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X.—JAMES MONROE, PRESIDENT. Tour of the President; Admission of Missouri; Provision for Indigent Officers, &c.; Re-election of Mr. Monroe; Seminole War; Revision of the Tariff; Visit of Lafayette; Review of Mr. Monroe's Administration; Election of Mr. Adams, 658 XI.—JOHN QUINCY ADAMS, PRESIDENT. Controversy respecting the Creeks; Proposed Mission to Panama; Internal Improvements; Fiftieth Anniversary of Independence; "American System;" Election of General Jackson, 673 XII.—ANDREW JACKSON, PRESIDENT. Condition of the Country; Georgia and the Cherokees; Public Lands; National Bank; Internal Improvements; Indian Hostilities; Discontents in South Carolina; Re-election of Andrew Jackson; Removal of the Deposites; Death of Lafayette; Deposite Act; Seminole War; Treasury Circular; Election of Mr. Van Buren; Character of Jackson's Administration, 683 XIII.—MARTIN VAN BUREN, PRESIDENT. Measures respecting Banks; Treasury Circular; Continuance of Florida War; Internal Improvements; Public Expenses; Difficulties in Maine; Border Troubles; Changes of Public Opinion; Character of the Administration; Election of William H. Harrison, 701 XIV.—WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON, PRESIDENT, 713 XV.—JOHN TYLER, PRESIDENT. Extra Session of Congress; Relations with Great Britain; Settlement of the North-eastern Boundary; Difficulties in Rhode Island; Modification of the Tariff; Bunker's Hill Monument; Treaties; Annexation of Texas; Presidential Canvass; Character of Mr. Tyler's Administration, 715 XVI.—JAMES K. POLK, PRESIDENT. Decease of General Jackson; Admission of Texas; Division of Oregon; Mexican War; Siege of Fort Brown; Battle of Palo Alto; Battle of Resaca de la Palma; Fall of Monterey; Battle of Buena Vista; Capture of Vera Cruz; Cerro Gordo; Progress of the Army; Occupation of Mexico; Treaty; California and its Gold; Election of General Taylor, 725 XVII.—ZACHARY TAYLOR, PRESIDENT. 755 BRITISH AMERICA, 757 I. CANADA. Discovery; Settlement; Capture of Quebec; Death of Champlain; Religious Enterprises; War made by the Iroquois; Accessions to the Colony; Progress of the Colony; Attempts of the English to Conquer Canada; Condition of Canada in 1721 and 1722; General Prosperity of the Colony; Refusal to join in the War of American Independence; Consequences of American Independence to Canada; Territorial Divisions and Constitution; Dissensions after the close of the War of 1812; Disturbances and Insurrections, 759 II. NOVA SCOTIA. Limits; Conquest by the English; Settlement; Annexation to the British Crown; Policy of England in relation to the Country; Situation of the English Settlers; English Treatment of the Acadians; State of the Province during the Wars of the United States; Results of the War of 1812, 781 III. NEW BRUNSWICK. Extent; Physical Aspect and Soil; Settlement and Progress; Signal Calamity, 787 IV. PRINCE EDWARD'S ISLAND. Location, Surface, and Climate; Early Settlers; Change of Possession; Plans of Colonization; Character of late Governors; Inhabitants, 790 V. NEWFOUNDLAND. Location and Importance; Discovery and Settlement; French Hostilities; Renewal of War; Change of Administration; Present Condition, 793 VI. HUDSON'S BAY TERRITORY. Extent; Discovery; Settlement; Contests with France; Present State, 797 RUSSIAN AMERICA, 800 MEXICO. Discovery; Condition, anterior to the Spanish Conquest; Invasion by Cortez; Arrival of Cortez in the Mexican Capital; Abdication of Montezuma;

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