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Dem. 1829–1837 John C. Calhoun Martin Van Buren 8 Martin Van Buren N.Y. Dem. 1837–1841 Richard M. Johnson 9 Wm. H. Harrison Ohio Whig 1841–1841 John Tyler 10 John Tyler[20] Va. Whig 1841–1845 11 James K. Polk Tenn. Dem. 1845–1849 George M. Dallas 12 Zachary Taylor La. Whig 1849–1850 Millard Fillmore 13 Millard Fillmore[20] N.Y. Whig 1850–1853 14 Franklin Pierce N.H. Dem. 1853–1857 William R. King 15 James Buchanan Pa. Dem. 1857–1861 J.C. Breckinridge 16 Abraham Lincoln Ill. Rep. 1861–1865 Hannibal Hamlin Andrew Johnson 17 Andrew Johnson[20] Tenn. Rep. 1865–1869 18 Ulysses S. Grant Ill. Rep. 1869–1877 Schuyler Colfax Henry Wilson 19 Rutherford B. Hayes Ohio Rep. 1877–1881 Wm. A. Wheeler 20 James A. Garfield Ohio Rep. 1881–1881 Chester A. Arthur 21 Chester A. Arthur[20] N.Y. Rep. 1881–1885 22 Grover Cleveland N.Y. Dem. 1885–1889 Thomas A. Hendricks 23 Benjamin Harrison Ind. Rep. 1889–1893 Levi P. Morton 24 Grover Cleveland N.Y. Dem. 1893–1897 Adlai E. Stevenson 25 William McKinley Ohio Rep. 1897–1901 Garrett A. Hobart Theodore Roosevelt 26 Theodore Roosevelt[20] N.Y. Rep. 1901–1909 Chas. W. Fairbanks 27 William H. Taft Ohio Rep. 1909–1913 James S. Sherman 28 Woodrow Wilson N.J. Dem. 1913–1921 Thomas R. Marshall 29 Warren G. Harding Ohio Rep. 1921- Calvin Coolidge


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AREA 1920 1910
United States with outlying possessions 117,857,509 101,146,530
Continental United States 105,708,771 91,972,266
Outlying Possessions 12,148,738 9,174 264
Alaska American Samoa Guam Hawaii Panama Canal Zone Porto Rico Military and naval, etc., service abroad Philippine Islands Virgin Islands of the United States 54,899 8,056 13,275 255,912 22,858 1,299,809 117,238 10,350,640[22] 26,051[24] 64,356 7,251[21] 11,806 191,909 62,810[21] 1,118,012 55,608 7,635,426[23] 27,086[25]


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