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but, still, it was serious stuff for me!

      I also recently learned to breathe and juggle fire and I am proud to announce that I still have my eyebrows, although I did burn my bum when my partner spanked me with my fire baton while it was lit!

      I mentioned earlier about my ‘small-part acting’. Well, to date I have managed to blag my way into a few films, such as Jude Law’s Closer. I sneaked to the front of the set and managed to get a scene of me crossing the road with him! He was a bit stuck up towards me, even though I did the crossing the road scene for a good hour or so. When it rained, some bird came and held an umbrella over his lovely floppy hair, which I thought was a bit sad.

      I also worked on the new Charlie and the Chocolate Factory starring Johnny Depp. No chance of meeting him though – I had to play a nut factory worker – oh, the glamour!

      Other ‘glamorous’ jobs (apart from the time I was an intensive-care patient in Holby City) include fun things such as test driving a BMW Z4 for ITV. I had to stunt drive and was really enjoying it until the police pulled me over.

      I’ve been in Mile High, Footballers Wives and appeared in newspapers such as the Sport – I like the Sport because they pay really well for minimum work! I was on Soccer AM for a few weeks, in which I had to have a bitch fight with a man dressed as a woman. My most recent job was playing a lap dancer in Dream Team – so I guess you could say I’m a bit of an all-rounder!

       How did you get into modelling?

      At the age of 21 I was jumping from job to job and couldn’t really see any future in anything I was doing so, one day, I decided to do something about it. I needed to push my career in a direction that would keep me on my toes. I’m also a bit of an exhibitionist, so I sent copious amounts of cheesy underwear pics to many agencies and magazine competitions. I couldn’t believe it when FHM told me I had got into the second round of Bikini Heaven. For the next round I had to remake a scene from my favourite movie in just a bikini. When I think back now it was sooooo embarrassing. I wore an American-flag Wonder Woman-style bikini and had masses of big blonde hair. I’d padded my boobs out to look like a couple of footballs. I know that the video is gonna come back to haunt me, but there you have it – my friend dressed as the killer and my boyfriend dressed as a woman, filming a scene from Scary Movie. We filmed it in my house and had scary sound effects playing on the record player. It was so funny – while ‘the killer’ was chasing me, you could see this record going round and round in the background making hideous groaning noises. I never made the third round – although I received a nice email from the editor saying it was the funniest thing he had seen in ages.

      Even though I didn’t get through, it got me interested in the modelling industry and I wanted more. I entered Max Power Star Babe and made the final 10. Because of this success, it gave me some ammo to go to the agencies with. A couple of them took me under their wing on condition that I lost two inches round my waist, grew back my pencil eyebrows, toned down the bleach-blonde hair, stopped lying about my bra size and started lying about my age!

      Most of my work I negotiate independently from contacts I meet along the way, but one agent that helped me at the beginning was Sugarbabes. They sorted my first-ever portfolio pics out for me with Andy Lesauvage. I remember I was so nervous as I’d always promised my parents and myself that I’d never go topless. The nerves lasted all of about 10 minutes.

      It was funny when I first met Andy Lesauvage for my shoot. He marched straight up to my gorgeous friend, Debbie, who accompanied me there and said, ‘Hi Nikita’ and shook her hand. Well, I hadn’t been made up and my hair wasn’t done so I suppose I could forgive him that.

      My second shoot was for Ben Westwood – Vivienne Westwood’s son. Ben is as mad as a hatter, but is a great guy and takes the most unbelievable fetish pictures of me. That was my first encounter with rubber! It took me an hour to get the outfit on – I felt like a giant dildo! As well as a total twat posing in his kitchen sink. But the photos were so cool and kinda shocking at the same time. I sent them to London radio station Kiss 100’s Bam Bam Breakfast Show. They invited me down to the studio, which resulted in me doing regular stunts out and about with ‘Streetboy’, the shows main entertainer. The stunts include things such as bikini car-wash wars etc. We both stood at 8am washing windscreens in bikinis for all the London rush-hour traffic. It was so funny. Another time, ‘Streetboy’ and I moonied on the Piccadilly Circus Eros Statue. We had to run from the police who were going to arrest us for indecent exposure.

      Well, that was the early days. I still shoot with Ben Westwood, although I’m not so scared of rubber these days!

       What’s the biggest fee/tip you have ever earned?

      I worked as a Performance Bikes Grid Girl at the Superbike Championships in 2004 and was paid £100 every time I opened the umbrella for a race. It was only opened for three minutes at a time. And then closed again. I sat around for the rest of the day sunbathing till the next race. They even paid my travel home. I know it’s not extortionate but, still, that’s big bucks for me. I can’t believe I am admitting this but I once got paid £100 to smoke four ciggies for a cigarette-fetish guy. I even made him buy my cigarettes. I was desperate for the cash.

       What highstreet publications have you been in? Have you worked with any famous people?

      OK – once I did a mock-up paparazzi shoot and sold it to the Sport. The paper said I’d been sunning it up in my villa in France – when, in actual fact, I was really freezing my tits off in Loughton! I’ve also done Page 3 for them shot by Jeff Kaine. He is one top guy and I have a lot of respect for him.

      I’ve worked with Lucy Pinder and Michelle Marsh, who are really famous models at the ‘Need For Speed 2’ launch at the Ace Café. I was really nervous but they were really friendly and made me feel very comfortable. Unlike Jordan – she was less friendly when I first met her backstage at the Max Power Live 2002 show. I found this really disappointing, because I have always had a lot of respect and looked up to her.

      Garry Bushell, however, is lovely. I did my first ever newspaper interview for the Sunday People and he was really friendly and easy to chat to. I worked with Tim Lovejoy on Soccer AM, although I didn’t work on it this season, because a member of his film crew kept sending me naked pics of himself and I threatened to go to the papers – sad git. I also worked with Tim Westwood (radio one DJ and friend of Eminem) at Max London but we had a big argument and I still have not forgiven him!

      When I played a lap dancer, I danced for one of the main stars in Dream Team in the new series. I was pretty useless on the pole – I slide down it like Fireman Sam, which is not a very flattering image!

      I have worked with some well-known actors through my acting, including Jude Law, Gary Oldman, Joseph Fiennes, Heather Graham and Natalie Portman. Oh, and Tim Burton directed me in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

       What other work have you done?

      I was an obnoxious kid – moody, pale and stick-thin. I looked like a boy and never had a boyfriend. Boys used to pick on me. I wasn’t popular and was crap at sports. In fact I was a terrible truant! However, I did concentrate in lessons such as English and art – I surprisingly ended up with nine GCSE’s, five of which were A and A*. I also managed to earn myself two A levels. But after that I jumped from job to job. I hate authority and got bored easily. That’s why I love modelling so much. I do something different every time. There is no time to get bored.

      Previous ‘career’ moves have been receptionist, credit controller, telephone sales, sales team supervisor, insurance sales, insurance claim handler, recruitment consultant, asbestos removal sales etc etc. I always quite enjoyed sales. I think that’s because I love a good blag!

      I’m now a self-employed model.

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