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a. Insolent, scornful, disdainful, supercilious, haughty.Contend, v. n. 1. Strive, struggle, combat, fight, vie.2. Debate, dispute, argue, join issue.3. Maintain, affirm, assert.Content, a. Satisfied, contented, easy in mind.Content, v. a. Satisfy, appease, make easy, make contented.Content, n. Satisfaction, ease, contentment.Contented, a. Satisfied, content, easy in mind.Contention, n. 1. Strife, discord, dissension, wrangling, wrangle, quarrel, squabble, feud, rupture, falling out.2. Dispute, debate, bickering, altercation, controversy, logomachy, high words, war of words, strife of words.Contentious, a. 1. Quarrelsome, cross, petulant, perverse.2. Disputatious, captious, cavilling.Contentment, n. Satisfaction, ease, content.Contents, n. pl. What is contained.Conterminous, a. Adjoining, contiguous, bordering upon.Contest, v. a. 1. Dispute, controvert, argue, debate, litigate, contend against, call in question.2. Strive to hold, struggle to defend.Contest, v. n. Contend, strive, struggle, vie, fight, compete, cope.Contest, n. 1. Dispute, altercation, debate, controversy, contestation, quarrel, difference, high words, strife of words, war of words.2. Struggle, battle, conflict, fight, combat, encounter, rencounter, strife in arms.Contestation, n. Dispute, debate, controversy, logomachy, war of words, strife of words.Context, n. Words immediately preceding or following.Contexture, n. Constitution, structure, frame-work, texture.Contiguity, n. Contact, touching, meeting, juxtaposition, proximity.Contiguous, a. Touching, meeting, conterminous, adjacent, adjoining, in contact.Continence, n. Chastity, restraint of sexual appetite.Continent, a. Chaste, temperate.Continent, n. Main land, great tract of land.Contingency, n. 1. Accidentalness, fortuity, uncertainty.2. Casualty, accident, incident, occurrence, event.Contingent, a. 1. Accidental, fortuitous, incidental, casual, happening by chance.2. Conditional, uncertain, dependent on circumstances.Contingent, n. Quota, proportion, share, proportional part.Continual, a. Perpetual, uninterrupted, unceasing, incessant, unremitting, endless, everlasting, eternal, interminable, constant, continuous.Continuance, n. 1. Continuation.2. Perseverance, constancy.Continuation, n. Extension (in time or space), prolongation, protraction, continuance.Continue, v. n. 1. Remain, endure, last, be permanent, be durable.2. Abide, stay, tarry.3. Persist, persevere, go on, keep on, be steadfast, be constant.Continue, v. a. Extend (in time or in space), prolong.Continuity, n. Cohesion, close union, uninterrupted connection, unbroken texture.Continuous, a. Connected, continued, extended, unbroken, uninterrupted, unintermitted.Contort, v. a. Twist, writhe, distort.Contortion, n. Twist, distortion, wryness, deformity.Contour, n. Outline, profile.Contraband, a. Prohibited, illegal, unlawful, illicit.Contraband, n. 1. Illegal traffic.2. Prohibited articles.3. [U. S.] Negro slave.Contrabandist, n. Smuggler.Contract, v. a. 1. Lessen, shorten, narrow, diminish, abridge, reduce, epitomize, draw together.2. Incur, bring, procure, get, assume, take upon one's self, become liable to.Contract, v. n. 1. Shrivel, shrink, shrink up.2. Agree, stipulate, bargain, covenant, make a bargain.Contract, n. Compact, bargain, stipulation, covenant, convention, concordat, treaty, agreement, pact, arrangement.Contraction, n. 1. Shrinking, shrivelling, corrugation, drawing together.2. Reduction, shortening, diminution, lessening, abridgment, abbreviation.Contradict, v. a. 1. Deny, gainsay, dispute, controvert.2. Oppose, contravene, counteract, thwart, be contrary to.Contradiction, n. 1. Gainsaying, denial.2. Opposition, contrariety, incongruity, antagonism, clashing.Contradictory, a. Opposite, contrary, inconsistent, repugnant.Contradistinction, n. Distinction (by opposite qualities).Contradistinguish, v. a. Distinguish (by opposite qualities).Contrariety, n. Opposition, repugnance, antagonism, contradiction, clashing.Contrary, a. 1. Opposite, opposing, adverse, opposed, counter.2. Antagonistic, conflicting, contradictory, counteracting, retroactive, repugnant.3. Perverse, humorsome, wayward, obstinate, stubborn, headstrong, refractory, unruly.Contrast, n. 1. Exhibition of differences.2. Opposition, difference.Contrast, v. a. Set off by opposition, exhibit the differences of.Contrast, v. n. Show difference, exhibit a contrast.Contrate-wheel, n. Crown-wheel.Contravene, v. a. Oppose, contradict, counteract, countervail, thwart, cross, obstruct, defeat, hinder, go against, clash with, run counter to, militate against.Contravention, n. Contradiction, opposition, obstruction.Contretemps, n. [Fr.] Mishap, mischance, accident.Contribute, v. a. Give (in common with others), grant or bestow (as a share), DONATE.Contribute, v. n. Conduce, minister, conspire, co-operate, concur, bear a part, be helpful.Contribution, n. 1. Grant or bestowment of a share.2. Gift, donation, offering, subscription.Contrite, a. Penitent, repentant, humble, self-convicted, broken in spirit.Contrition, n. Penitence, compunction, remorse, repentance, sorrow, regret, self-condemnation, self-reproach, stings of conscience, sorrow for sin.Contrivance, n. 1. Design, invention.2. Device, scheme, plan, plot, artifice, stratagem, complot, machination.Contrive, v. a. Devise, plan, design, invent, project, hatch, brew, form, frame, concoct, COMPASS, fall upon, hit upon, strike out, chalk out.Contrive, v. n. Scheme, plot, plan, consider, set one's wits to work, rack one's brains, cudgel one's brains, strain one's invention, cast about.Control, n. Ascendency, sway, command, rule, dominion, government, mastery, superintendence, direction.Control, v. a. 1. Direct, manage, regulate, govern, superintend, have the direction of, have charge of.2. Hinder, check, repress, curb, restrain, bridle.Controversial, a. Disputatious, polemical.Controversialist, n. Disputant, arguer, debater, disputer.Controversy, n. 1. Discussion, dispute, disputation, debate, polemics, altercation, logomachy, war of words, strife of words.2. Lawsuit, suit at law, process in law.Controvert, v. a. Dispute, contest, debate, argue, canvass, contend against, call in question.Contumacious, a. Contemptuous, obstinate, perverse, stubborn, headstrong, heady, dogged, intractable, mulish, refractory, cross-grained, stiff-necked, pertinacious, obdurate.Contumacy, n. 1. Obstinacy, stubbornness, doggedness, perverseness, pertinacity, headiness, obduracy.2. Disobedience, insubordination.Contumelious, a. Reproachful, abusive, calumnious, contemptuous, insolent, insulting, rude, supercilious, overbearing, arrogant, scornful, disdainful, blackguard.Contumely, n. Obloquy, reproach, opprobrium, abuse, contemptuousness, insolence, rudeness, blackguardism, superciliousness, arrogance, scorn, contempt, disdain.Contuse, v. a. Bruise, crush, squeeze.Contusion, n. Bruise.Convalescence, n. Recovery (of health).Convalescent, a. Improving (in health), recovering.Convene, v. n. Meet, assemble, muster, congregate, come together, hold a session.Convene, v. a. Convoke, summon, assemble, collect, muster, bring together, gather together.Convenience, n. 1. Suitableness, fitness, propriety.2. Commodiousness, accommodation, satisfaction.3. Cause of satisfaction, source of comfort.Convenient, a. 1. Fit, suitable, proper, appropriate, adapted, suited.2. Commodious, advantageous, useful, serviceable, helpful, beneficial.Convent, n. Monastery, cloister, abbey, priory, nunnery.Convention, n. 1. Assembly, meeting, CONVOCATION.2. Contract, compact, agreement, stipulation.Conventional, a. 1.

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