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Foundation's GNU General Public License. R can be considered as a different implementation of S. There are some important differences, but much code written for S runs unaltered under R. See http://www.r-project.org/ and Ihaka and Gentleman (1996).

      In addition, for those who like paper a very useful book of statistical tables is Lindley and Scott (1995).

      During the preparation of this book, two eminent forensic scientists, Barry Gaudette and Mike Grieve, died. Both did much to inspire our work in evidence evaluation, for which we will always be grateful.

      Last, but by no means least, we thank our families for their support and encouragement.

      C.G.G. Aitken and F. Taroni

      Edinburgh and Lausanne


      1 1 Added in 2020: these websites no longer exist. S‐Plus is owned by TIBCO (https://www.tibco.com/).

       1Uncertainty in Forensic Science

      There is a well‐known principle in forensic science known as Locard's principle, which states that every contact leaves a trace (Locard 1920).


] tantôt le malfaiteur a laissé sur les lieux les marques de son passage, tantôt, par une action inverse, il a emporté sur son corps ou sur ses vêtements, les indices de son séjour ou de son geste. (p. 139)


] either the wrong‐doer has left signs at the scene of the crime, or, on the other hand, has taken away with him – on his person (body) or clothes – indications of where he has been or what he has done. (p. 93)

      The principle was reiterated using different words in Locard (1929). This has been translated by the same author in 1930. Locard (1930) wrote

       For the microscopic debris that covers our clothes and bodies are the mute witnesses, sure and faithful, of all our movements and of all our encounters. (p. 276)

      However, for evaluation, it is not only similarity that is important but also the rarity of the characteristics of interest. Hence, quantitative issues relating to the distribution of these characteristics will be discussed. However, there will also be discussion of qualitative issues such as the choice of a suitable population against which variability in the measurements of the characteristics of interest may be compared. Also, a brief history of statistical aspects of the evaluation of evidence is given in Chapter 3 .

      For example, in a case involving a broken window, similarities may be found between the refractive indices of fragments of glass found on the clothing of a PoI and the refractive indices of fragments of glass from the broken window. The assessment of this evidence, in consideration of the association or otherwise of the PoI with the scene of the crime, is part of the focus of this book.

      For those interested in the issues of statistics and the law beyond those of forensic science, in the sense used in this book, there are several books available and some of these are discussed briefly.

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