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as opportunities to learn and grow.

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      The motivated and dedicated but also intuitive and highly observant people born on January 2 have a remarkable ability to tune into their surroundings and the feelings of others. Their sensitivity can work against them, making them feel isolated and different rather than unique and natural. But once they can learn to value their intuition, January 2 people can unlock incredible creativity in themselves and others.

      Those born on January 2 are natural artists, teachers and healers, but can also thrive in public relations, management, personal development, life-coaching, counseling, photography, art, writing, social media and any career that offers them an opportunity to observe themselves, others or the world in a creative way. Although they are by nature serious and reserved, when their self-confidence is high their intuition works at its best and is the force that helps them excel in any chosen career. Self-critical perfectionists, they can sometimes be their own worst critic and enemy. January 2-born need to ensure they take regular time out to unwind and relax with their loved ones, friends or pets. Carrying a small rose-quartz crystal around with them helps them to attract the energy of self-love. For self-care, every morning on waking immediately think of three things in your life to be grateful for.

      The potential for rising to the top of their chosen field is there, but if self-belief is lacking, they will waste their talents with self-doubt and not maximize this potential. The same applies to their relationships. Their giving nature can be taken advantage of. Sometimes, their acute sensitivity makes them unpredictable and moody and it is hard for them to know which feelings belong to them and which belong to others. There is a powerful shift toward setting boundaries and personal growth before the age of 50, and after that they really come into their own. Once they love themselves enough, and realize that thinking is not the same as doing, their destiny is to confidently express their uniqueness and, by so doing, encourage others to do the same.

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      Tarot card, lucky numbers, days, colors: The High Priestess, 2, 3, Saturday, Monday, blue, silver

      Born today: Isaac Asimov (sci-fi writer); Daisaku Ikeda (Buddhist leader); Christy Turlington (model)

      Potential: Intuitive, dedicated

      Dark side: Indecisive, moody


       3 JANUARY

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       The Birthday of Determination

       “The darkness comes before the dawn; I will shine through”

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      The life lesson: is to avoid obsessiveness and narrow-mindedness.

      The way forward: is to experiment with different approaches and understand that failure can sometimes teach you more than success.

      Luck maker: The only person to compare yourself with is the person you were yesterday.

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      Failure is never an option for the appealing and extremely determined people born on January 3. They are at their most inventive when challenged and, even if it looks like they have failed, they will learn and grow from it and stage a comeback. Their admirable persistence means that they can overcome incredible odds. Sometimes, however, their stubbornness can make them appear intolerant. January 3 people can impose unbearable standards, not just on themselves but also on others, and when pushed into a corner they can resort to using their charm to help them get what they want in a manipulative way.

      Born innovators, idealists and self-starters, they can achieve outstanding success in self-employment and business, but they can also excel in charity, the law, prison, the police, charity and humanitarian work, as well as politics, education, environmentalism, digital technology, and as creatives, authors, artists, filmmakers and social-media influencers. Prone to personal vanity, any concerns about appearance should ideally be managed not by cosmetic shortcuts but by a healthy diet and lifestyle, and a youthful and optimistic approach to life. They need to constantly remind themselves that appearance matters but inner beauty matters more. For self-care, close your eyes and tune into your intuition for a few minutes each day. Reflecting quietly on what your body, mind and, most importantly, your heart are trying to tell you can help you make better decisions.

      In relationships January 3-born easily attract admirers and are loyal and trusted companions, but their tendency to constantly seek attention can become draining for the people in their life. However, when they let go of the need to control and allow others to breathe around them, their relationships can be deeply comforting and fulfilling. Around the age of 40 they typically discover that connecting with their intuition rather than seeking identity and attention from others, causes or projects is the path to true fulfillment, and their life transforms. Once they have mastered this “inside-out” approach to life, their destiny is to share their powerful creativity and make the impossible seem possible.

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      Tarot card, lucky numbers, days, colors: The Empress, 3, 4, Saturday, Thursday, purple, gray

      Born today: J. R. R. Tolkien (fantasy author); Sergio Leone (film director); Greta Thunberg (climate-change activist)

      Potential: Charming, inventive

      Dark side: Vain, stubborn


       4 JANUARY

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       The Birthday of the Eclectic

       “I am here to learn”

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      The life lesson: is that you don’t feel understood.

      The way forward: is to put yourself in the other person’s shoes, and see their perspective before explaining your own.

      Luck maker: Listen as much as you speak.

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      January 4-born are drawn to the eclectic. They gather, sort and then select only the best, and use this sorting approach to solve problems in all aspects of their lives. Their impressive list of contacts and numerous projects all on the go reflect their unlimited powers of imagination. This erratic approach may seem chaotic, but there is always method in their madness. By learning all that can be learned from a variety of sources, they often emerge triumphant with an encyclopedic knowledge of life that can help them solve almost any complication or cope with any challenge they encounter.

      They need careers that give them variety, but also

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