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there is nothing to hold back people born on this day. Their destiny is to shine—and shine they will, in the process inspiring others to shine alongside them.

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      Tarot card, lucky numbers, day, colors: Strength, 8, 9, Saturday, black, red

      Born today: Elvis Presley and Shirley Bassey (singers); Stephen Hawking (physicist); Jack Andraka (inventor)

      Potential: Brave, commanding

      Dark side: Arrogant, impatient


       9 JANUARY

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       The Birthday of the Striver

       “I can break through barriers”

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      The life lesson: is not to use other people as stepping stones to success.

      The way forward: is always to treat others with honesty and respect.

      Luck maker: Have as few enemies as possible.

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      January 9-born tend to be fast-acting, thinking and feeling. Bursting with energy, ambitious and dedicated, they want to rise to the top and will do whatever it takes to get there, even if that means occasionally bending the rules. They demand only the best for themselves and others, and detest mediocrity. They place great value on initiative and their personal freedom, and often prefer to work or forge ahead alone rather than in a group. These people are not afraid of challenge and can bounce back from any setback, but they have a tendency to be ruthless and prone to outbursts of anger, making enemies as they go.

      Born experimenters, they need careers that offer them variety, progress, freedom, independence and excitement. There may be quite a few career changes along the way. Marketing, advertising, politics, gaming, the media, computer programming, engineering, real estate, travel guide, journalism or any job that offers them plenty of variety, travel and challenge appeals to them. So focused are January 9 people on striving that they rarely take time to savor their achievements or even the present moment; they find it particularly hard to relax or switch off. It is of great importance for them to find time to properly unwind and take themselves less seriously. For self-care, spend 5 to 10 minutes a day sitting quietly with your phone on silent and doing nothing in particular but simply observing the present moment. If your thoughts wander to the past or future, or to your to-do list, gently bring them back to the joyful power of now.

      These people are passionate lovers and believe in the idea of having a soul mate. Family is everything to them and they will place the material and financial needs of their loved ones above everything else. Sometimes, though, they neglect to give enough of themselves emotionally. Typically, from their mid-forties onward—sometimes sooner—their sensitivity toward others and their inner life become more prominent. If they can learn to strive as hard to maintain inner balance as they strive to attain success, there is nothing to stop them enjoying the liberating benefits of a purposeful professional life and happy personal life. Their destiny is to show others that going the extra mile and always doing your best really can make a difference and help make the world a better place.

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      Tarot card, lucky numbers, days, colors: The Hermit, 1, 9, Saturday, Tuesday, gray, red

      Born today: Kate Middleton (royal family member); Richard Nixon (US president); Simone de Beauvoir (philosopher)

      Potential: Ambitious, dedicated

      Dark side: Ruthless, devious


       10 JANUARY

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       The Birthday of the Realist

       “I know the best way forward”

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      The life lesson: is to take the feelings of others into consideration.

      The way forward: is to understand that the truth can be presented in both a realistic and a positive way.

      Luck maker: The more you make others feel good about themselves, the better they feel about you.

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      People born on January 10 are a force of nature. Individualistic and curious, they tend to speak their mind without subtlety or compromise, and although this can be shocking at times, they are highly valued for their honesty and for their realistic assessments of things. During times of uncertainty people seek them out for their wisdom, which never fails to surprise them. They are also never afraid to support unpopular viewpoints and to champion the underdog. On the downside, their inability to dress up the truth can upset people around them, stopping them advancing as fast in life as more diplomatic peers.

      With their ability to see clearly, adapt to change and solve puzzles, these people are born troubleshooters in any career they choose to dedicate their considerable talents to. Bold business ideas are more likely to appeal to them than specialist ideas, and financial return is important. Computer programming, engineering, medicine, accountancy, banking, finance, the law, advertising and management all appeal. Their unconventional flair and willingness to take risks may lead them into entertainment, sport entrepreneurship or even to the unknown—these people are highly likely to volunteer for space travel. They need exciting outlets for both their mental and physical energy. For self-care, before you talk to, write, text or email someone today, pause for a few moments to consider the impact of your words on the person you are addressing.

      In relationships these people can be jealous and controlling, but there is softness beneath their closed-book persona. Likewise, they can appear grumpy and lacking in empathy, but they are not negative or unhappy, just truth-tellers. It isn’t until they hit their forties and beyond that they become more empathetic toward those less able to cope with change and the ups and downs of life. Once they begin to understand that not everyone is as clear-sighted as they are, and that a gentler approach can help them achieve their objectives more effectively, people born on this day can earn the loyalty of others and make a lasting impact on the world. Their destiny is to bring both themselves and others closer to the truth, with their revealing assessment of people and situations.

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      Tarot card, lucky numbers, days, colors: Wheel of Fortune, 1, 2, Saturday, Sunday, brown, orange

      Born today: Rod Stewart (singer); George Foreman (boxer); Pat Benatar (singer)


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