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the world a better place. For them, everything happens for a reason and this spiritual perspective, combined with an uncanny sense of the motivations of others, gives them a talent for seeing life as an exciting ride, with possibilities for great highs and lows, and to learn and grow from both success and failure. They have dramatic flair and others often see them as invincible, with hero-like qualities. Their Achilles’ heel is their desire for recognition or credit, and occasional reluctance to share the limelight.

      Born campaigners, those born on this day have great empathy for those who are disadvantaged and often find themselves speaking on behalf of others, fighting for human rights or raising awareness of a cause. Whatever career they choose, be it the law, social reform, the military, the police, art, theater, architecture, management, civil rights, healthcare, science or online influencer—they are likely to stand out as decisive innovators. Health-wise, they have a pleasure-seeking tendency that can lead to excess, so it is important for them to follow a healthy diet and exercise plan. Moderation in all things is key. They can also benefit from wearing, meditating on and surrounding themselves with shades of blue and green, to stay balanced. For self-care, make a point today of saying “thank you” or praising someone out loud for doing a good job.

      These people have a passionate nature. Initially drawn to those who speak to their ego rather than their heart, they do possess a vulnerable side and start to live in an increasingly heart-centered way and to seek out people who speak to their hearts from their mid-thirties onward. This shift toward their inner life and greater sensitivity toward others is an extremely positive thing because, once they find a vocation they believe in and understand that in the drama of their lives other people have parts to play too, their destiny is to become an important and much-needed voice for the good of the people.

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      Tarot card, lucky numbers, days, colors: The Devil, 6, 7, Saturday, Friday, black, blue

      Born today: Molière (playwright); Martin Luther King (activist); Charo (actor)

      Potential: Idealistic, inspirational

      Dark side: Self-indulgent, obsessive


       16 JANUARY

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       The Birthday of Satisfaction

       “I get things done”

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      The life lesson: is to manage anxiety about what others think and what will happen to you in the future.

      The way forward: is to focus on validation from within and what is good about your life right now.

      Luck maker: Fake a smile when you don’t feel like smiling to trick your mind into positivity.

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      People born on January 16 are a delightful mix of empathy and intellectual insight, the mystical and the material, the creative and the logical. They have great organizational skills and it gives them enormous satisfaction to see a job well done. They prefer doing to talking and structure to uncertainty because they believe rules improve their chances of getting things done, but they can become restless if life gets too routine. Although satisfactory completion of tasks is their goal, it is important for them not to become overly negative about themselves or others when results are not as good as expected.

      Born managers, these people make excellent organizers, consultants, managers, coaches, advisors, troubleshooters and accountants. Publishing, politics, social reform, charity work, police and the law appeal, as do the caring professions or dealing with people in sales, teaching and personal relations. Music and art offer outlets for emotional expression. For self-care, get up as early as you can at the same time each day, even on weekends, and make your bed mindfully. If you need more sleep, go to bed earlier.

      Even though they are often highly valued and admired, those born on this day can become over-anxious about where their lives are heading or prone to the belief that they can never live up to their own or other people’s expectations. They need to understand that the satisfaction they crave comes not only from their achievements but also from within and from having fulfilling relationships. They prefer to show their love for others by doing things or helping out rather than articulating their feelings. Typically, around the age of 35, though often sooner, they reach a breakthrough point that emphasizes the importance of being more in touch with their emotions and the present moment, which serves them well for the rest of their lives. Once they are able to view mistakes not as failures but as opportunities to learn and grow, they have the potential for an extraordinary life. Their destiny is to communicate to others the importance of doing things the right way and seeing things through, leaving the world not just better organized but a happier place.

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      Tarot card, lucky numbers, days, colors: The Tower, 7, 8, Saturday, Monday, brown, blue

      Born today: Kate Moss (model); Thaddaeus Ropac (gallerist); FKA Twigs (musician)

      Potential: Responsible, insightful

      Dark side: Anxious, demanding


       17 JANUARY

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       The Birthday of the Leader

       “I lead and I inspire”

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      The life lesson: is knowing the difference between what can be changed and what cannot.

      The way forward: is understanding that although some things can’t be changed, what can be changed is how you react – with a positive attitude and willingness to learn from every experience, you need never feel helpless again.

      Luck maker: Success attracts success. Mix with upbeat and positive people and release toxic people from your life.

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      January 17-born love to take the lead, not necessarily because they are egotistical but because, having assessed the situation, it is clear to them that they really are the best person for the job. Despite being respectful of tradition, they can also hold progressive ideas about social reform. They like to help others. A defining characteristic is their tough-minded, self-controlled (sometimes irritable) approach and their belief that the only person upon whom they can really rely is themselves. They know the meaning of the word “struggle,” and are a model of inspirational self-made success.

      Born disciplinarians, these people are drawn to careers where self-control matters, such as in sport or the military, the law, the police or the clergy. They are superb at managing and inspiring teams, so careers in the civil service,

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