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It’s quite an involved job and you have to speak to some really interesting people. If I weren’t modelling I would have liked to retire there. They have been very kind and supportive of my career. Who knows, when my tits sag to my knees I may go back there and work full-time!

       Do you have any famous friends?

      Not really. I do stay away from the pretentious London celeb clubbing scene. I’ve got lots of friends in and around Enfield and Herts, but none is really famous. But my dad went to school with Jazzy B from Soul to Soul; my mum used to do Super Gran’s hair and my auntie went to school with the two women off Birds Of Feather.

      Mike McClean (some dodgy TV presenter) asked me on a date though – I laughed as he is just so cheesy. Why can’t Robbie Williams ask me on a date, for goodness sake?

       What does your family think of the work you do?

      Half of them don’t know what I really do. My dad is Greek and was quite strict when I was a kid. Telling him that I was going topless for the Sport was hard, but he said, ‘Whatever makes you happy.’ My parents know deep down that I am not naïve and that I won’t do anything I feel uncomfortable with. My mum probably guessed I’d get into modelling. She is very attractive and still looks quite young. I think, if she hadn’t married young and settled down, she could have been a really good model herself.

      My nan, bless her … she loves it. She was telling the ambulance men a few months ago that her granddaughter is a model. She then got out all my photos and said, ‘Oh she definitely gets her looks from me’!

      To be honest, some members of my family are proud of me, like my fiancée, Rob, my sister, Sam, who’s 20, and my brother, John, who’s 12 – I have a lot of time for them and will look after them when I really start to reap the benefits. Those that are against my chosen career path can kiss my ass, family or not. At the end of the day, it’s my life and no one is going to stand in the way of my ambitions.

       What’s your funniest moment?

      This is funny but embarrassing … When I was about 14, I used to think I was really cool and hang out with lots of boys. One night we were all sitting on the fence outside my house in Cherry Road, Enfield. I can’t remember what I was doing, but I was showing off as usual, because there was a boy in the group I really fancied. I was showing them how toned and trim my stomach was. I asked one of them to ‘test the firmness’ of my abdominal muscles. With that he punched me hard in the stomach and I let out this almighty rip of a fart in front of all the boys. Those poor shocked boys. No one laughed. They were just stunned that something that loud could come from a girl. I ran to my house and didn’t come back out for about three weeks. I’d have left the country given the choice!

      Although my personal best funny moment was when I was going out with an ex-ex-ex-yummy. He was a half-Maltese Thai boxer with black hair and green eyes. He asked me to bring a girlfriend out one night to pair up with his mate for a blind date. I took along a right slapper who lived on my estate who would basically shag anything. I knew she would be a sure thing and I’d get to be alone with my man after all.

      I was right. We met in Taylor’s Wine Bar and after an hour of Jack Daniels and Coke she was anyone’s. She went home with this other guy, who failed to tell her he still lived with his dad. That was the end of that, or so I thought. His mate rings the next morning going berserk. Basically he’d took my easy friend home and shagged her. She went to the bathroom, still completely pissed, then she staggers back into bed.

      At 7am, this bloke’s dad gets up for work and sees this very naked blonde bird in bed with him. Bearing in mind they must have been in bed asleep TOGETHER for about six hours (I swear to you this happened), he wakes her up shouting, ‘Who the f*** are you?’ She wakes up screaming, ‘Who the f*** are you?’, thinking she’s gone home with a balding, middle-aged, hairy-backed slob in her drunken stupor.

      The guy she really did do it with has woken up by now and rushed through into the bedroom, to catch his evening’s conquest in bed with his dad. The pair of them were naked in bed repeatedly trying to convince the son that nothing happened, saying, ‘it’s not what you think!’

      I swear it happened. It was 1997 and I’m not using my friend as a disguise for myself!

       What’s your scariest moment?

      I didn’t even need to pause to remember this one. Again it was 1997 and I was smoking illegal drugs with my friends – three boys and one girl. We were in a little Renault Clio parked in Epping Forest at 1am. We were parked in a ditch with the lights off. There was a church opposite and I could see these two people with painted white faces walk to the church and stand outside. Like they were keeping watch or something. I’m such a scaredy cat, plus I was stoned and paranoid, so I said to my mates, ‘Please can we leave?’ Boys will be boys and they were acting all macho: ‘Don’t worry, there’s only two of them, we will protect you, baby’. We sat through another 15 minutes or so of me screaming like a baby that I wanted to go home. I was scared. Finally the driver of the Renault goes to me, ‘Fine! I’ll scare them off then’ and he starts flashing his lights and sounding his horn like a lunatic. Well, that was clever. We looked to our left and there were about another 60 or so of these white-faced people walking up the road, swinging on the trees and sitting on the gravestones in the church. I don’t know what they were doing there but we didn’t stick around to find out as they all charged at the Clio. We managed to wheel-spin our way out of that ditch before we were all sacrificed!

      My adrenaline is going mad now just thinking about it!

       Have you ever turned down work and why?

      I went to a casting and I got the job! It was to play strip poker on this programme on Men and Motors. I thought, Cool, I’m a dab hand at poker so the others will never get me naked. I turned up for the dress rehearsal. It was so tacky and the game was obviously fixed. I just walked out. I’m glad I did. I spoke to a mate of mine who took part and apparently it still gets repeated and can do for up to three years.

      I also turned down a shoot for a website called Chicks in Diapers … ooooh I wonder why?!

      And I turned down a part in a Gary Oldman film called Dead Fish. I was going to be a topless waitress. That wasn’t the reason why I turned it down. When I got there my dad had been booked as an extra on the same film. I was gutted as it was paying really well. But I didn’t want my dad to give up his part and I certainly wasn’t going to walk around with tassels on my tits in front of him!

       Do you have a sexual fantasy?

      I have a quiet birthday gathering, which goes well. At the end of the day there are just a few of my celeb lad mates left. This is when the fun starts. First of all Robbie Williams starts snogging me. At the same time Freddie Ljungberg then goes down on me, pushing my Janet Reger pearl-gusset French knickers aside. Charlie from Busted and Lemar sing to me, while Johnny Depp films the whole thing before they swap round. I think it’s likely that that this will stay as a fantasy – pity!

       What’s your most memorable sexual encounter?

      Mmmm, it involved my mate’s little brother; yes he was legal and a randy little bastard. It was when we met up with him in a local nightclub. He turned me on so much just looking at him. I was with someone at the time, but in the end I couldn’t resist any more. So I went up to him and whispered in his ear, ‘If I was single I’d f*** your brains out!’ I walked off calmly and he just stood there stunned. As he didn’t react immediately, I started to lose interest. I thought he was too shy for me. But a bit later in the evening, he came up behind me, grabbed my hand and dragged me to a dark corner.

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