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Most of the troopers are under twenty-five years old.”

      Arthur spoke up, “How do you run a regiment with teenyboppers?”

      Suddenly, Karen stuck her nose into my office. “Oh, sorry, sir.”

      “Come in, Karen. Gentlemen, this is LTC Karen Rivera. She beat LTC Reynolds in a field exercise and now commands the Second Battalion.”

      Carl smiled. “You got lucky.”

      Karen stared at Carl. “No, I knew what tactics Reynolds would use. I just needed to out maneuver him.”

      “Gentlemen, don’t get me wrong. They are young, but they are smart, fast learners, and willing to take instruction.”

      Carl looked at me. “I don’t know about the rest of you, but this is the stupidest, craziest, most unattainable job we’ve been offered. Jim, I’ll take the job in Second Battalion.”

      I looked at Carl. “I haven’t made any decision just yet.”

      “Well, I want to go to Second Battalion. If she can beat a veteran, I want to help her get even better.” Karen blushed a deep red.

      Jamie stuck her head in the door. “Sir, the staff is in the conference room.”

      Ron asked, “Where do the battalions go after training?”

      I told them, “The regiment will stay together for the present. Let’s go meet the rest of the staff. Jamie, show them to the conference room please, I’ll be there in a couple of minutes.”

      “Yes, sir. Come with me, please.”

      I wanted them to have a little time with my staff. After five minutes, I walked to the conference room. I stopped outside the room. There were four very animated discussions. I watched everything transpiring. Mike stood over Pam, talking about training the battalion. I finally entered the conference room and closed the door a little hard.

      “Has everyone made introductions?”

      Pam looked at me. “Yes, what’s on the agenda?”

      I scanned the room. “We need to finalize the training plan.”

      Carl looked at me. “Are we included in the discussion.”

      “I expected you four to look it over when done, but if you want to stick your nose in now, take a seat.”

      With my now extended staff, we worked for the next two hours on a training plan. The work started out slow. Mike tried to take over the training plan; however, Karen and Pam kept Mike in check. At the end, we had a training plan that we all liked.

      Ron looked at me and asked, “So who is the regiment command sergeant major?”

      “Ron, I’m not sure who wants to go where.”

      Arthur voiced his mind. “I don’t mind women in the infantry, so it doesn’t matter where I go.”

      Suddenly, Robin entered the room with papers for Tom to sign.

      Tom started, “Art, I’d like you to meet my XO, MAJ Wagner.”

      Robin turned to Art. “So you must be Arthur Kilbert. I can’t wait to see if you are as good as the hype the colonel put out.”

      Art looked at me and then Robin. “And I’ll see if you can cut the mustard.”

      Robin smiled and left the room.

      “Well, Art. You want First Battalion?”

      “Sir, in the last war, I worked with women partisan. I’ll take First Battalion.”

      Mike and Ron looked at each other. Ron looked at me. “Guess I’ll take the regimental slot. Mike can take the Third Battalion.”

      I wrote down the decisions and passed it to Jamie. “Jamie, pass this to Jane Minder for orders.”

      Carl smiled. “Got Jane doing things for you.”

      “Why not pull strings while I have them?”

      “Friday the eleventh is the activation ceremony. We started parade practice last Friday. We will have practice at 1000 hours this morning. I want the battalions to practice on their own this morning on marching. At two this afternoon, we will practice the ceremony to include the pass in review.”

      Ron asked, “How many soldiers in each battalion?”

      “There will be 625 troopers in each battalion formation, the regiment HHC will have 120. I think we should select them randomly each day of practice. This will give us extras. If any get sick or injured, we’ll have replacements.”

      Walking outside, the battalions were formed, going to attention as we came out. We watched as the battalion commanders took command of their battalions. I walked to Katie. Katie turned around and saluted, I returned her salute.

      “Sir, the regiment is formed.”

      I looked over the whole regiment, proud of all the young troopers in front of me.

      “At ease. We will practice marching this morning. This afternoon, we will practice the ceremony to include the pass in review. Each battalion will have 625 troopers selected at random. We will practice only three hours each time. Commanders, get your marchers sorted out and march them counterclockwise. Commanders, take charge of your units.”

      I saluted my commanders and went to Ron and Katie to watch the practice.

      Each battalion and regimental headquarters and headquarters company was sized up by their CSM, tallest to the right front to smallest to left rear. As all three battalions and headquarters and headquarters company marched, the NCOs watched, made adjustments in posture, rifle sling hand placement, and replaced troopers as needed. At the end of three hours, they looked pretty good. We dismissed everyone for lunch to be back at one for more practice. I told Katie to stand in for me during the afternoon practice.

      After lunch, I looked all over for Jamie with no success. I went to ask Katie if she saw her. I saw Jamie march by in HHC formation with a grin a mile wide. Katie walked up. “What’s up?”

      “I was looking for Jamie. I found her in the HHC formation.”

      “Jim, would you like me to pull her out?”

      “No thanks. She had a big grin on her face. I’ll drive myself.”

      I decided to drive my own car to meet Bob at post headquarters to coordinate for several 75mm cannons for the salute battery. When I arrived, there were several government cars parked in front. Going to Bob’s office, I passed four Secret Service agents.

      “I’m glad they were here to see you.”

      “Thanks loads, Jim. What can I do for you?”

      “I wanted to coordinate for the salute battery. I guess that’s been done.”

      “The president will be here to activate your unit. Jim, we’ll have the battery ready for the ceremony.”

      “Thanks, Bob. How about you and Julie joining Katie and me for dinner Friday night?”

      “Jim, Friday night will be perfect. Julie would love to get out of cooking. I know just the place to go.”

      At Wednesday morning staff meeting, I noted a more organized meeting.

      “I’ve seen improvement every day they practice.”

      Karen noted, “Those sergeants know how to get the best from our soldiers. I now see why you brought them here.”

      Pam added, “They have earned the respect of the troopers. They are eager to learn from these veterans.”

      “I met with Bob yesterday to coordinate a salute battery. I was passed by four Secret Service agents.”

      Tom went white. “Oh no, not again. Please tell me he’s not coming.”

      Karen was stunned

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