Revival. In 1914, Colum and his wife came to the United States and remained there for most of the rest of their lives. Once in America, Colum began to write children’s literature, beginning with the retelling of Irish folklore and eventually turning his skills to myth and folklore from all over the world, making these classic tales accessible to children. With illustrations by Willy Pogany and Colum’s wonderful prose, these ancient myths are masterfully brought to life.


First published in 1920, «The Children of Odin» is the retelling of famous North myths for children by the acclaimed Irish poet, novelist, playwright, and children’s author Padraic Colum. With illustrations by Willy Pogany this volume brings classic Norse literature and mythology to a wider audience and makes it accessible to children of all ages. Born in 1881 in Ireland, Colum first rose to fame as a playwright and poet in Dublin and became a leading figure in the Irish Literary Revival. In 1914, Colum and his wife came to the United States and remained there for most of the rest of their lives. Once in America, Colum began to write children’s literature, beginning with the retelling of Irish folklore. In “The Children of Odin”, Colum’s masterful and award-winning storytelling brings the gods and goddesses of Asgard to life: the wise All-Father Odin, mighty Thor with his hammer, the wily and mischievous Loki, and the dragons, giants, dwarves, and Valkyries that inhabit their world as well. In his lyrical and beautiful prose, Colum tells the story of this rich world from its beginning to its final battle.


First released in 1901, about one year after Nietzsche’s death, “The Will to Power” is a collection of Nietzsche’s unedited and unpublished writings. Though the title and all of the ideas are of the radical philosopher’s own invention, the order and selection of Nietzsche’s notebooks are due to the organization of his sister. As a result of his poor health, Nietzsche used his remaining energy to write a different work, leaving “The Will to Power” in the earliest stages of writing. The topics he explores vary widely and include nihilism, religion, morality, the theory of knowledge, and art. Some ideas are reflected in the works Nietzsche managed to complete in his lifetime, while others show his progression from those ideas in his earlier life. Overall, “The Will to Power” is an opportunity to read the intellectual journaling of one of the nineteenth century’s most brilliant thinkers. Collected together here are both posthumously published volumes I and II as translated by Anthony M. Ludovici. This edition is printed on premium acid-free paper.


First published in 1923, “Cane” by Jean Toomer, is one of the most significant books to come out of the Harlem Renaissance. Jean Toomer, born Nathaniel Pinchback Toomer in Washington D. C. in 1894, was raised by his mother and her wealthy parents after being abandoned by his father as a baby. While he spent much of his life on the East Coast and at various colleges in Chicago and Wisconsin, he worked for several months in 1921 as a principal at a newly formed agricultural and industrial school for blacks in rural Sparta, Georgia, near where his father had lived. This experience gave Toomer a new-found understanding of the struggle of African-Americans in a society full of white supremacy and racial violence. At the end of his time in the South, Toomer began writing “Cane” and based the book on both the rural and urban lives of blacks in early 20th century America. The novel is organized into a series of loosely and thematically related vignettes and contains numerous literary styles, such as prose, poetry, and dramatic play-like passages of dialogue. “Cane” is a classic masterpiece of modernism and an important testament on the lives and struggles of African-Americans in the early part of the 20th century.


First published in 1923, “New Hampshire” by famed American poet Robert Frost, is one of the most beautiful and famous collection of poems in American literature. The book contains many of Frost’s most well-known and beloved poems, such as “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening”, “Nothing Gold Can Stay”, “Fire and Ice”, and “The Need of Being Versed in Country Things”. Frost won the first of his four Pulitzer Prizes for “New Hampshire” and he would go on to be awarded the Congressional Gold Medal in 1960 for his poetry and was named the poet laureate of Vermont in 1961. Frost’s immortal poems have become an essential part of the fabric of American culture and continue to inspire modern poets, authors, film makers, and artists. Some of literature’s most famous and often quoted lines may be found in this collection by a true master of verse. Frost taught English for many years and encouraged his students to capture the various inflections, tones, and cadences of the spoken English language in his writing, an approach he perfected in his own work and referred to as “the sound of sense”. This timeless collection belongs in the library of everyone who appreciates American literature and poetry. This edition includes the woodcut illustrations by J. J. Lankes which appeared in the first edition.


First published in 1889, “The Blue Fairy Book” is the first in a series of collections of fairy tales from around the world edited by Andrew Lang, the Scottish novelist, poet and literary critic, with translations and retellings by his wife, Leonora Blanche Alleyne, and others. Lang and Alleyne would go on to publish popular collections of fairy tales and poetry for over twenty years. As the first in the series of collections, each named after a color, “The Blue Fairy Book” contains some of the world’s most famous and recognizable fairy tales. Some are from the Brothers Grimm, with tales also from Charles Perrault and Madame d’Aulnoy, stories from the Tales of the Arabian Nights, and four stories are translations of Norwegian tales. The collections published by Lang and Alleyne put all of these memorable and universally appealing tales into a single volume making them accessible to generations of children and parents. No childhood would be complete without hearing about the adventures of “Puss in Boots”, the mystery of “Rumpelstiltzkin”, the romance of “Sleeping Beauty” and “Beauty and the Beast”, and all the other beautiful and timeless tales in “The Blue Fairy Book.”


Renowned English novelist, poet, playwright, and literary critic, Dorothy L. Sayers’s “Whose Body?” was first published in 1923. In this novel we are introduced to her most famous character, the aristocratic amateur detective Lord Peter Wimsey. Lord Wimsey has developed an interest in solving crimes and joins in to help his friend Inspector Charles Parker and the official investigation into the disappearance of a famous financier. A naked body is discovered in the bathtub of a nearby flat and it seems to be the missing businessman, but Lord Wimsey cleverly deducts that it is a deceptive look-alike and resolves to get to the bottom of the disappearance and find the connection to the body. In this entertaining and suspenseful mystery set in London after World War I, Lord Wimsey uses his intelligence and intuition to solve the case and escape murder at the hands of the suspect. “Whose Body?” was a commercial and critical success upon its publication and Sayers would go on to write many more thrilling mysteries set in London in the exciting years before World War II and starring her beloved Lord Wimsey and his brilliant mind.