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The encirclement near the town of Tucums in Latvia. First meeting with the Baltic Sea. And finally, Victory!

      The soldier came from the front in the deep autumn of 1945. The village of Karabat quieted down, as if there was no one in it. Not all defenders of the Fatherland returned home. In Volodin’s hut, “a ball of kati” (from old, saying). On the threshold children small, wife, yes mother her old lady. We met the owner, who defeated fascist Germany, boiled potatoes in a uniform from the garden, and the soldier’s daily ration and fed up. And when the tears of joy at all dried up and together gathered to build a new peaceful life of a full-fledged peasant family.

      In this regard, Aleksey Artemyevich had to go to the city of Astrakhan, to correct the documents, as they said then. There and there was a fateful meeting with a man from the city of Koenigsberg, who turned the life of the Volodin family into a bright future. Talked. Sergey Golovkov turned out to be a recruiter from Baltgosrybtrest, came to recruit sailors to work. Learning that in front of him the captain of the fishing boat, he, like a tick, clung to his father and began to persuade him to move.

      Alexey Artemyevich listened to the walker, asked a few questions for order and almost agreed, promising to consult his wife. The recruiter, in turn, gave two months to think, appointed a day, wrote some piece of paper, perhaps with the address of the collection point and took his father’s honest word. That’s what we parted with…

      Volodin arrived in the Baltic in late February – early March. In the trust of the father was sent to the village of Neukuhren, which was later renamed the city of Pionersk. At first they lived in the village of Lippainen (German, I remember it as Lapinino), there survived a lot of buildings. Later the family was moved to the street Dachnaj…

      Volodin A.A.

      On April 27, 1946, Alexey Volodin was hired by the Neukuhrensky Fish Factory as captain of a motorcycle boat. A little later, several small vessels (MRT) were received, which, even with minimal equipment, proved to be positive.

      In each voyage Captain Volodin came out confidently and calmly. He had no fear of the unfamiliar Baltic. He left it forever on the steep slopes of the Northern Donets, in his first combat attack, in 1942, on trench the enemy. Since then, where there once were feelings of doubt, now lived reason, knowledge, solid calculation and natural savvy. Only on these, so-called whales sprouts and matures professional experience – argued Alexey Artemyevich.

      – Captain! – My father liked to speak – Mind, Honor and Conscience of the ship, even as small as an MRT. For conscientious work Captain Volodin A.A. with his team of sailors was repeatedly award a prize and encouraged by cash payments.

      In December 1947 he was elected a deputy of the Local Councils. In December 1953, the name of Captain Aleksey Artemyevich Volodin was included in the book of Honor of the Baltgosrybtrest and the trade union committee. In 1958, The Motherland added a medal “For Labor Valor” to the combat awards of a WWAR participant.

      In the mid-sixties, the military wounds had an impact on the health of captain Volodin and the medical commission closed his way out to sea, but allowed him to work in the port. Alexey Artemyevich finished his career in May 1975 as senior assistant captain in the port tug RBT-13.

      On September 19, 1976, after a long illness, the veteran of the Great Patriotic War, Captain Volodin Aleksey Artemyevich passed away. Eternal memory to the pioneers and founders of the PBORF fishing industry in Pionersk, Kaliningrad region, who made their way to the world’s oceans.”

      On September 1, 1946, a primary school was opened in the village of Neukuhren. Schoolchildren gathered about 100 people. She was located in a small German house. And in 1947 she became a seven-year school. Then, in 1958, a new school was built, designed for 700 students. In 2007, a new modern secondary school was opened on Fleet Street. But by the end of 2018, this school is no longer able to accept the growing generation of the city Pioneersk.

      In the autumn of 1946, Yuri Fomenko, Devyaterikov, Klimov, and Ionkin were also sent from Astrakhan to the base. All of them subsequently went to sea by captains and had excellent production figures.

      L.I. Fomenko.

      Yuri Ivanovich and Lyubov Fomenko.

      Yuri Fomenko then began to work as an inspector, was the chief captain. He was highly respected among the fishers. A long illness soon prevented him from going out to sea. His wife, Lyubov Ivanovna as a medic, supported him in every possible way. In 2012, Yuri Ivanovich died.

      Lyubov Ivanovna Fomenko (Gavrashenko) was born in Kherson, graduated from Kherson cult pro-enlightenment school. In 1971 she graduated from Kaliningrad Medical School with a red diploma. At Pioneers Hospital she worked in the maternity ward. Then she went to work in the Pioneers Base in the department of DEA (the deratization of ships, epidemics, and contagious diseases). She supplied medicines for the ship’s first aid kits, instructed the captain’s senior assistants, and carried out the deratization and disinfection of ships.

      They raised two sons, Alexander and Yuri. Yuri Yuryevich, a lieutenant colonel, already retired, lives in Astrakhan. Alexander Yuryevich was born in 1963, graduated from the Kvmu named Frunze, served in the Navy. In the rank of captain of the 2nd rank in the reduction of

      The first vessels – such as KFC and MRT.

      staff, he left the Navy, received his second higher education and since 1990 began to work in the base. In November 1998, he was elected CEO of Zapmorphlot LLC. The company has two TSM-class fishing vessels. The company’s products are well known to customers from Canada, Japan, China and Denmark.

      In July 1947, the Neukuhren Fish Factory became the Pioneersk Fish Factory. In August 1947, on the orders of the Baltic State Fisheries Trust for No. 114, the trawling fleet management (UTF) was organized as an independent economic settlement enterprise in the Pioneersk region of Kaliningrad. G.Y. Ermoshkin was approved as the chief.

      In the severe weather conditions of the Baltic, in January- February 1948, the captain of the MRT-50 Peter Yermolayev took on a voyage to the Baltic only those who expressed a desire. Fortune was favourable daredevils. The catch was about five tons. With great difficulty managed to pick up the catch and trawl on board, not having any devices on the ship. So many fish rarely mined. In early June, the crew of MRT-33 “Terrible” Captain Zimovin P.A. extracted 240 tons. This made up the annual plan.

      The ships continued to arrive. The total capacity of the fleet was 9,000 horsepower. Fish production increased to 3060 tons. We caught mainly cod, flounder, sprat. In the same year, a 150-metre-long wooden pier and a new fishery building, which was located on the beach, were built. Production at the plant was 457,5 tons, and all products were sold at 1641.6 thousand rubles.

      In 1948, construction began on the fish port, which was the second largest in the region. To improve the range of manufactured products built a shop by smoking. In June 1948, Konstantin Sobolev, an experienced fishing captain from Murmansk, who served in this position until 1952, was appointed head of the UTF. The chief engineer was Vasily Albanov.

      Dmitry Vasilyevich Ershov.

      In the winter of 1949, for the first time captains P.A. Zimovin, P.L. Yermolayev, A.I. Ivanov went to the central part of the Baltic. In the area of the island of Gotland, they started fishing cod. Captains Pavel Bilyak and Grigory Glukhov are included in the regional Book of Honor of the winners of the socialist competition. Also noted are

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