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KFC consisted of 5 people. Captain, assistant captain, mechanic, motorist, and sailor. KFC is a wooden vessel about 20 meters long, 4 meters wide, and 1.2 meters high. With winds of 4 marks, the KFC was not released from the port. The first low-power radio stations appeared only at the end of 1947. There were two cubicles on the ship. The bow cubicle housed the team, and the second cubicle was remade under the hold. The vessel had a 120 h.p. engine. Ship speed developed to 8 knots. It was not suitable for trawling. But still had to work and fish.

      With the advent of 1947, the duration of fishing increased to 3 days. Then came a new MRT from Denmark, Finland, and Sweden. There were also well-known captains Volodin, Zimovin, Chechetkin Arkady Vasilyevich, Manakin N.Y., Zelenov, Azarenko. On March 15, 1948, he completed the course and returned to Pioneers. UTF at the time was headed by G.Y. Ermoshkin. But soon he was arrested, and he disappeared without a trace. On July 20, 1948, we were going fishing to the shores of Iceland. Along with the floating base, Tungus was an expedition. On the RS-4 “Wave” was a civilian captain Shprygin. The crew consisted of 17 people. We was been working for about three months. RS-4 caught 110 tons, and the smallest catch was 25 tons. When they returned to the port, the captains were calculated and sent to the military units, and the seiners began to prepare for distillation to the Caspian Sea and the Black Sea. Only the RS-5 remained in the UTF, where I was the captain, and Ilyin Georgiy Fydorovich was the chief. In 1950, after the Mamon training and course combine, I became the second navigator of the SRT-184 “Syryanin” where the captain was Fedor Sergeyevich Semyonov.” Historic – the archaeological museum “Rantava” of the city of Pioneers allowed me to publish some photos of pioneer fishermen of that time. Here they are.

      Zimovin P.A.

      Captain Pavel Andreevich Zimovin, Captain Kudrisch N.W.

      The crew of the MRT – 282 “Sevan”.

      Guests in the captain’s cabin.

      And in the photo below, four “sea wolves” cheerfully walk on the wooden flooring of the Pioneers pier. From left to right: captains V.M. Bykov, I.A. Savchuk, NI. Sizov, N.D. Ivchenko. Makeev Gennady was born in 1930. He graduated from Mamonov’s combine. In 1956 he became a senior mechanic. He sailed on many types of PBORF vessels. He went to the seas until 1987. His work experience is 45 years.

      In the port, the sea soul laughs and sings.

      Senior Mechanic Gennady Makeev.

      Volodin Alexei Artyemevich.

      Memories of the captain of the long-distance voyage Tatarinov Y.P., about the famous captains of the base in early 1947, should be necessarily supplemented by the story of son Victor about his famous father – Captain Volodin Alexei Artyemevich. Victor was one of the first to read the electronic version of this book of the first edition and wrote me a letter. Here is it.

      “Hello, dear Vyacheslav Fedorovich! I read on the internet your book “Remember this! Don’t let it sink into oblivion!” Strong, detailed, truthful, and useful to young people if they recognize the past.

      Understanding the name of the work literally, I want to ask you, if possible, to supplement the material with information from 1946—1947 about the Knight of the Order of Glory of the 3rd degree, one of the pioneers of the Baltic, undeservedly forgotten captain of MRT “Fearless”, Volodin Alexei Artemyevich.

      I mean the electronic version of your book. To keep the memory of the sailors, and “did not fall into oblivion,” please help “patch the gap” in the archive of the history of PBORF. Agree that without stories about the very first captains of the late 40s of the last century, the history of the base will not be quite real. I send you the surviving evidence of the modest merits of A. A. Volodin at that harsh time. I hope that we will be able, speaking in the sea language, to start a “patch” on the hole that happened at the Ship of Historic Memory of PBORF, which Captain A. Volodin gave the last thirty years of his life.

      With a deep respect for you, Victor.”

      Naturally, I immediately, having learned the address of Victor, sent him his copy of the book. And I received a reply of this content:

      “Dear Vyacheslav Fedorovich! Received your wonderful book, why immensely happy and eternally grateful for such a gorgeous gift. To have a book about my small homeland, about the port and the city in which he was born and raised 70 years ago, is worth a lot. I think that if my father had seen it, I would certainly have supported me in this assessment. Thank you so much for creating it! Victor Volodin, Kolpino, Leningrad region.”

      Agree that such a letter warms the soul of the author and makes more serious work on the material. That’s why I started with Victor to “plant a patch on the hole at the Ship of Historical Memory of PBORF”, which the Knight of the Order of Glory, the honored Captain Volodin Alexey Artemyevich gave the last thirty years of his life.

      Victor sent a picture of his father. In 1939, Alexey Artemyevich graduated from the course of river-sea navigations in the city of Astrakhan. Until the war, he was walking across the Caspian Sea as an assistant captain on the Tobolsk fishing seiner. On June 27, 1941, he was drafted into the active army by the district military enlistment office in the village of Ukryanya.

      1412 days and nights brought Victory closer in the mother – infantry ordinary machine gunner. He was wounded three times. The fourth year of the war ended on the Kurland Peninsula in the 8th separate Guards Mitava Liaison Battalion of the First Rifle Corps. He was awarded the Order of Glory of the 3rd degree and the Medal for Victory over Germany. After the war, he was recruited to the Koenigsberg region. On April 27, 1946 (as recorded in the workbook) Alexei Volodin was hired in the Neukuhrevsky Fish Factory as captain of a motorcycle boat. As soon as other minesweepers were received, he was appointed for an MRT – “Fearless”, onboard which was committed a lot of labor feats, which, perhaps, you will not remember. In 1947, Alexey Artemyevich was nominated by the base’s workers and Pioneersk residents as deputies of the Kaliningrad Regional Council of Deputies.

      Here is a preserved view of the candidate Volodin.


      Aleksey Artemyevich

      Candidate for deputies of the Kaliningrad Regional Council of Workers’ Deputies

      for Pioneer constituency No. 63.

      The famous fisherman Alexey Artemyevich Volodin was born in 1914 in the village of Karalat, Kamyzyak district, Astrakhan region, in the family of a fisherman. As a 13-year-old boy, he began working as a fisherman in the fishing collective “Memory of Kuibyshev” in his homeland. Since then, he has not parted with his profession.

      In 1939 he was appointed captain on the ship of the fishing collective “Memory of Kuibyshev” and then as captain of the sea fishing in the city of Astrakhan, where he worked until the summer of 1941. During the Great Patriotic War, Alexey Artemyevich was in the ranks of the active Army. He participated in the liberation of Donbas, the Crimean Peninsula, the Baltic republics. Awarded the “Order of Glory” of the Third Class and the “Medal for Victory over Germany”.

      In 1946 he enlisted in the Baltgosrybtrest and was appointed to Pioneer fishery as captain of the “Fearless” fish trawler. Under his leadership, the trawler’s team fulfilled the annual

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