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NEC. It had been a long stint and I couldn’t wait to get into my comfy clothes. I was with my photographer, Nick, who had a hot date that night. We jumped straight into the car in my modelling gear and I decided to get changed in the car. I climbed into the back of the car, totally stripped off, top and all. Almost completely naked, apart from a bit of string! I bent down to grab my clothes and when I popped back up, to my surprise I had an audience – a coach full of footie supporters. They were all squashed up against the window, cheering me on. Now I’m not a shy girl! So, rather than squirm with embarrassment, I just waved my hands in the air, giving them a free full-on view of my boobs. Nick, who was driving the car, didn’t find it funny at all. As he realised what was going on, he squirmed with embarrassment, put his foot down and zoomed off down the motorway – spoilsport!

       What’s your scariest moment?

      I had got a job at a car show at the NEC. There was about four thousand people in attendance, most of them men. My job was to parade about on a stage half-naked, making the cars look more sexy and appealing. I don’t think I have ever been so nervous. I felt physically sick. My adrenaline was through the roof, I thought I might have a heart attack. All kind of things were going through my mind – what if I throw up on the stage or get stagefright and just stand there like a twat? I got my call and headed to the stage, still shaking. As soon as I faced my audience the nerves completely disappeared and I got the biggest buzz in my life … yeah, even a bigger buzz than mind-blowing sex!

       Have you ever turned down work and why?

      Oh, God, yes – I’m always turning work down. There are some sick perverts out there – had lots of dodgy offers for full-on legs-open nudity (Hustler magazine) … NO THANK YOU!

       Do you have a sexual fantasy?

      I would love to be laid in a Jacuzzi with five or six brunettes totally naked. The thought of it actually really turns me on. We would have lots of fun in the water, fondling each other and rubbing our soapy breasts together would be sheer heaven. Then I would like to pick one of the brunettes, who would most definitely be Jerri Bryne – she is pure lush.

       What’s your most memorable sexual encounter?

      No, I can’t tell you, it’s far too rude. I would love to tell you and you would absolutely love it, but it’s just too rude. I’m blushing just thinking about it.

       What do you think about group sex? Have you tried it?

      Yes, I think it’s fine – as long as everyone’s happy, then it’s OK. I don’t think it would work if you’re pressurised into it, or if you share a secure relationship. I s’pose a bit of porn could start the excitement off for threesomes. Personally, I’ve never done swapping round partners – I’d get too jealous. I like my man all to myself – I’m a very loyal kinda girl.

       What advice would you give to someone who wanted to get into this business?

      A model needs to have lots of things; firstly she needs to have belief in herself and the confidence to succeed. She needs independence and ambition, which also plays an important part in the success of your career and a major factor as to whether you will in fact make it in the business. I always make sure I look after myself well. It doesn’t have to be that you work out at the gym each day, just simple things like, drink lots of water and always moisturise.

       Which bloke do you fancy the most?

      I wouldn’t mind a slice of Prince William or Harry – or both!

      Tell me a secret … My life was going great, I had a boyfriend, Andrew Newton, from Hollyoaks, who I loved and, if I’m honest, still love very much. My career was just starting to kick off and, generally, everything seemed to be going in the right direction.

       I thought Andrew was my soulmate, and I didn’t want to think of life without him. I thought he felt the same. He promised me a lot of things, but six months down the line he was part of the London party scene. I was only managing part-time modelling so I was still working for a travel agent on the Bransholme Council Estate in Hull.

      I use to dread looking through the newspapers and magazines. Each week he would be splashed all over the papers with the likes of Brooke Kinsella from Eastenders, Jodie Marsh and Abbi Titmus, to name a few.

       I used to get pissed off with being made a fool of and, well, you know, a woman scorned and all that! I decided to cash in on it. As people said at the time, I sold my soul, but, believe me, £6,000 for a Kiss ‘n’ Tell is good money. I did the Kiss ’n’ Tell, which led to another Kiss ’n’ Tell and another. I didn’t care any more and neither did he.

       I think everyone knows these kinds of stories might start as a bit of revenge, but mostly they are to boost careers. But sometimes you have to live with the media exploiting the information you give to them.

       After all this, I did learn not to trust reporters, after one made me sound like an over possessive freak and really pathetic. I can honestly say I learned from Andrew’s mistakes. In this industry you have to be so careful, as people are quick to judge and they enjoy seeing people’s careers go down the pan – after all, it makes good reading. I truly believe Andrew was a blessing in my life. If it weren’t for him, I wouldn’t have as much determination to go on after all this crap. It’s a shame it ended as it did. I do miss him. I miss the good times we had together. I still think he is my soulmate, but I guess sometimes things aren’t meant to be.

       During the time I was angry with Andrew and still wanting to get revenge for the torment he put me through, I was invited to what promised to be a great party at the Brit Awards. I remember I was feeling particularly good that day. I had lots of modelling jobs on offer and, at last, things seemed to be turning around for me. I was getting a good reputation and was partying every night and enjoying life as a whole. However, this party ended up being a very interesting night indeed – and until now I have not shared exactly what happened.

       I took my friend, Sarah, along to the party. Bless her, she had never been out of Hull before, so this night was a big shock to her. I had booked us in to a hotel in Kensington. Soon after checking in we were downing the contents of the mini-bar.

       We were having such a great time at the Brit Awards and we were in high spirits when we reached the after-party, which was at the Kensington Roof Top Gardens.

       We were dancing away and getting very drunk on champagne. I moved over to the bar for another glass of champagne. I saw this guy who was blond, tanned and whom I noticed had been eyeing me up all night. He finally made his move on me at the bar and asked if I would like a drink. He seemed to be out with a group of guys, but I wasn’t taking much notice. Of course, I didn’t turn down the drink and ordered a glass of champagne. I was hoping that he would buy a bottle to share, but no, he literally just got me a glass – a bit tight I thought for someone who looked like he had a few bob!

       We chatted for ages. We had obviously clicked and soon we moved on to the dance floor. It was then he kissed me. We were dancing very close; he was touching my body and before I knew it he grabbed me hard and gave me a full-on snog, pressing his body up against mine. I let him snog me, after all he was pretty cute – not my usual type, but scored high on the cute factor.

      About 30 minutes after our initial snog, I went

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