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sunbathing as much as those of other signs. They can suffer from circulation problems and should ensure they get plenty of circulation-boosting exercise, a minimum of 30 minutes a day. Cross-training or creative forms of exercise, such as dancing, will appeal to them more than repetitive exercise. Jogging or brisk walking is highly beneficial, but they should avoid the dullness of the treadmill and head outside to get the energy-boosting benefits of fresh air. Regular stretching before and after exercise is important because Aquarian ankles are vulnerable to injury and they should also make sure they wear supportive footwear.

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      Aquarians are highly likely to enjoy unusual or eccentric hobbies, from train- and UFO-spotting, to astronomy, to science fiction conventions. They can enjoy team sports, socializing and campaigning for causes they believe in. Mind–body therapies, such as yoga and tai chi, physical therapies such as massage, and even simply thumping a punch bag, can help them unwind when the going gets tough. Although blue is their favored color, wearing, meditating on and surrounding themselves with the color red will encourage them to feel less detached and more passionate toward themselves and others.

      Born between January 20 and 31

      All Aquarians love surprises, but those born between these dates positively thrive on them. They can have stable home or work situations and can be loyal and self-disciplined, but every now and again expect them to shake things up and make everybody rethink their assumptions.

      Born between February 1 and 10

      Aquarians born between these dates find it tough to maintain relationships with people who are not willing to experiment and evolve in the same way that they do. These people just love to constantly reinvent as a way to motivate themselves and others to change for the better.

      Born between February 11 and 18

      Aquarians born between these dates are sensitive deep down, but they can appear dreamy, aloof and detached at times. They prefer to mix with people who are as original and as visionary in their approach to life as they are. Unconventional and innovative people, their lives will involve many twists and turns.

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      Life lessons

      Aquarius is perhaps the most forward-thinking and future-orientated sign of the zodiac. Progressive and unconventional, Aquarians are likely to challenge traditional thinking at every opportunity, and have the ability to initiate positive change in the world and ease the suffering of the underprivileged. They need to ensure that their passion for progress does not develop into fanaticism. Although they come across as confident and sociable, emotional intimacy frightens them as they fear it will limit their individuality. Their natural ability to detach can come across as cold, but it often masks lack of self-belief. They try to find a sense of identity in being different, though this approach can only work if eccentricity is an expression of their true identity, rather than a false self they have taken on. They need to understand what it is within them that drives them to always be the square peg in a round hole. Only when they know that, can they establish a genuine identity for themselves. They also need to understand that oneness or agreement does not always diminish their position, it can enhance it.

      Aquarians are ahead of their time and always looking to the future for another challenge. This makes them true visionaries, but it also makes them restless, with a tendency to push too hard to make things happen. They often don’t know how to relax, let go and savor the present moment, and so they miss out on the inner peace that living mindfully in the now can give them.

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      Aquarians can truly inspire other Aquarians to visionary heights, but they can also help them understand how they can impact others in a positive or negative way. The other signs of the zodiac can also teach Aquarians valuable life lessons. Geminis and Leos mirror their love for adventure, with Geminis encouraging them to be more analytical and Leos inspiring them to have more fun. Taureans and Capricorns can teach them to value the importance of rules and traditions. Virgos can teach them self-discipline, Librans the value of agreeing to disagree, Cancerians and Pisceans the joys of empathy and heartfelt compassion. Sagittarians can help them focus their original ideas, while Scorpios can teach them not to fear getting to know themselves and others intimately. Arians can show them how energizing time alone can be, as well as the importance of separating rebellion for its own sake from rebellion for a just cause.

      Chinese astrology counterpart: The Tiger

      Tigers are the courageous adventurers and bold unpredictable animals of the Chinese zodiac. They absolutely love to be challenged and to take risks, so it is easy to see why they correspond with the rebellious instinct of their counterpart, Aquarius. They are extremely friendly and often charismatic, but never ever forget they also have very sharp jaws and claws. They can be irritable, opiniated, arrogant, detached and uncompromising.

      Being part of a team or group is something they enjoy, but they are loners at heart, who prefer to hunt alone. They must also feel free to express their originality at all times. Blending in with the crowd is something they rarely, if ever, do. Emotional intimacy is an issue for them and it takes them a long time to really trust someone with their heart. Born leaders who are addicted to constant change and transformation, these people are often progressive innovators searching for new ways to do things. They find contentment only when they are forging their own path and making progress doing things their way, however weird or eccentric that way may be.

      Note: Aquarians have an affinity with Tiger-sign characteristics, but be sure to check which Chinese sign corresponds to your year of birth, and to read about the characteristics associated with it, too.


       20 JANUARY

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       The Birthday of the Ad-libber

       “I adapt and grow stronger”

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      The life lesson: is overcoming lack of self-belief.

      The way forward: is to stop the comparison game and remind yourself that you are utterly unique and irreplaceable.

      Luck maker: Believe you deserve the best, as positivity about yourself will help attract good things.

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      January 20 people are expressive and charming improvisers. They may not always be sure where they are going, but they also have no doubt that they will get somewhere. They have a remarkable ability to learn, adapt and constantly improve their skills, and these qualities help them climb the ladder of success, sometimes to the very top. Although they can occasionally appear superficial and flaky—and their flexibility occasionally runs the risk of tipping over into dishonesty and lack of self-discipline —there is always method to their madness. Their flexible and fun but responsible style ensures that they can overcome almost any setback with their sparkling sense of humor intact.

      Born healers, those born on this day genuinely care about the wellbeing of others, especially those

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