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St. Croix, St. John, and St. Thomas, 888 VI. INDEPENDENT ISLAND OF HAYTI. Formerly called St. Domingo and Hispaniola, 888 APPENDIX. XVII. ZACHARY TAYLOR. (Continued from page 756.) Proceedings in Congress; Death of Mr. Calhoun; Invasion of Cuba; Convention with Great Britain; Death of Gen. Taylor, 902 XVIII. MILLARD FILLMORE, PRESIDENT. Assumes the Government; Compromise Bill; Adjournment of Congress, 911

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Time stopping in his Course, &c. 13
Tailpiece—Discovery of Newfoundland, 18
Columbus and Cabot, 19
Northmen leaving Iceland, 21
Discovery of Labrador, 22
Incident in the Camp of the Northmen, 24
Columbus, 26
Columbus before Ferdinand and Isabella, 30
Columbus sets sail, 32
First Sight of Land, 36
Columbus and Natives of Cuba, 38
Columbus casting a Barrel into the Sea, 39
Tailpiece—Prairie Scene, 44
Tailpiece—Columbus at Hispaniola, 47
Early Settlements, 48
Early Settlers trading with the Natives, 50
Captain Smith saved from death, 55
Landing of the Pilgrims, 66
Visit of Samoset to the English, 67
Interview with Massasoit, 68
Boston founded, 73
Settlers emigrating to Connecticut, 76
Hooker addressing the Soldiers, 79
Gallup finds Oldham murdered, 80
Portsmouth founded, 84