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n. Knowledge, cognition, observation.Cognizant of, Aware of, acquainted with, familiar with, conversant with, having knowledge of.Cognomen, n. Surname, family name.Cohabit, v. n. Live together (as husband and wife).Co-heir, n. Joint heir.Cohere, v. n. 1. Adhere, cleave, unite, hold, stick together, hold together.2. Suit, fit, agree, square, quadrate, tally, coincide, comport.Coherence, n. 1. Cohesion, union, connection, dependence.2. Consistency, congruity, correspondence, harmony, agreement.Coherency, n. 1. Cohesion, union, connection, dependence.2. Consistency, congruity, correspondence, harmony, agreement.Coherent, a. 1. Connected, united, sticking together.2. Consistent, congruous, logical.Cohesion, n. Coherence, sticking together.Coiffure, n. Head-dress.Coil, v. a. Gather into a coil.Coil, n. Convolution, BIGHT, circular heap.Coin, n. Specie, cash, metallic money, hard money, stamped money.Coin, v. a. 1. Convert (metal) into money by stamping.2. Invent, fabricate, devise, create.Coinage, n. 1. Coin.2. Invention, fabrication, creation.Coincide, v. n. 1. Correspond, quadrate, square, tally, cohere.2. Agree, concur, harmonize, be of the same mind.Coincidence, n. 1. Correspondence.2. Agreement, concurrence, consistency.Coincident, a. 1. Correspondent, tallying, squaring.2. Agreeing, concurring, concurrent.Coition, n. Copulation.Cold, a. 1. Frigid, GELID, cool, not warm, not hot.2. Bleak, raw, biting, cutting, nipping, frosty, icy, wintry, hyemal, brumal.3. Chilly, chill, shivering.4. Apathetic, phlegmatic, stoical, unfeeling, unsusceptible, unimpressible, passionless, cold-blooded, sluggish, torpid, lukewarm, dead, indifferent, unconcerned.5. Unaffecting, uninteresting.Cold, n. 1. Absence of warmth, privation of heat.2. Coldness, chilliness.3. Catarrh, cough (or other inflammatory disease produced by exposure to cold).Cold-blooded, a. 1. With cold blood.2. Unfeeling, apathetic, passionless, COLD, cold-hearted, hard-hearted, cruel.Cold-hearted, a. Unfeeling, COLD-BLOODED.Colewort, n. Kale.Colic, n. Belly-ache, pain in the bowels.Collapse, n. 1. Falling together, falling in (as the sides of a flue).2. (Med.) Prostration, exhaustion, extreme depression.Collapse, v. n. Fall together, fall in.Collar, n. Neck-band.Collar-bone, n. Clavicle.Collate, v. a. Compare, bring into comparison, estimate relatively.Collateral, a. 1. Indirect, subordinate, not directly to the point.2. Corroboratory, confirmatory, concurrent.Collation, n. 1. Comparison.2. Meal (less than a feast), repast, entertainment, treat.Colleague, n. Associate (in some office, especially in that of a clergyman), coadjutor, co-operator, assistant, helper, alder, co-aid, partner, ally.Collect, v. a. 1. Gather, assemble, muster, bring together, scrape together.2. Accumulate, amass, aggregate, garner, heap up, garner up.3. Infer, deduce, consider probable.Collection, n. 1. Assemblage, group, cluster, gathering, crowd.2. Accumulation, heap, mass, hoard, store, pile, aggregation.3. Contribution (for charitable purposes).Collect one's self, Recover from surprise, recover one's self-possession, become calm.College, n. 1. Society (of persons engaged in common pursuits), community, body.2. University, literary institution or seminary of learning (of the highest class).3. College edifice or building.Collide, v. n. Clash, come into collision, strike against each other.Colliery, n. Coal-mine, coal-pit.Collision, n. 1. Clash, shock, concussion.2. Opposition, interference, clashing, conflict.Collocate, v. a. [Rare.] Place, set, dispose, arrange.Collocation, n. Arrangement, disposition, grouping.Collop, n. Slice (of meat), RASHER.Colloquial, a. Conversational.Colloquy, n. Dialogue, conversation, conference, talk, discourse.Collude, v. n. Participate in fraud, conspire fraudulently.Collusion, n. 1. Covin, participation in fraud.2. Artifice (practised in pursuance of some secret agreement), fraud, deceit.Collusive, a. Deceitful, fraudulent, deceptive, dishonest, covinous.Collyrium, n. [L.] (Med.) Eye-water, wash or lotion for the eyes.Colocynth, n. Coloquintida, bitter-apple, bitter-cucumber.Cologne, n. Eau-de-Cologne.Cologne-water, n. Eau-de-Cologne.Coloquintida, n. Colocynth, bitter-apple, bitter-cucumber.Color, n. 1. Hue, tint, tinge, shade.2. Pigment, paint.3. Plea, pretext, pretence, excuse, guise, disguise, semblance, appearance, make-shift, false show.Color, v. a. 1. Tinge, dye, paint, stain.2. Disguise, varnish, gloss over, make plausible.Color, v. n. Redden, blush, show color.Color-blindness, n. Daltonism.Colorless, a. Uncolored, hueless, untinged, achromatic.Color-sergeant, n. Ensign, standard-bearer.Colophony, n. Resin (from the pine), rosin.Colors, n. pl. Flag, standard, ensign, banner.Colossal, a. Gigantic, huge, monstrous, immense, enormous, prodigious, Cyclopean, Herculean.Colossus, n. Gigantic statue.Colporter, n. Pedler (of religious books), hawker of tracts.Colt, n. Young horse (male or female).Coltish, a. Frisky, rampant, playful, frolicsome, sportive, gay.Columbary, n. Dove-cot, pigeon-house.Column, n. 1. Pillar (that is round).2. File, line, row.Coma, n. 1. (Med.) Lethargy, dozing, stupor, drowsiness (from disease).2. (Astron.) Envelope.3. (Bot.) Tuft, cluster, bunch, clump.Comatose, a. Lethargic, drowsy (from disease), dozing, stupid, stupefied.Comatous, a. Lethargic, drowsy (from disease), dozing, stupid, stupefied.Combat, v. n. Fight, contend, struggle, contest, war.Combat, v. a. Oppose, resist, withstand, contend against, battle with, struggle with, war against.Combat, n. Battle, fight, conflict, engagement, action, contest, encounter, rencounter, skirmish, brush, affair.Combatant, n. Fighter, CHAMPION, warrior.Combativeness, n. Propensity to fight.Combination, n. 1. Union, conjunction, connection, association.2. Alliance, coalition, confederacy, league, complot, conspiracy, cabal.3. Mixture, compound, amalgamation.Combine, v. a. 1. Unite, join together.2. Mix, blend, incorporate, amalgamate, compound, put together.Combine, v. n. Coalesce, be united.Combustibility, n. Combustibleness, inflammability, inflammableness.Combustible, a. Inflammable.Combustibleness, n. Combustibility.Combustion, n. Conflagration, burning.Come, v. n. 1. Approach, advance, draw near, tend hitherward.2. Arrive, get to, reach or attain any place or point.3. Proceed, issue, arise, result, follow, flow, ensue, originate, be derived, be due or owing, take rise.4. Happen, occur, befall, betide, take place, come to pass, fall out.Come about, Happen, come to pass.Come at, Reach, obtain, get at.Come by, Get, obtain, gain, get possession of.Comedian, n. Comic actor.Come home, 1. Get home, reach home.2. Touch closely, interest deeply, concern especially.Come in, 1. Enter.2. Accrue (as gain).Come in for, Make a claim for.Come into, 1. Enter.2. Comply with, assent to, fall in with.Comeliness, n. 1. Propriety, fitness, suitableness.2. Symmetry, grace, gracefulness, beauty.Comely, a. 1. Becoming, fitting, suitable, seemly, decorous, decent.2. Symmetrical, graceful, handsome, beautiful, PRETTY.Come near, Approximate,

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