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n. Accuracy, exactness, nicety, precision, truth, propriety, faultlessness.Correlate, n. Correlative.Correlative, a. Reciprocal.Correlative, n. Correlate.Correspond, v. n. 1. Agree, suit, fit, answer, accord, harmonize, tally, square, quadrate, comport, cohere, be accordant.2. Communicate (by letter).Correspondence, n. 1. Coincidence, concurrence, congruity, fitting relation, reciprocal adaptation.2. Intercourse or communication by letters.3. Letters.Correspondent, a. Adapted, suited, suiting, fitted, suitable, fitting, agreeable, conformable, answerable, corresponding, answering.Corresponding, a. Answering, CORRESPONDENT.Corridor, n. Gallery, passage.Corroborate, v. a. Strengthen, confirm, establish, sustain, support.Corroboration, n. Confirmation.Corroborative, a. Confirmatory, corroborating.Corrode, v. a. 1. Erode, canker, eat away.2. Consume, waste, wear away, prey upon.Corroding, a. Caustic, catheretic, CORROSIVE.Corrosion, n. 1. Erosion, eating away. 2. Wasting, wearing away.Corrosive, a. Corroding, consuming, eroding, erosive, catheretic, caustic, acrid, virulent, eating away.Corrosive sublimate, Bi-chloride of mercury.Corrosiveness, n. Causticity, acridness, virulence, acrimony.Corrugate, v. a. Wrinkle, cockle, pucker, contract into wrinkles.Corrugation, n. Wrinkle, fold, plait.Corrupt, v. a. 1. Putrefy, render putrid.2. Contaminate, taint, defile, pollute, infect, vitiate, spoil, adulterate, sophisticate, debase.3. Deprave, demoralize.Corrupt, a. 1. Corrupted, infected, spoiled, tainted, vitiated, putrid, contaminated, unsound.2. Depraved, wicked, vicious, dissolute, profligate, reprobate, abandoned.Corruption, n. 1. Putrefaction, putrescence.2. Defilement, contamination, pollution, infection, vitiation, adulteration, debasement.3. Depravity, depravation, wickedness, demoralization, immorality, laxity, looseness of morals, want of principle.Corsair, n. Pirate, buccaneer, picaroon, sea-rover, sea-robber.Corse, n. [Poetical.] Corpse, remains, dead body (of a human being).Corset, n. Bodice, stays.Cortège, n. [Fr.] Train.Coruscate, v. n. Shine, glisten, glitter, gleam, sparkle, twinkle, flash, scintillate.Coruscation, n. Flash, sparkle, glitter, gleam, scintillation.Corvette, n. [Fr.] Sloop of war.Corypheus, n. [L.] Leader, chief, guide, director.Cosey, a. [Written also Cozy.] 1. Snug, comfortable, easy.2. [Eng.] Chatty, talkative, social.Cosmopolite, n. Citizen of the world.Cosmos, n. Universe.Cosset, n. Pet lamb.Cosset, v. a. Fondle, caress, pet, coddle, make a pet of, make much of.Cost, v. a. 1. Be had for, be exchanged for, be bought for.2. Require to be suffered.Cost, n. 1. Expense, charge, price.2. Loss, detriment, damage, pain, suffering.Costate, a. Ribbed.Costated, a. Ribbed.Costive, a. Constipated.Costiveness, n. Constipation.Costly, a. Expensive, dear, high-priced, of great price.Costume, n. Style of dress.Cot, n. 1. Hut, COTTAGE.2. Low bedstead.Coterie, n. Club, association, society, CLIQUE, brotherhood, circle, set (especially an exclusive one).Cottage, n. Cot, lodge, hut, CASINO, small house.Cottager, n. Cotter.Cotter, n. Cottager.Cotton, n. Cotton-wool.Cotton, v. n. [Cant word.] Harmonize, fraternize, HITCH HORSES TOGETHER.Cotton-wood, n. Canadian poplar (Populus monilifera).Cotton-wool, n. Cotton.Couch, v. n. 1. Lie, recline, lie down.2. Crouch, squat, lie flat.3. Stoop, bend down.Couch, v. a. 1. Express, utter, set forth, clothe in words.2. Conceal, hide, cover up.3. Lay (a spear) in rest, put in posture of attack.4. Depress or remove (a cataract).Couch, n. 1. Bed, place for rest.2. Sofa, seat to recline on.Couchant, a. Squatting, lying down.Couch-grass, n. Knot-grass, dog's-grass, wheat-grass, witch-grass, dog-wheat, twitch-grass (Triticum repens).Cougar, n. Puma, panther, catamount, North American tiger (Felis concolor or Puma concolor).Couleur de rose, [Fr.] 1. Rose color.2. Fair appearance, attractive light, flattering aspect.Coulter-neb, n. Puffin, Labrador auk, (Alca arctica or Fratercula arctica).Council, n. 1. Cabinet, ministry, body of advisers.2. Assembly (for consultation), meeting, congress, diet, synod, convocation, convention.Councillor, n. [Written also Councilor.] Council-man, member of a council.Council-chamber, n. Divan, audience-chamber, state-chamber.Counsel, n. 1. Consultation, interchange of opinion.2. Advice, opinion, suggestion, recommendation, instruction, admonition, caution.3. Deliberation, forethought.4. Design, plan, scheme, purpose.5. Counsellor, lawyer, attorney, barrister, SOLICITOR, advocate.Counsel, v. a. Advise, admonish, give advice to.Counsellor, n. [Written also Counselor.] 1. Adviser.2. Lawyer, attorney, barrister, SOLICITOR, counsel, advocate.Count, v. a. 1. Enumerate, number.2. Calculate, reckon, compute, estimate, cast, cast up.3. Consider, esteem, regard, deem, hold, judge, think, account, look upon.Count, v. n. Add to the number, swell the number.Count on, Depend on, depend upon, rely on, rely upon, count upon.Count, n. 1. Reckoning. 2. (Law.) Particular clause or charge.Countenance, n. 1. Aspect, look, mien, expression of the face.2. Favor, encouragement, patronage, support, aid, assistance, sanction, approbation, approval.Countenance, v. a. Approve, sanction, support, aid, abet, assist, favor, encourage, patronize, befriend, stand by, side with, take the side of.Counter, n. Reckoner, calculator.Counter, ad. Contrary, contrariwise.Counteract, v. a. 1. Oppose, contravene, resist, cross, thwart, hinder, check, defeat, frustrate, run counter to, act against, clash with.2. Neutralize, destroy the effect of.Counteraction, n. Opposition, contravention, resistance, frustration.Counteractive, n. Corrective, antidote, cure, specific, remedy, restorative, medicine, help.Counterbalance, v. a. 1. Counterpoise, balance.2. Countervail, compensate, set off, make up for.Counter-current, n. Eddy.Counterfeit, v. a. 1. Forge, make a spurious copy of, imitate wrongfully.2. Feign, simulate, sham, put on the appearance of.Counterfeit, a. 1. Forged, spurious, supposititious, fraudulent.2. Feigned, false, simulated, sham, mock, clap-trap, spurious, put on, make-believe.Counterfeit, n. Forgery, fraudulent copy.Counterfeiter, n. 1. Forger, falsifier.2. Pretender, feigner.Counter-jumper, n. [In contempt.] Shopman, shop-keeper.Countermand, v. a. Revoke, rescind, recall, abrogate, make void.Countermarch, v. n. March back, reverse the direction of a march.Counterpane, n. Coverlet, coverlid.Counterpart, n. 1. Corresponding part.2. (Law.) Duplicate, copy.3. Correlative, complement, supplement, reverse.4. Match, fellow, mate, tally, twin, the very image.Counterpoise, v. a. Counter-balance, balance.Counterpoise, n. Equal weight.Countersign, n. Watch-word, password.Counter-tenor, n. (Mus.) Alto, counter.Countervail, v. a. Balance, counterbalance, compensate, make up for.Countrified, a. Rustic, rude, country.Country, n. 1. Region, land.2. Rural parts (as distinguished from city).Country, a. 1. Rustic, rural.2. Rude, rough, unrefined, uncultivated, countrified.Countryman, n. 1. Compatriot.2. Rustic, peasant, swain, farmer, husbandman,

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