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v. n. Solidify, harden, cake, become firm or solid, be consolidated.Concrete, a. 1. Firm, solid, solidified, consolidated, compact.2. Not abstract, not general, restricted to a particular subject (as a qualifying term to its noun).Concretion, n. 1. Solidification.2. Concreted mass, CALCULUS.Concubine, n. Mistress, paramour.Concupiscence, n. Lust, lewdness, lechery, lasciviousness, pruriency, carnal desire, animal appetite.Concupiscent, a. Lustful, lecherous, libidinous, lascivious, salacious, lickerish, prurient, rampant, carnal.Concur, v. n. 1. Be conjoined, be combined.2. Agree, coincide, harmonize.3. Co-operate, help, combine, conspire, contribute jointly.Concurrence, n. 1. Conjuncture, combination, coincidence, consistence, consilience.2. Agreement, union, alliance.3. Co-operation.Concurrent, a. 1. Agreeing, harmonizing, coincident.2. Conjoined, united, associate, associated, attendant, concomitant.3. Joint and equal, of equal authority.Concussion, n. 1. Shaking, agitation.2. Clash, shock.Condemn, v. a. 1. Sentence, doom.2. Censure, blame, disapprove, reprove, reprobate, upbraid, pass censure on.3. Adjudge (a ship) to be unseaworthy.4. Confiscate, declare to be forfeited.Condemnation, n. 1. Sentence of punishment.2. Blame, censure, reproof, disapproval, disapprobation.Condemnatory, a. Reproachful, censuring, damnatory, blaming.Condensability, n. Compressibility.Condensable, a. Compressible.Condensation, n. 1. Compression.2. Reduction, abridgment, contraction.Condense, v. a. 1. Compress, consolidate, concentrate; make dense, compact, or close; press together.2. Abridge, abbreviate, shorten, epitomize, reduce, diminish, contract, curtail.3. Reduce to a liquid state.Condense, v. n. 1. Grow dense.2. Become liquid.Condescend, v. n. 1. Stoop, yield, submit, bend, descend, deign, vouchsafe.2. Humble one's self.Condescension, n. 1. Submission, humiliation.2. Deference, courtesy, obeisance, homage, reverence, civility, politeness, affability.Condign, a. [Said only or chiefly of punishment.] Deserved, merited, suitable, adequate.Condiment, n. Seasoning, relish, appetizer, sauce, appetizing substance.Condition, n. 1. Situation, state, case, category, plight, predicament, circumstances.2. Consideration, provision, proviso, stipulation, arrangement, article of agreement, rule of proceeding.Conditional, a. Depending on conditions, modified by conditions, not absolute.Conditions, n. pl. Stipulations, provisions, terms.Condole with, Pity, commiserate, compassionate, sympathize with, share sorrow with.Condolence, n. Sympathy, pity, compassion, commiseration.Condonation, n. Pardon, forgiveness.Conduce, v. n. Contribute, tend, serve, lead, have a tendency, do something towards.Conducive, a. Conducing, contributing, subservient, instrumental.Conduct, n. 1. Management, direction, administration, guidance, leadership.2. Convoy, escort, guard.3. Deportment (in general, or as a matter of habit), BEHAVIOR, demeanor, carriage, bearing, manners, career, manner of life, course of life.Conduct, v. a. 1. Lead, direct, guide, escort, convoy.2. Command, govern, preside over.3. Manage, regulate, carry on.Conduct one's self, Behave, act, demean one's self, acquit one's self.Conductor, n. 1. Leader, guide.2. Manager, director.Conduit, n. Channel, canal, duct, passage, pipe.Cone-shaped, a. Coniform.Confabulate, v. n. [Rare.] Chat, prattle, chatter, prate, babble, gossip, talk freely, have a free and easy talk.Confabulation, n. [Rare.] Prattle, gossip, prate, chat, chit-chat, easy conversation, free and easy talk.Confect, n. Sweetmeat, CONFECTION.Confection, n. Sweetmeat, confect, comfit.Confectionery, n. 1. Sweetmeats, confections, confects, comfits, candies.2. Confectioner's shop.Confederacy, n. Confederation (especially of independent states), federation, league, coalition, alliance, union, federal compact.Confederate, v. a. Ally, league, combine, unite.Confederate, v. n. Unite, be leagued, be allied.Confederate, n. Accomplice, abettor, accessory, ally.Confederation, n. League, CONFEDERACY.Confer, v. n. Converse, discourse, parley, advise, talk, hold a conference, talk together.Confer, v. a. [Appropriately used when the gift is from a person of superior rank to another of lower rank.] Bestow, give, grant, vouchsafe.Conference, n. 1. Conversation, discourse, talk, colloquy, parley.2. Meeting for consultation.Confess, v. a. 1. Acknowledge (as a crime or fault), own, avow.2. Admit, grant, concede, recognize.3. Attest, prove, show, exhibit, manifest, be proof of.Confession, n. Acknowledgment, admission, avowal.Confidant, n. Bosom-friend, intimate friend, dear friend.Confide, v. a. Trust, intrust, commit, consign, give in trust.Confide in, Trust, depend upon, rely upon, put faith in, have confidence in, repose confidence in.Confidence, n. 1. Trust, faith, belief, reliance, dependence.2. Boldness, courage, intrepidity, assurance, firmness, self-reliance.Confident, a. 1. Assured, certain, sure, positive, COCKSURE, fully convinced.2. Bold, presumptuous, sanguine.Confidential, a. 1. Private, not to be disclosed, not to be communicated.2. Trusty, faithful, to be trusted.Confidentially, ad. Privately, in confidence, under the rose, between ourselves, between you and me, SUB ROSA, ENTRE NOUS.Configuration, n. Form, figure, shape, conformation.Confine, n. Boundary, border, limit, frontier.Confines, n. pl. Boundaries, borders, edges, limits, matches, frontiers, precincts.Confine, v. a. 1. Restrain, shut up, shut in.2. Imprison, immure, incarcerate.3. Limit, circumscribe, bound, restrict.Confinement, n. 1. Restraint.2. Imprisonment, incarceration, captivity, duress, durance.Confirm, v. a. 1. Establish, fix, settle, assure, make firm.2. Strengthen, add strength to.3. Corroborate, substantiate, verify.4. Ratify, sanction, bind.Confirmation, n. 1. Settlement, establishment.2. Corroboration, substantiation, verification, proof.3. Ratification, sanction.Confirmatory, a. Corroborating, corroborative.Confiscate, v. a. Cause to be forfeited, condemn to public use.Confiscation, n. Forfeiting, condemnation to public use.Conflagration, n. Great burning, general fire.Conflict, v. n. Clash, be contrary, be opposed.Conflict, n. Struggle, encounter, contest, combat, battle, fight, collision, strife in arms.Confluence, n. 1. Meeting, junction, conflux, union, flowing together.2. Concourse, multitude, crowd, collection, throng, army, host, swarm.Confluent, a. Meeting, flowing together.Conflux, n. 1. Confluence, meeting, union, flowing together.2. Collection, multitude, concourse, crowd, throng.Conform, v. a. Make conformable, bring into compliance.Conform, v. n. 1. Comply, yield assent.2. Agree, harmonize, tally, square, quadrate, correspond, comport.Conformable to, 1. Resembling, similar to, corresponding to.2. Agreeable to, suitable to, consistent with.3. Compliant with, submissive to.Conformation, n. 1. Accordance, compliance, agreement, conformity.2. Configuration, structure, form, figure, shape.Conformity, n. 1. Accordance, agreement, congruity.2. Correspondence, likeness, similitude, resemblance.Confound, v. a. 1. Mingle (so that there can be no distinction), intermingle, mix, blend, confuse.2. Perplex, bewilder, embarrass, mystify, pose, nonplus, flurry.3. Surprise,

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