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body four bairns are forth to him rimed;


      Into the world woke the leader of war-hosts


      Heorogar; eke Hrothgar, and Halga the good;

      Heard I that Elan queen was she of Ongentheow,

      That Scylding of battle, the bed-mate behalsed.

      Then was unto Hrothgar the war-speed given,

      Such worship of war that his kin and well-willers

      Well hearken'd his will till the younglings were waxen,

      A kin-host a many. Then into his mind ran

      That he would be building for him now a hall-house,

      That men should be making a mead-hall more mighty


      Than the children of ages had ever heard tell of:

      And there within eke should he be out-dealing

      To young and to old all things God had given,

      Save the share of the folk and the life-days of men.

      Then heard I that widely the work was a-banning

      To kindreds a many the Middle-garth over

      To fret o'er that folk-stead. So befell to him timely

      Right soon among men that made was it yarely

      The most of hall-houses, and Hart its name shap'd he,

      Who wielded his word full widely around.


      His behest he belied not; it was he dealt the rings,

      The wealth at the high-tide. Then up rose the hall-house,

      High up and horn-gabled. Hot surges it bided


      Of fire-flame the loathly, nor long was it thenceforth

      Ere sorely the edge-hate 'twixt Son and Wife's Father

      After the slaughter-strife there should awaken.

      Then the ghost heavy-strong bore with it hardly

      E'en for a while of time, bider in darkness,

      That there on each day of days heard he the mirth-tide

      Loud in the hall-house. There was the harp's voice,


      And clear song of shaper. Said he who could it

      To tell the first fashion of men from aforetime;

      Quoth how the Almighty One made the Earth's fashion,

      The fair field and bright midst the bow of the Waters,

      And with victory beglory'd set Sun and Moon,

      Bright beams to enlighten the biders on land:

      And how he adorned all parts of the earth

      With limbs and with leaves; and life withal shaped

      For the kindred of each thing that quick on earth wendeth.

      So liv'd on all happy the host of the kinsmen


      In game and in glee, until one wight began,

      A fiend out of hell-pit, the framing of evil,

      And Grendel forsooth the grim guest was hight,

      The mighty mark-strider, the holder of moorland,

      The fen and the fastness. The stead of the fifel

      That wight all unhappy a while of time warded,

      Sithence that the Shaper him had for-written.

      On the kindred of Cain the Lord living ever

      Awreaked the murder of the slaying of Abel.

      In that feud he rejoic'd not, but afar him He banish'd,


      The Maker, from mankind for the crime he had wrought.

      But offspring uncouth thence were they awoken

      Eotens and elf-wights, and ogres of ocean,

      And therewith the Giants, who won war against God

      A long while; but He gave them their wages therefor.


      Now went he a-spying, when come was the night-tide,

      The house on high builded, and how there the Ring-Danes

      Their beer-drinking over had boune them to bed;

      And therein he found them, the atheling fellows,

      Asleep after feasting. Then sorrow they knew not


      Nor the woe of mankind: but the wight of wealth's waning,

      The grim and the greedy, soon yare was he gotten,

      All furious and fierce, and he raught up from resting

      A thirty of thanes, and thence aback got him

      Right fain of his gettings, and homeward to fare,

      Fulfilled of slaughter his stead to go look on.

      Thereafter at dawning, when day was yet early,

      The war-craft of Grendel to men grew unhidden,

      And after his meal was the weeping uphoven,

      Mickle voice of the morning-tide: there the Prince mighty,


      The Atheling exceeding good, unblithe he sat,

      Tholing the heavy woe; thane-sorrow dreed he

      Since the slot of the loathly wight there they had look'd on,

      The ghost all accursed. O'er grisly the strife was,

      So loathly and longsome. No longer the frist was

      But after the wearing of one night; then fram'd he

      Murder-bales more yet, and nowise he mourned

      The feud and the crime; over fast therein was he.

      Then easy to find was the man who would elsewhere

      Seek out for himself a rest was more roomsome,

      Beds 140 end-long the bowers, when beacon'd to him was,

      And soothly out told by manifest token,

      The hate of the hell-thane. He held himself sithence

      Further and faster who from the fiend gat him.

      In such wise he rul'd it and wrought against right,

      But one against all, until idle was standing

      The best of hall-houses; and mickle the while was,

      Twelve winter-tides' wearing; and trouble he tholed,

      That friend of the Scyldings, of woes every one

      And wide-spreading sorrows: for sithence it fell


      That unto men's children unbidden 'twas known

      Full sadly in singing, that Grendel won war

      'Gainst Hrothgar a while of time, hate-envy

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