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II.—EARLY SETTLEMENTS. I. VIRGINIA, OR SOUTHERN COLONY. Unsuccessful Attempts to settle America; Expeditions of Sir Humphrey Gilbert; Sir Walter Raleigh; Sir Richard Grenville; Sir John White; First Permanent Settlement at Jamestown; Colonists early in Want; Dissensions in their Councils; Hostility of the Indians; Capture of Captain Smith; Generous Conduct of Pocahontas; Gloomy Condition of the Colony; Timely arrival of Assistance; Returning Prosperity; Establishment of a Provisional Government; Introduction of Negro Slavery; Cruel Massacre of the Colonists, 48 II. NEW ENGLAND, OR NORTHERN SETTLEMENTS. Plymouth; Massachusetts; Connecticut; New Haven; New Hampshire; Rhode Island; Maine; Vermont—Character of the Early Settlers, 61 III. MIDDLE AND SOUTHERN SETTLEMENTS. New York; New Jersey; Delaware; Maryland; N. Carolina; S. Carolina; Georgia; Pennsylvania, 96 III.—INDIANS: THEIR TRIBES AND WARS. I. INDIAN TRIBES. General Division; Tribes in the Central and Southern parts of New England; Tribes in the Northern parts; East of Lake Erie and South of Lake Ontario; Southern Tribes, 104 II. ORIGIN OF THE AMERICAN INDIANS. Various Speculations on the subject; Opinions of Voltaire, of Rev. Thos. Thorowgood, Dr. Boudinot, Roger Williams, Hubbard, Thos. Morton, John Josselin, Cotton Mather, Dr. Mitchell, Dr. Swinton, 109 III. VIRGINIA INDIAN WARS. Early Troubles of the English with the Indians; Power and Cruelty of Powhatan; his apparent Friendship for the Colonists; Treacherous Conduct; Kindness of Pocahontas; Inhuman Conduct of Lord De la War; Captivity of Pocahontas; Cruel Massacre of the Whites; Opecancanough; Troubles with Totopotomoi; Anecdote of Jack-of-the-feather, 113 IV. PLYMOUTH COLONY AND THE INDIANS. Early Rencontre at Plymouth; Friendly Intercourse established by means of Samoset; Kindness of Squanto; Intercourse with Massasoit; Contemplated Massacre defeated; Caunbitant; Hobomok, 125 V. ENGLISH AND NARRAGANSETS. Territory of the Narragansets; Canonicus their Sachem; his mode of Challenging the English to War; Union proposed between the Pequods and Narragansets; how Defeated; Haughty Bearing of Miantonimoh; Accused of a Conspiracy against the English; Accusations repelled; Peace concluded between him and Massachusetts; War between Uncas and Miantonimoh; the latter captured, and delivered to the English; how disposed of; Character of Uncas; Troubles with the Narragansets under Ninigret; Expedition against him; its Issue, 142 VI. PEQUOD WAR. Territory of the Pequods; their Character; Sassacus; his Hatred of the English; Cruelties practiced towards them; War declared by Connecticut; Expedition of Captain Mason; Surprise and Destruction of the Fort; Further Prosecution of the War; Consequences resulting from it, 153 VII. PHILIP'S WAR. Causes of Philip's War; Character of Philip; General Spirit of Hostility among the Indians; Outbreak at Swansey; Expedition under General Savage; Expedition under Captain Church; Perilous Situation of this latter party; Timely Arrival of Captain Hutchinson; Second Expedition of Captain Church; Critical Situation of Philip; Effects his Escape; Annoys the Back Settlements of Massachusetts; Treachery of the Nipmucks; Attack on Brookfield; Bloody Affair at Muddy Brook; Attack on Springfield; Attack on Hatfield; Outrages at Northampton; Large Force raised by Massachusetts, Plymouth, and Connecticut, against the Narragansets; Philip's Fortress at Kingston, Rhode Island; Destruction of it; Lancaster destroyed; other Towns burned; Fatal Affair at Pawtuxet river, Rhode Island; Stratagem of Cape Cod Indians; Attacks on Rehoboth, Chelmsford, Sudbury, &c.; Expedition of Connecticut troops; Conanchet captured; Long Meadow attacked; Hadley; Fortunes of Philip on the wane; Successful Expedition at Connecticut-river Falls; Attack on Hatfield; on Hadley; Remarkable Interposition of a Stranger at Hadley, supposed to be Goffe; Decline of Philip's Power; Pursued by Captain Church; Death of Philip; Disastrous Effects of the War; Philip's Warriors; Annawon; Reflections, 161 VIII. WAR OF WILLIAM III. Combination of French and Indians against the Americans; Burning of Schenectady; Cause of it; Horrors attending it; Attack upon Salmon Falls and upon Casco; Results of Expeditions fitted out by New York and New England; Reduction of Port Royal; Atrocities which marked the War; Attack on Haverhill, Massachusetts; Heroic Conduct of Mrs. Dustan; Peace, 190 IX. QUEEN ANNE'S WAR. Principal Scenes of this War in America; Attack upon Deerfield;

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