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my interest.

      “Sis, look at this. Dr. Minder has flown to almost every state in the nation. Twice a year for twenty years. Except for Austin, Texas, He went there every month. What’s in Austin that gets him to go there every month?”

      “I don’t know, bro. Something or someone.”

      “Yeah, I need to talk to some of Dr. Minder’s peers. Maybe they can shed some light.”

      I shut down my computer. Walking to the closet, I picked up a pre-packed overnight bag.

      “I’ll let you know what I learn.”

      My first step was to go to Austin, Texas. I needed to find out what was so important that Dr. Minder went there twelve times a year.

      Landing at Austin/Bergstrom Airport, I stepped into a hot and muggy day. My first stop was the University of Texas. I dialed my phone.

      “Hi, bro. What’s up?”

      “I’m in Austin. Don’t know of any biology schools in Austin. I’m gonna dig around, see what turns up.”

      “OK, bro, wait… I found out something. Jane Minder is the CEO of the Minder Foundation.”

      “Sis, dig into it. Let me know what you find.”

      “Sure, bro, talk to you later.”

      Not sure where to start, I picked up my rental car. I drove to the University of Texas. Going to the administration building, I checked all departments. No biology or technology departments. What did he come here for? I returned to searching for something. I decided to stop at the Smoke Pit for lunch. When you walk in, there is a bulletin board with pictures of patrons. I found one of a teenage Jane Minder with a young girl. Looking around, I took the picture and stuck it in my pocket. I went to the counter and sat down.

      “What’ll it be, young man?”

      “Ribs, baked beans, potato salad, and iced tea.”

      “Coming right up.”

      As I ate lunch, my phone rang.

      “Hi, sis. What do you have for me.”

      “I’m going to Eatontown. I have some sites to hack. When I get something, I’ll let you know.”

      “OK, sis. I’ll wait for your call.”

      “Oh, the Minder Foundation owned an 800-acre ranch thirty miles west of Austin.”

      “Thanks, I’ll check it out.”

      Following April’s directions, I found the ranch. I walked past the “for sale” sign. The house was huge. A small playground for children. Wait, six swing sets in a large circle, two large bunk houses, enough picnic tables for forty people. I went back to my car after taking pictures. I continued west another twenty miles. The ranch was abandoned, no animals on the ranch. I turned around and went back to Austin. Back in my hotel room, I sent sis the pictures. Looking at my options, I decided to drive to college station. I needed to talk to people at Texas A&M. Arriving at Texas A&M, I looked for their biology department. Finding the main building, I parked five rows from the building. As I walked to the building, I spotted Dr. Richard Mahoney.

      “Ricky, how have you’ve been.”

      “Mike, what are you doing here? You still with the FBI?”

      “No, resigned several years ago. I’m looking for information on Dr. Minder.”

      “Is that Richard, Charles, or Paul Minder?”

      “Well, Paul mostly, but if you can tell me of the others, I’ll take it.”

      “Buy me dinner and I’ll give you what I know.”

      I followed Ricky to a nice Tex-Mex restaurant. Inside, we went to a back table. After ordering dinner and a beer, Ricky waited until the waitress left.

      “So what do you want to know?”

      “How well do you know Dr. Minder?”

      “I dated Jane for about a year, why?”

      I pulled out the picture. “Ever seen this young girl?”

      “No, I’d remember her, she’s cute.”

      “So what is Dr. Minder working on?”

      “Not sure. Paul and Charles worked on gene splicing. They had a way out theory.

      “How so?”

      “Paul’s theory is that genes can be spliced with new data.”

      “What would that do.”

      “Well, let’s see, if you knew the right code sequence, faster runners, stronger weightlifters, smarter scientists.”

      “How can that be done?”

      “Richard came up with a crazy way decades ago. However, the technology was not up to his crazy ideas.”

      “Any idea how this progressed?”

      “Not a clue, Mike. And the theory hasn’t been proven yet.”

      “What can you tell me about Dr. Pelkey?”

      “You mean the mad scientist?”

      “Why do you say that?”

      “Dr. Pelkey thinks implants will be the next evolution of humans. Claims it’s possible to boost speed and strength.”

      “Well, not according to my sister.”

      “What do you mean?”

      “My sister went to school with a girl with implants so she can walk.”

      “OK, I think he’s been working on more advanced implants. Not sure how advanced they are.”

      “I wonder what they’re working on together?”

      “Who is working together?”

      “Dr. Minder and Dr. Pelkey.”

      “I’ll tell you what they are working on…nothing.”

      “Why do you say that?”

      “They don’t like each other. Dr. Minder won’t work with Dr. Pelkey.”

      “So their ideas don’t work together, or they don’t want the other to get credit.”

      “No…no…no, Dr. Minder called Dr. Pelkey Frankenstein.”

      “Wow, I see what you mean. Thanks for the information, Ricky.”

      Leaving the restaurant, I dialed Carl O’Malley.

      “Hi, Mike, what do you need?”

      “I need an apartment in Phoenix, Arizona, and one in Denver, Colorado.”

      “OK, Mike. I’ll set it up and express the addresses and keys to you in New York.”

      “Thanks, Carl. Just send me the bill.”

      “You got it, Mike.”

      On the way back to Austin, sis called.

      “What do you have for me, sis?”

      “No information on the girl. I can’t find anything linking Dr. Minder with Dr. Pelkey.”

      “Forget any connection, they hate each other.”

      “That makes sense. I did find out the Minder Foundation ran a lot of orphanages throughout the country.”

      “Really, I wonder what that was about? Check into it for me.”

      “Sure, anything else you need?”

      “Can you hack into Mr. Collins? I need to find out what Dr. Pelkey is up to.”

      “Sure, bro. I’ll see what I can get.”


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