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Captains were deprived of these two rooms and they are practically forbidden to visit the port.

      In order to preserve and abandon the memory of the base, Zinaida Aleksandrovna took five stands from the basements of the Rantava Historical and Archaeological Museum with great difficulty.

      These stands were created by the base workers. And when the base completely disappeared, the stands were handed over to the museum, hoping that the entire history of the base would be recreated.

      But that has not happened yet. These priceless stands were created in those distant times when the base had a large fleet and was famous for its achievements throughout the country. The initiator of the creation of these stands was the party committee of the base. All the information for the artist was supplied by the party committee and the planned department of the base. And these achievements should not fall into oblivion.

      The human resources building is still alive. These stands were installed on the third floor of the building. Everyone who came here could see them. Moreover, I decided to put this record on the Internet. Maybe some of the young people will come to the site: “Male. Ru. Blog. Vyacheslav Simonov. The history of the Pioneers base “Oceanrybflot” and learns something new.

      He will see the names of his fathers, grandfathers, and great-grandfathers who worked in the base, and photos of the still-living witnesses of those labor achievements of the base workers. This should not fall into oblivion.

      But suddenly I ran into my conscience. She asked me to stop the work I started, believing that I was becoming a plagiarist. Then, in my opinion, a great plagiarist is one of the employees of the historical and archaeological museum “Rantava” who published the texts of these five stands on the museum’s website. The article is written in small white print on a black background. And it seems that the history of the Pioneersk base of the ocean fishing fleet is preparing to sink into oblivion. So go away in the night and disappear forever late winter twilight. I don’t really want that. And so I decided to continue my work. I may have rewritten part of my text from these stands, but I will fill it with familiar names and faces of veterans of the base, with whom I worked for many years, saw and knew them in person.

      The website "Prussia.39.ru" famous peoples of the Pioneersk town calls the German composer Brust Herbert and the German architect Frick Kurt. They may have been famous in Neukuhren, but no one in the Pioneersk knows them. And there are no desires for this. But the famous people of the Pioneersk town and PBORF I will try to name. And I knew the creator and creator of these five stands. I knew him very well at one time. This is a veteran of the Great Patriotic War Romanovsky Fyodor Ivanovich. He worked wich us in the base as the painter. He lived in Svetlogorsk. His wife, Taisiya Vasilyevna, born in 1924, worked in the Svetlogorsk polyclinic as an ambulance paramedic with my wife. So, continuing this work, I will strive to ensure that this work (five stands) of the party committee of the base, the planning department and the veteran of the Great Patriotic War also does not sink into oblivion.

      And so. In April 1945, bloody battles continued. The backbone of fascism was not broken still, the Soviet flag over the Reichstag was not installed, and the leaders of our state were already thinking about a peaceful life. East Prussia was still fiercely resisted. But by the decision of the Yalta Conference in February 1945, part of it had already departed to the Soviet Union. And Neukuhren was that part of Prussia, too.

      On April 14, 1945, the Red Army troops took another outpost of the Nazis in the Baltic – the town of Neukuhren. Soldiers of the 292nd and 576th Rifle Regiments (commanders – Lieutenant-Colonels Y.P. Marshavin and I. P. Serdyukov), 115 infantry division under the command of Colonel A. P. Blinov, 43 armies launched an offensive on Neukuhren from the east and from the west. Fascists resisted and we failed to take the city. After artillery training by 3 p.m., Neukuhren was taken after 30 minutes.

      In the mass grave, which arose after fierce fighting, buried 150 soldiers of the Red Army. In 1950 year a monument has been erected on Komsomolskaya Street. In 1971, a memorial complex (architects Yuri Flyagin and L. Safonova) was created on the site of the monument and the mass grave. The low rectangular terrace measuring 15 by 20 meters is lined with concrete slabs. Along one side is a memorial wall with memorial plaques installed on it. On the concrete block there is an in-depth image of a flying crane. In front of him is a bowl of Eternal Fire. Along the other is a flower-bed.

      In the same battles, our future base worker, Leo Dmitrievich Shevtsov, had to liberate the city from the nazis. He – a veteran of the Great Patriotic War, served in the First Guards Mine-Torpedo Aviation Regiment, which liberated the city from the fascist plague. The son of a hereditary pilot was a regiment technician. Lev Dmitrievich’s father, a participant of the First World War, bombed German positions and ships. In peacetime, he “put on the wing” of naval pilots of the Yeisk Naval Aviation School. And Shevtsov L.D. since 1958 began to work in our base. He worked in the base for 41 years, managed the radio workshop base. A humble, executive, hard-working man. It wasn’t just the base’s radio operators who knew him like this. Everyone who had to work with him had a high opinion of him. That’s how I captured it in May 2017.

      Lev Dmitrievich and his wife Vera Ananyevna lived together for 68 years. Vera Ananevna has 57 years of experience. She worked at the sanatorium and the city hospital. The 29-year-old daughter of Shevtsov, Olga Lvivna, who has two adult sons, worked as an economist at PBORF. The younger Shevtsovs respect the elders, often come to visit, provide parents with all kinds of help and support. The Chevtsov couple was awarded the Medal of Love and Loyalty for their devotion to family relationships and worthy upbringing of children. What writes about Leo Dmitrievich Shevtsov in his article by Navy aviation veteran Colonel S. Bortan:

      Lev Dmitrievich Shevtsov.

      – Lev Shevtsov is the Great Patriotic War veteran. He was born and raised in the family of one of the first naval pilots in Russia. His father Dmitry Nikolaevich, a participant of the First World War. He fought at the front, performed reconnaissance flights, bombed Kaiser positions and ships. During the years of peaceful construction since 1936, Dmitry Shevtsov, as they say in aviation, “put on the wing”, many naval pilots – graduates of the Yeisk VMAU, including pilots, who subsequently fought in the 1st Guards Mine-Torpedo Aviation Regiment KBF Air Force. In 1940, when his health was no longer allowed to fly, D.N. Shevtsov was transferred to the city of Molotov (now Perm) as a teacher at the Naval Aviation and Technical School (VMATU).

      Here his son Lev Shevtsov graduated from 7th grade. The Great Patriotic War began. Growing up in an aviation family, the young man did not think of himself outside of aviation.

      “There was a Great Patriotic War, We – Komsomols, guys and girls rushed to the front – continued his story Lev Dmitrievich.

      – In 1942, after the end of the seven-year period, the military enlistment office sent me to the city of Omsk to the military-aviation school of pilots. During the passage of the military-medical commission, the doctors “cut” me. Their sentence was harsh: “not fit for flight service.” I was recognized as short-sighted.

      Returning from Omsk, after a unsuccessful admission to flight school, Leo graduated from another class of school, and did not back down from the decision to become an aviator. In 1943 he entered the VMATU. The brutal war required accelerated releases.

      On the fronts of the Great Patriotic War began to receive land-lease aviation equipment from the Allies. In the combat units, the technical staff was not familiar with foreign equipment and had difficulty with its operation. Therefore, in the VMATU during this period cadets studied modern equipment not only domestic, but also foreign aircraft. The student Lev Shevtsov with great desire and perseverance mastered everything that the teachers of the school taught. In 1944, Lev Shevtsov graduated from the accelerated course of the school and graduated as a sergeant – a mechanic in radio equipment, receiving an appointment in the 1st Guards Mine-Torpedo Aviation

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