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Leaving my quarters Jamie drives me to work. In my temporary office I read reports on the barracks. Katie comes in to talk.

      “How did it go?”

      “We won both sides. I just need to wait for them to declare the winner and release the troopers.”

      The rest of my day just dragged by.

      Friday morning, I was in Bill’s office with LTC Reynolds, MG Saunders, and Jane Minder. MG Saunders started the debriefing.

      “Alpha Company was more successful in this exercise. They took less causalities than Bravo Company.”

      LTC Reynolds stammered, “W-With all due respect, sir, Alpha Company used pyrotechnics to distract my company.”

      “You used smoke grenades, but nothing was restricted from being used.”

      LTC Reynolds just glared at me. Jane moved next to MG Saunders to speak.

      “COL Preston, the soldiers of both battalions will be transferred to your command as of 0600 hours tomorrow morning.”

      “Thank you for the troopers.”

      “LTC Reynolds, you will have new orders on Monday. Promotion orders to colonel will be here in the morning.”

      Pat stopped me. “What did you tell the young soldier before she left?”

      “I told her we have the exercise in the bag.”

      After we left the office, I stopped Jane. “Can I get two sets of promotion orders tomorrow.”

      “For who?”

      “Karen Maria Rivera for command of Second Battalion, and Thomas Patrick James.”

      “Why the orders for MAJ James?”

      “I want him to command the First Battalion. I will shift Pam over to the Third Battalion.”

      “Then I will see you in the morning with the orders.”

      Saturday morning, I picked up the orders from Jane.

      “What if he doesn’t want the battalion?”

      “I know Tom, he will jump at the chance to get a battalion.”

      “I hope you know what you are doing.”

      “Thanks, I’ll let you know.”

      I went with Jamie to Alpha Company barracks to find Karen. When we found her, I grabbed her bags.

      “Follow me.”

      “Yes, sir. Where are we going?”

      “To pick up Tom and then to my office.”

      Tom was waiting for me. As he got in, he said, “If it isn’t the Tiger of Fort Benning.”

      I turned to Tom. “Tom, I want you to take command of my First Battalion.”

      “Me, I’d love to take the job, but I don’t get promoted until September.”

      “Jamie, to my office.”

      As Jamie drove, we talked about the exercise. When we arrived, my staff was waiting. Once in the headquarters, I gave the orders to Candice to post as I pinned on the rank.

      “Attention to orders, Thomas Patrick James is promoted to the rank of lieutenant colonel effective 27 June 2127.”

      “I should have seen this was coming.”

      “Candice, if you please.”

      “Attention to orders, Karen Maria Rivera is promoted to the rank of lieutenant colonel effective 27 June 2127.”

      Karen stood with her mouth wide open. Katie smiled as she watched me pin on a silver oak leaf and remarked, “It’s not a matter of age, it’s a matter of leadership.”

      “Here are your orders as commander of your battalions.”

      Karen stammered “I… I don’t understand.”

      Jamie squealed, “I told you so.”

      Tom looked at her and said, “You’ve proven you can command a battalion.”

      I looked at them both. “Well, right now, we need to identify a battalion XO for both of you.”

      Karen look at me and asked, “Can it be anyone?”

      “It has to be someone that can lead the battalion in your absence.”

      “Then Adam Palomalu is my choice. I trust him to do anything.”

      Pam entered with a questioning look.

      “Pam, you and Sherri Winslow will take over Third Battalion.

      “We will. OK, sir.”

      “Tom, any ideas as to who you want for XO?”

      “Well… I do, but she isn’t an infantry officer. Robin Wagner, she’s in Fort Lewis, Washington.”

      “Why her?”

      “Robin put in for infantry training but hasn’t gone yet. However, she is well versed in infantry tactics.”

      “Well, let’s go talk to her. We’ll leave Monday morning.”

      “OK, I’ll pack tomorrow.”

      “Katie, hold down the fort while I’m gone.”

      She responded, “As always, sir.”

      We landed at 9:00 a.m. in Tacoma, Washington. A rental car was waiting for us. As I drove to Fort Lewis, Tom called Robin.

      “This is CPT Wagner, how may I help you?”

      “How about dinner tonight?”

      “Tom, how are you? Where are you?”

      “I’m on my way to see you.”

      “You are? What’s going on?”

      “Did you ever get into infantry school?”

      “No, why the interest?”

      “Can you give me your building number?”

      “Go to building 2224. See you in a few minutes.”

      It seemed to take longer to get there.

      Robin Wagner was a tall African-American. She was surprised to see me.

      “Robin, this is COL Preston.”

      I shook her hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

      “Thank you, sir. What is this about?”

      Tom looked at Robin. “Can we go for a walk, we have a job for you.”

      “Sure, let’s go.”

      Robin grabbed her hat, and we followed her out. Across the street was a huge field twice as big as a football field. We crossed and walked into the field.

      “Tom is the commander of my First Battalion. He has a job for you.”

      “What, the S1 officer?”

      Tom looked at Robin. “No, I want you to be my XO.”

      “You’re kidding, right?”

      “If you say yes, Jane Minder will have your orders here in an hour.”

      “I haven’t been trained yet.”

      “We will train you with some of the best.”

      “Really? OK, I’m game.”

      I called Jane to let her know what I needed. Jane sent the orders in fifty-five minutes. When we got back, Robin was called into her commander’s office. I stood by and listened in as her commander yelled at her. I called Jane and told her.

      “I’ll call LTC Jefferson.”

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