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came to a training graduation as a senator. His comments almost caused a riot. We were serving in an infantry training battalion.”

      Pam sighed. “Let’s hope it goes smoothly this time.”

      “Amen to that. If there are no other items, let’s end the meeting.”

      With nothing said, everyone got up and left the room.

      “Katie, can I see you for a minute?”


      “You are invited to dine with Bob and his wife, Julie, on Friday night.”

      “Wow, OK. What time?”

      “I’ll pick you up at 5:30 p.m.”

      “I’ll be waiting, Jim.”

      I picked up Katie at 5:30 p.m. She looked lovely in a blue dress, light blue shoes, and a royal blue shawl.

      “Ready to go?”

      “I want to thank you for the invitation.”

      “Save the thanks for after dinner. You may have a change heart.”

      Katie gave me a strange look but was silent during the drive. Bob and Julie were waiting for us when we arrived. I shook Bob’s hand and then hugged Julie.

      “Bob, Julie, it has been a long time. How have you been doing.”

      “We’re doing good, how about you?”

      “I’m doing great. This is Katharine Wilson.”

      We were escorted to a table in the back of the restaurant. Once seated with menus, Julie seemed antsy.

      Julie looked me in the eyes. “Jimmy, you sure have balls.”

      “Excuse me?”

      Bob almost dropped his drink in his lap. “Julie!”

      Julie went on. “Well, he fought a battle to get his soldiers free.”

      Katie remained silent, smiling.

      “Julie, I didn’t fight the battle. I was there, but the troopers fought the battle under the command of Karen Rivera.”

      Bob looked at me. “You mean to tell me you didn’t give any commands.”

      “I said nothing to my troopers. Karen did everything.”

      Julie replied, “She must be real special to beat Steven.”

      “So much so that she is commander of the Second Battalion. Surprised that she is a battalion commander, Bob?”

      “My god, Jim, you should have veterans commanding the battalions.”

      “Thomas James is First Battalion Commander. We do have four of the best command sergeant majors in the army.”

      The waitress came, and we ordered. Julie was sizing us up.

      Julie looked at Katie. “How long have you two been dating?”

      Katie turned four shades of red. I just smiled and stayed silent.

      Bob scolded Julie. “Julie please, don’t embarrass the young lady.”

      “Hush, Bobbie, I think they make a lovely couple.”

      I smiled at Julie. “Katie is my XO.”

      “Now, Jimmy, you need to remarry her then.”

      “Julie, Katie is Jim’s Executive Officer.”

      “What, I mean, oh I’m so sorry.”

      “That’s OK, Julie. Besides, I liked seeing Katie turn red. Ow, that hurt.”

      I rubbed my leg where Katie kicked me. Julie giggled at my pain.

      Katie looked at me. “It serves you right.”

      Everyone laughed, and the rest of the night went wonderfully.

      Bob looked at me. “Jim, this assignment could be your ticket to general.”

      I glanced at Bob. “You’re not the first to mention it to me. I think this assignment will be my last. I might retire after this tour.”

      Bob smiled. “Well, don’t retire just yet.”

      As we walked out, Katie was on my arm.

      “Thanks for such a lovely night, I hope we can do this again.”

      “Jim, I hope this isn’t the only time.”

      As we walked to my car, I opened the passenger side door and held Katie’s hand as she entered the car. I jogged around to the driver’s side. As we pulled away, Katie was looking out the window.

      “A penny for your thoughts.”

      “What are we doing?”

      “What do you mean?”

      Katie faced me with tears running down. I touched her cheek.

      “I think after the ceremony, we need some time off.”

      “We can’t just leave any time we want.”

      “Katie, we will be gone just two days. Tom can hold down the fort until then.”

      Katie looked out the window. “We’ll see.”

      When we arrived at the BOQ, I grabbed her hand and kissed her. “We will take it one day at a time.”

      She gave me a weak smile and then left.

      Chapter 5

      Tuesday morning, I was in my office when Jamie poked her head in and announced, “Sir, a MAJ Godfrey is here to see you”.

      “Send him in, Jamie.”

      When he came, I stood up to shake his hand. “Welcome, MAJ Godfrey. What can I do for you?”

      “Well, COL Preston, the airborne school has set up a special training session for some soldiers in your unit.”

      “Yes, 1,600 troopers are to be trained.”

      “Indeed, the training is set for August. However, the soldiers are available for training now.”

      “Can the school take all my troopers now?”

      “Not all at once. Maybe two companies at a time.”

      “Well, we’ll be activated on Friday. Let’s set a date to start with two companies.”

      “Sir, if you could send us the names of two companies of soldiers, we can get orders sent out.”

      “Then I shall see to it right away.”

      “Thank you, sir. Good day.”

      After MAJ Godfrey left, I called First Battalion.

      “First Battalion, 289th Infantry Regiment Corporal Sarah Macklin, how may I help you?”

      “This is COL Preston. MAJ Wagner please.”

      Robin picked up the phone. “MAJ Wagner, how may I help you?”

      “This is Jim. I just had a visit from the airborne school about classes for my troopers. You need to attend a class also.”

      “Yes, I do need to go. When I get orders, I will go.”

      “Good, I will send you with the first group.”

      “I’ll be ready, sir. Thanks for the heads up.”

      After the call, I went to see Candice to get the training set up. I walked into Candice’s office.

      “Hi, Candice. I just had a talk with a MAJ Godfrey from the airborne school.”

      “Oh, what did he have to say?”

      “MAJ Godfrey told

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