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      “I want everyone outside in five minutes.”

      I turned around and walked outside. I didn’t have long to wait. Karen was the first one out. I pulled Karen out to the front of the formation as the troopers formed up.

      “I want you to form up the company. If you’re a platoon leader, pick someone to fill in for you. Once the company is formed, do an about face and I will report to you. You will salute and report the company is formed. I will return your salute and order post. On post, walk to your right just past the company and I will take command.”

      “Yes, sir.”

      When the company was formed, Karen called them to attention and then did an about face. I walked to Karen. Karen saluted and reported, “Sir, the company is formed.”

      I returned her salute. “Post.”

      I waited for Karen to post. “At ease.”

      “Sir, what’s going on?”

      “The arms room will be open in a few minutes. You will go down and get your weapon and return to formation.”

      A SGT Carson came out the door. “Sir, we’re open now.”

      “You heard the sergeant. Get your weapons.”

      I watched as the troopers went to get their rifles. Alpha Company slowly reformed up with their rifles.

      “Sir, what about our field gear?”

      “You don’t need it, we have some ready for you. Now, get on the trucks. We’ll head out to the field.”

      I lead a convoy of seven trucks to training area E-7 at the crossroads of Red Diamond Road, Plymouth Road, and Helmet Trail. When we arrived, Karen formed up the company. I let Karen run the show with Alpha Company. I needed them to see Karen as a commander. This would make the transition to battalion commander for Karen easier.

      “Adam, as First Platoon leader, I want you to be my XO.”

      “Yes, ma’am, I’ll cover your back.”

      Karen turned about and saluted me. “Sir, Alpha Company is formed.”

      I returned her salute. “Post.”

      After Karen posted, I looked over the company.

      “I want you to draw your field gear here. Get it on and then form back up for a briefing.”

      I watched them all line up and receive the field gear needed for the exercise. It took twenty minutes to complete.

      “Now down to the southwest is Bravo Company First Battalion of the 289th Infantry Regiment. They will be your opposition for today. When I get word they are ready for you, 2LT Rivera will form you up, and you will engage their defense area. There are twenty of my staff and officers to referee the battle. They are impartial but know how important this upcoming battle is for us. You can use whatever tactics you wish. Be warned, this group completed their training at the infantry school, so they won’t be easy to beat. We provided you with some handheld radios for each platoon leader and LT Rivera. LT Rivera, go ahead and figure out your tactics.”

      “Yes, sir. Platoon leaders, gather around.”

      I watched and listened in to her briefing. It was simple and to the point. The platoon leaders then briefed their platoons on the tactics and orders.

      “OK, 2LT Rivera, move your company out to the southwest.”

      “Yes, sir.”

      I walked to MAJ David Jones. “Dave, let’s get the drones up and watch how they do.”

      “Yes, sir. Markus, let’s get them going.”

      We watched the monitor as Karen lead Alpha Company against Bravo Company. Karen had them spread out three platoons on line with three troopers out front as scouts.

      “Dave, they’re really close to Bravo Company. Oh look, they stopped.”

      “What’s she doing now?”

      “She’s detaching two platoons to move south. Karen knows where Bravo Company is at.”

      As we watched, Karen directed Third Platoon to attack Bravo Company from the north. In a minute, we saw half of Bravo move north to get into the battle.

      “Jim, what is Geoffrey doing?”

      “CPT Miller is going to get his ass handed to him.”

      As we watched, the firefight to the north got more intense. With Bravo Company’s attention to the north, First and Second Platoons attacked north into Bravo Company’s area. Suddenly, Bravo Company started to lose lots of troopers. CPT Geoffrey Miller suddenly realized the shots from behind him wasn’t his company. By the time Bravo Company’s troopers turned around, the battle was lost.

      I called CPT Paul Gonzales on the radio. As I talked to Paul, I could hear Katie screaming at Geoffrey over his poor performance. I walked down to the defensive position as fast as I could. By the time I got there, it was all over. I charged over to Katie within a couple of inches and unloaded as loud as I could.

      “What the hell is your malfunction! You call yourself a leader! You couldn’t lead Girl Scouts out of a paper bag! That was the most pathetic showing in all my years in uniform!”

      I looked at the shocked face on Katie.

      With a smile, I asked, “Did you enjoy that?”

      “No, it’s unfair to blame it on me.”

      “True, but expect it to happen. These troopers aren’t well trained yet.”

      “But they lost the battle, broke ranks to move to a fight out of their area.”

      “If you want to discipline a trooper due to poor performance, you do it in an office, not out in public. You don’t embarrass troopers in public. It undermines their authority. It can also cause you to lose the respect of your troopers. Continue to do this, and these troopers won’t serve you.”

      “I’m sorry, I didn’t know. The academy did it in an office. We don’t have one here.”

      “Then you pull him aside and quietly talk to him about his company. Right now, you owe all those troopers an apology.”

      Katie looked down at her feet. “Yes, sir. I’ll go do it now.”

      Katie turned about and walked over to CPT Stanley. Stan started to get the troopers up.

      “As you were. I’ve come over to apologize for the chewing out I gave you and the troopers. It seems we all need more training. I’m sorry for all the yelling and screaming I did.”

      CPT Miller looked at Katie. “I agree with you. We do need more training. We got our butts handed to us. We’ll do better next time.”

      “Katie, give us forty-five minutes and then conduct your attack.”

      “Yes, sir. Start our attack in forty-five minutes.”

      I walked back to Alpha Company. David was watching Karen get her defensive position ready. CPL Samantha Meyer was showing Karen the best places to set up the machine guns. Samantha was doing a very good job. I wanted to ask Karen if there were alternate positions set up, but I just watched. Suddenly, Karen called her platoon leaders to her. After pointing out alternate positions, she turned to me.

      “Colonel, we’re ready for them.”

      “Dave, give Katie the green light.”

      “Yes, sir. Bravo, you can start your assault.”

      “Dave, get the drones up, start them at Bravo’s start point. Keep them in sight, but don’t let Karen know where they’re at.”

      “Yes, sir. Markus, get them up.”

      I used my tablet to watch the battle. As the drone flew northeast, I looked for Alpha Company. Where did they

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