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sooner had I hit the loos than a reporter, who said she worked for the News of the World, approached me and said, ‘Do you know that’s James Beattie?’

       I looked blank at her, thinking, James who? ‘He plays for England’, she continued, ‘and he has a girlfriend.’

       I didn’t really care, I was having fun and was very pissed by this stage. I just shrugged, slapped my lippy on and headed back for another glass of champagne.

       When I got back to the table, James was waiting for me with a bottle of champagne. We drank it like it was water. I remember at one point we were drinking from the bottle.

       Not long after we had finished off the bottle of champagne, we decided to make a dash and disappear from the party. I remember someone was shouting at him, I think it was either an agent or some PR person. Whoever they were, they were obviously pissed at him. They were telling him not to leave, but he didn’t care.

       We had to leave through the back doors so as not to be seen. He held on to my hand as we made our way very drunkenly down lots of stairs – I had to stop I was knackered. He then picked me up and was kissing me. His hands were all over my body and, to be honest, I remember it was a struggle to keep his hands off me. It was then I started to think he wasn’t really all that nice and was a bit pushy, but I wanted to leave the party. My friend had already left and I didn’t want to go back into the party on my own.

       We grabbed a cab outside with a few of his mates. As the cab set off, he put his head out of the window and started shouting out at passers-by – I remember thinking what a dickhead.

       We got out at the Funky Buddha. He jumped to the front of the queue and they refused his entry, so we had to wait for about 15 minutes before we got in and they made him pay. He kicked off again about having to pay – it was only a tenner, and it was really embarrassing.

       Once I was in the club, I bumped into Callum Best and ended up snogging Callum – he was much, much better than James. After going from one to the other, I told James I wanted to leave. I think he thought ‘go back together’, but there was no way I was going to go back to my hotel with him. I’ve never been easy and wasn’t going to start, especially with someone I wasn’t that keen on. Besides I wasn’t going to be another notch on a footballer’s bedpost, particularly after sampling his kisses I didn’t think I would be missing a great deal!

       I’ve not seen him since, but I did hear that him and his girlfriend split up, guess she found out what he was really like – lucky escape I say!



      Name: Dannii Harwood

      Model/Dance Name: Dannii

      Star Sign: Gemini

      Age: 22

      Vital Stats: 34D–26–36

      Lives: Epsom

      Fave Food: Mushy peas

      Fave Drink: Stella Artois

       Where do you work?

      I am a professional glamour model and have been modelling since early 2004. While my preferred work is glamour photo shoots and live appearances at events, such as Max Power, it is necessary to take on other work such as promotional and hospitality work, as well as drama and dance tuition, in order to pay the bills. To date my work has taken me to Italy, Spain and the Netherlands, but the majority is UK based, predominantly in the South East.

       How did you get into modelling?

      I was trained at Laine Theatre Arts School and I am a professional dancer and qualified teacher. I also studied musical theatre. This formed the major part of my career prior to taking up modelling on a full-time basis earlier in 2004.

      It started when a friend recommended me for my first modelling assignment. She had many years’ experience and had appeared on Page 3 etc. She had started an agency of her own and I was one of her first models. I had previously done some fashion modelling on an occasional basis, but never really knew if I had what it takes to go full-time. She convinced me that I could make it in the glamour industry, even though, at the time, topless was not an option.

      My first big break was as the new face of Golden Tee Golf, including a poster campaign and a live appearance at the British Masters, where I met with the Ryder Cup golfers. One of the golfers even asked me out on a date.

      My face started to appear in pubs all over the country, and it was a great feeling to be recognised as I walked into a bar.

      I have to say that first assignment felt wicked and that’s what got me hooked.

       What’s the biggest fee/tip you have ever earned?

      During a hospitality job at the Dorchester Hotel, I was offered (genuinely) £10,000 to spend one night with a top, well-known businessmen. There were many other famous names at this function, most of who were also offering similar money. One of the guys manages a football club; the other is a big noise in the city of London. Just in case you were wondering – yes, I turned the offer down!

       What highstreet publications have you been in? Have you worked with any famous people?

      My first media print job was for the Sunday People and I was interviewed by the infamous Garry Bushell. This was following the Test the Nation TV programme in which I appeared as one of the 40 models taking part. The shoot was at Canary Wharf with Martin Spaden. The booking was through one of my agents who has still not paid me. A lesson learned!

      I have since appeared in various magazines including FHM, Revs, Max Power and most recently Ice. The Ice shoot was with Jens of Popstars Ltd and took place in King’s Cross. I am also set to appear in Front and Maxim in the coming months.

       What other work have you done?

      As a professional dancer I have done various jobs, ranging from a backing dancer for a Kylie Minogue tribute band to choreographing a show at the London Palladium.

       Do you have any famous friends?

      I used to go to school with Catherine Zeta Jones, although she is a few years older. Her mum used to make my dance costumes. I also worked with and am still friends with, Lee Latchford Evans, from Steps. I was in pantomime with him for two years.

      I have made many friends since being on the model circuit and have been seen with Prince Harry, Frank Lampard and was asked out by Scott Sullivan (Jordan’s and Jodie’s ex) – I turned him down!


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