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What does your family think of the work you do?

      Although they would not stop me from pursuing my chosen career, they have made it clear that they would have preferred me to continue my dancing work.

      One issue that is a difficult discussion point is whether I will do topless work. At present I have not, but as the offers roll in it is something that I am considering. However, I am very aware of my family’s feelings and this is making my decision even more difficult.

      I have always wanted to do something that would make my mum proud and not be ashamed to show her friends. Lots of thinking to do on this one!

       What’s your funniest moment?

      One of my funniest moments started through an enquiry, which I received via my website www.dannii-harwood.com. It was for a nude photo shoot. Several emails later, having explained that I would only work up to implied nude, we came to the question of whether I was ‘fully trimmed’. I replied that it did not matter, as I did not do nude. He insisted on knowing, as it affected the underwear shots he was planning. In the end I admitted to being ‘trimmed’.

      I took down the address, which I thought was great because it was close by. It was only when I got there I realised it was my local gym, which I visit about four times a week, I was really embarrassed as I was greeted by some of the guys I regularly work out with. They have never let me forget it.

      The things we go through to get work!

       What’s your scariest moment?

      My worst experience was attending a shoot with someone who made out he was a photographer. He knew that I only would do implied topless. He seemed to think that this agreement of implied nude was not important once I arrived at the shoot. As time went on, it became clear that he was expecting me to go much further, culminating in me performing oral sex on him while he filmed me. I made it perfectly clear where he could shove his camera! Fortunately, my chaperone was in the next room and came to my rescue before anything happened. You really have to check these guys out first, and I am much more careful now.

       Have you ever turned down work and why?

      I have turned down numerous jobs that required nude and beyond, including Page 3 at the start of my career. The biggest of these was the £10,000 ‘job’ offer at the Dorchester that I previously mentioned.

       Do you have a sexual fantasy?

      Being pulled out of the audience by Liam Gallagher and letting him seduce me on stage in front of the audience. I would love to live this out but I think his wife would get a bit jealous. Or maybe her sexual fantasy might be to watch!

       What’s your most memorable sexual encounter?

      Joining the Mile-high Club, I must have orgasmed five times (it must be the altitude). On leaving the toilet, I received a standing ovation from the passengers. I think there were a few questions from the children to their parents.

       What do you think about group sex? Have you tried it?

      I have tried it once and would not mind another, maybe a threesome with Britney Spears and Liam Gallagher. It was fun the first time and I would recommend it!

       What advice would you give to someone who wanted to get into this business?

      Don’t walk away from your previous career immediately and, preferably, keep a part-time job. The work is not always regular and there will be some tough times ahead.

      The support of your family is essential and their feelings should always be taken into account when considering the work you undertake.

      You should always be prepared to turn work down, however short of money you are. Standards must be maintained and you will regret doing dodgy jobs at a later date.

       Which bloke do you fancy the most?

      Liam Gallagher/Ian Brown/Jude Law.

       Tell me a secret … I have had a great secret for years. The memories of my secret sexy naughtiest night ever are as fresh in my mind as the day it happened. I am sure that anyone that has shared a similar experience would say the same.

       It was one of those hot sticky summer nights that we don’t get very often, but when we do, something always seems to happen. The night we were out partying at Trap Nightclub in Wardour Street, Epsom, proved to be no exception. I had gone to the club, with my now ex-boyfriend and a group of his mates. I had not been with my boyfriend for very long, although, as a group, we had all known each other for a few years and were good mates. I was not sure how committed I was to the relationship, and my feeling was that it was unlikely to be a long-lasting one, but you never know.

       As the night went on we got hotter and hotter. The air conditioning in the club was struggling to keep us cool. As a result, we drank more and more as the evening went on. Eventually it got so hot that we decided to carry on the party back at – let’s call them – Neil and Steve’s house. They were two brothers from our group, who shared a house together. I had fancied Steve some time ago and he had asked me out, but I had just finished a long-term relationship and was not ready for another so I declined his offer. That didn’t stop me still fancying him though.

       By the time we got near Steve and Neil’s house, the drink had taken its toll on some of our mates and they had drifted off home. My boyfriend also wanted to head off home, as he had work the next day. I wanted to carry on partying and felt ready for anything; as far as I was concerned, the night was still young.

       I argued with my boyfriend for a while, but in the end he went home to bed and I went back to Steve and Neil’s house. By the time we got there, it was just the three of us left. Although I had known them for some time, I suddenly felt a little awkward as I was the only girl.

       Not long after we got back to the house Steve opened the bubbly, the music went on and we started dancing and having a good laugh. We then started to play drinking games like truth or dare, and the conversation inevitably got on to the subject of sex. I was getting really horny talking about sex with two attractive guys.

       The mood of the music changed and some slow tracks came on. I took it in turns to dance with Steve and Neil. As time went on I was really getting in the mood, particularly with Steve, as I had fancied him for a while, although both brothers were extremely fit and good looking.

       It was now the early hours of the morning and the drink had started to make Neil feel sleepy. Steve and I were still wide awake. Neil went to make coffee and Steve and I carried on dancing and getting closer. I could feel his hands all over me. I wanted him.

       Although I was loving every minute of it, my emotions were all over the place. I was going out with someone who I liked, but realistically was not going to be with long term and here I was with someone that I had really fancied for some time, but I had convinced myself that I did not want a long-term relationship.

       I had drunk far too much and my thoughts were irrational. I generally think of myself as someone who is faithful. Even when I had been tempted in the past, I had never succumbed to unfaithfulness but, on this occasion, I decided to go for it. Just as we were about to kiss, Neil walked back in with the coffee.

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