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      Dark side: Insensitive, negative


       11 JANUARY

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       The Birthday of the Expert Assessor

       “I fight injustice and right wrongs”

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      The life lesson: is feeling powerless to change things.

      The way forward: is to understand that you can only change the things you can and, when you can’t, you must learn to let go.

      Luck maker: Sometimes you need to give others the benefit of the doubt.

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      January 11-born are insightful and intelligent. They have a natural talent for assessing every situation and person they encounter. They see right to the heart of people and situations, judging them according to their own very high standards. When their formidable powers of evaluation are combined with their discernment and insight, they become outstanding decision makers. Underlying their talent for assessment is a strong sense of justice. They feel compelled to do the right thing in life and to pass judgment, but sometimes this can lean toward critical and controlling behavior and the belief that their word really is the law.

      Born helpers, they are drawn to careers where they can use their sharp mind to fight injustice and assist others. Education, journalism, vlogging, campaigning, lobbying, business, counseling, psychology, social work, politics, the law, the police, the military or even the clergy can appeal, as can therapy, music and the arts. These people need to avoid compassion overload by caring for others or fighting for their rights at the expense of their own physical and emotional needs. Self-care is a priority. Surrounding themselves with the color silver can bring inner peace. For self-care, every time a voice in your head tells you that you are not doing enough or not doing things correctly, listen to a really upbeat song and hum along or dance to it.

      Learning to pronounce their opinions less forcibly and understanding that everybody has a right to a viewpoint empowers both the personal and professional life of those born on this day. They are loyal companions, but it can take an age for them to trust someone enough to really open up to them. Around the age of 40, often sooner, their emotional sensitivity grows stronger and they start to develop a more powerful inner life and greater self-confidence. They have high standards for others but also for themselves, and, because they have the courage and determination to live up to these standards, others will seek them out for advice when they learn to be a little less inflexible. Their destiny is not only to fight injustice but also to help others beat the odds and turn their dreams into reality.

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      Tarot card, lucky numbers, days, colors: Justice, 2, 3, Saturday, Monday, black, white

      Born today: Alexander Hamilton (statesman); William James (psychologist); Mary J. Blige (singer)

      Potential: Fair, compassionate

      Dark side: Controlling, perfectionist


       12 JANUARY

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       The Birthday of Single-mindedness

       “The work I do makes a difference, it is my calling”

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      The life lesson: is to stop feeling you need to prove yourself to others.

      The way forward: is to place more emphasis on who you are than on what you do.

      Luck maker: Spend more time listening and networking.

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      January 12-born are utterly unique in that they somehow manage to be both confident and elusive, occasionally at the same time. Either way, they don’t do anything half-heartedly. Once they have settled on a goal, they pursue it with single-minded dedication. Whatever their calling in life, whether it be raising a family, running a newspaper or campaigning for a cause, it becomes their single purpose. They are forever on the lookout for opportunities that can help them achieve their goals, and their sharp wit and uncanny good fortune often mark them out as success stories.

      Work is everything and they run the risk of losing themselves to it, so choosing their career wisely is a big deal. Born winners, those born on this day are likely to succeed in any career, but their biggest struggle is choosing what career to pursue. Independent-minded, they can work in teams, often excelling in business, entrepreneurship, sales, marketing, politics, sports, journalism, negotiation, the media and all forms of art. January 12-born have high energy levels, but their intense focus can mean they neglect the most important thing in their life: their health. Self-care and regular exercise are essential, and they would also benefit from meditation to encourage self-awareness. For self-care, every morning when you wake up, reflect for a few moments on this question: If you had one year to live, what would your priorities be?

      These people often put their emotional life on hold in pursuit of their goals in life. Sometimes they can be so driven that they lose touch not only with loved ones but also with themselves. They are quirky, attention-seeking and critical of others, and being ignored plunges them into a low mood. Carving out a personal life separate from work helps them get their sense of self-worth from within rather than externally. Typically, from around the age of 39 (though hopefully sooner), they place more emphasis on reflecting on what truly matters and inner growth, and this is the key to their happiness. Once they know how to balance their work and their personal life, their destiny is to dedicate themselves to a worthy cause or purpose.

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      Tarot card, lucky numbers, days, colors: The Hanged Man, 3, 4, Saturday, Thursday, black, purple

      Born today: Jack London (author); Jeff Bezos (entrepreneur); Christiane Amanpour (journalist)

      Potential: Dedicated, inspirational

      Dark side: Workaholic, attention-seeking


       13 JANUARY

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       The Birthday of Progression

       “I can and will reach my potential”

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