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      The life lesson: is not feeling frustrated when others don’t live up to expectations.

      The way forward: is to accept others for who they are right now and not for who they could be.

      Luck maker: Focus on what you can change about yourself, not what you can change about others.

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      People born on January 13 rarely pause. Self-improvement, often combined with social or global improvement, is their focus. They are always moving forward, whatever their circumstances. Their ability to adapt to change and overcome obstacles, making even the most difficult tasks seem easy, and keep their cool when all around are losing theirs, gives them a natural charisma. When setbacks occur, they pick themselves up, learn from mistakes and do all it takes to reach their goals—and reach them they will.

      People born on this day particularly enjoy initiating new projects and ideas, and they work steadily and in a disciplined way until they have attained what they desire. Born advisors, their calm intelligence suits them to many careers, but they can excel in acting, education, medicine, the military, emergency services, personal relations, counseling, personal transformation, life-coaching, writing and social and humanitarian reform. Instinctively understanding that a healthy body is a healthy mind, these people prioritize self-care. There is a danger of becoming too obsessive about their health. Moderation is important. Spending more time in nature will help keep them balanced and grounded. For self-care, every evening set aside a minimum of ten minutes to read a good book, preferably hard copy rather than digital.

      These charming people attract admirers, but they want to admire their loved ones in return and this can put intense pressure on their close relationships. They progress faster if they can understand that not everyone has the same drive or need for achievement as they have, and that sometimes the price for always giving 100 percent means they have to stand alone. Of course, they feel disappointment and disillusion at times but, typically after the age of 38 and more often than not sooner, they understand that feelings can help them learn and grow as much as thoughts and logic can. Their destiny is to inspire others to move out of their comfort zone, help resolve disagreements and, in the process, make the world a more harmonious place.

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      Tarot card, lucky numbers, days, colors: Death, 4, 5, Saturday, Sunday, black, green

      Born today: George Gurdjieff (philosopher); Ruth Wilson, Patrick Dempsey, Liam Hemsworth and Orlando Bloom (actors); Shonda Rhimes (producer)

      Potential: Charismatic, high-achieving

      Dark side: Bossy, unemotional


       14 JANUARY

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       The Birthday of Conviction

       “I see how the dots connect to create the bigger picture”

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      The life lesson: is to establish real emotional connection with others.

      The way forward: is to apply the same level of commitment to your relationships as you do to your work.

      Luck maker: Make sure there is a balance between giving and taking in your relationships.

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      January 14-born are a unique combination of discipline and instinct. They can take in vast amounts of information, weigh it all up, see the vision connecting everything and then work steadily toward their end goals. They are inquisitive and shrewd judges of people and situations. Their panoramic view and strong sense of right and wrong, which they present with absolute conviction, makes them sought-after peacemakers. Once settled on a course of action, they rarely lose sight of the end goal. Even if that means they alone must stubbornly see things through to completion.

      Born observers, these people are drawn to work that utilizes their powers of moderation and curiosity or observation. Writing, design, art, photography, social media, broadcast media, publicity, advertising, business, banking and law appeal, but they are determined enough to excel in any career. Despite having a common-sense approach to health, they are often guilty of living on the edge or driving themselves too hard. Prone to stress and insomnia, calming and gentle exercise such as yoga is recommended rather than extreme or high-intensity workouts. Soothing chamomile or warm herbal tea before bedtime help them sleep better. For self-care, place your hand over your heart. Breathe deeply, feel your heart beating and hear what it is saying to you. Give your feelings as much consideration as your thoughts.

      Personal life often takes second place to work, but this can be for fear of getting hurt. Behind the strong image lies a person who often feels misunderstood; these feelings are heightened if they haven’t found a direction in life to which to devote their considerable energies or a person who loves them for who they are rather than what they do. Those born on this day become more emotionally confident and more attuned to the importance of details in their mid- to late thirties and beyond. Once they understand it is not wealth or status they crave, but emotional connection and the ability to make positive change, they can leave their insecurities behind and find their true destiny, which is to introduce positive reform or new ways of doing or looking at things.

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      Tarot card, lucky numbers, days, colors: Temperance, 5, 6, Saturday, Wednesday, black, green

      Born today: Albert Schweitzer (philosopher); Cecil Beaton (photographer); Emily Watson (actor)

      Potential: Principled, convincing

      Dark side: Obsessive, insecure


       15 JANUARY

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       The Birthday of the Protagonist

       “I am a voice and a force for good”

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      The life lesson: is to learn to cope when there is no recognition or praise.

      The way forward: is to do things because you believe in them rather than for show.

      Luck maker: Share your success when you can and allow others to take the recognition.

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      People born on January 15 can be idealistic, instinctive and ambitious, with a strong desire to lead, innovate and inspire. They passionately want to live

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