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shield-havers than ye, and ye of the leave-word

      Of the framers of war naught at all wotting,

      Or the manners of kinsmen. But no man of earls greater

      Saw I ever on earth than one of you yonder,

      The warrior in war-gear: no hall-man, so ween I,


      Is that weapon-beworthy'd, but his visage belie him,

      The sight seen once only. Now I must be wotting

      The spring of your kindred ere further ye cast ye,

      And let loose your false spies in the Dane-land a-faring

      Yet further afield. So now, ye far-dwellers,

      Ye wenders o'er sea-flood, this word do ye hearken

      Of my one-folded thought: and haste is the handiest

      To do me to wit of whence is your coming.


      He then that was chiefest in thus wise he answer'd,

      The war-fellows' leader unlock'd he the word-hoard:


      We be a people of the Weder-Geats' man-kin

      And of Hygelac be we the hearth-fellows soothly.

      My father before me of folks was well-famed

      Van-leader and atheling, Ecgtheow he hight.

      Many winters abode he, and on the way wended

      An old man from the garths, and him well remembers

      Every wise man well nigh wide yond o'er the earth.

      Through our lief mood and friendly the lord that is thine,


      Even Healfdene's son, are we now come a-seeking,

      Thy warder of folk. Learn us well with thy leading,


      For we have to the mighty an errand full mickle,

      To the lord of the Dane-folk: naught dark shall it be,

      That ween I full surely. If it be so thou wottest,

      As soothly for our parts we now have heard say,

      That one midst of the Scyldings, who of scathers I wot not,

      A deed-hater secret, in the dark of the night-tide

      Setteth forth through the terror the malice untold of,

      The shame-wrong and slaughter. I therefore to Hrothgar

      Through my mind fashion'd roomsome the rede may now learn him,

      How he, old-wise and good, may get the fiend under,


      If once more from him awayward may turn

      The business of bales, and the boot come again,

      And the weltering of care wax cooler once more;

      Or for ever sithence time of stress he shall thole,

      The need and the wronging, the while yet there abideth

      On the high stead aloft the best of all houses.

      Then spake out the warden on steed there a-sitting,

      The servant all un-fear'd: It shall be of either

      That the shield-warrior sharp the sundering wotteth,

      Of words and of works, if he think thereof well.


      I hear it thus said that this host here is friendly

      To the lord of the Scyldings; forth fare ye then, bearing

      Your weed and your weapons, of the way will I wise you;

      Likewise mine own kinsmen I will now be bidding

      Against every foeman your floater before us,

      Your craft but new-tarred, the keel on the sand,

      With honour to hold, until back shall be bearing

      Over the lake-streams this one, the lief man,


      The wood of the wounden-neck back unto Wedermark.

      Unto such shall be granted amongst the good-doers


      To win the way out all whole from the war-race.

      Then boun they to faring, the bark biding quiet;

      Hung upon hawser the wide-fathom'd ship

      Fast at her anchor. Forth shone the boar-shapes

      Over the check-guards golden adorned,

      Fair-shifting, fire-hard; ward held the farrow.

      Snorted the war-moody, hasten'd the warriors

      And trod down together until the hall timbered,

      Stately and gold-bestain'd, gat they to look on,

      That was the all-mightiest unto earth's dwellers


      Of halls 'neath the heavens, wherein bode the mighty;

      Glisten'd the gleam thereof o'er lands a many.

      Unto them then the war-deer the court of the proud one

      Full clearly betaught it, that they therewithal

      Might wend their ways thither. Then he of the warriors

      Round wended his steed, and spake a word backward:

      Time now for my faring; but the Father All-wielder

      May He with all helping henceforward so hold you

      All whole in your wayfaring. Will I to sea-side

      Against the wroth folk to hold warding ever.



      Stone-diverse the street was, straight uplong the path led

      The warriors together. There shone the war-byrny

      The hard and the hand-lock'd; the ring-iron sheer

      Sang over their war-gear, when they to the hall first

      In their gear the all-fearful had gat them to ganging.

      So then the sea-weary their wide shields set down,

      Their war-rounds the mighty, against the hall's wall.

      Then bow'd they to bench, and rang there the byrnies,

      The war-weed of warriors, and up-stood the spears,

      The war-gear of the sea-folk all gather'd together.


      The ash-holt grey-headed; that host of the iron

      With weapons was worshipful. There then a proud chief

      Of those lads of the battle speer'd after their line:

      Whence ferry ye then the shields golden-faced,


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