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a charge.Charge, n. 1. Load, lading, cargo, freight, burden, what is carried.2. Trust, care, custody, ward, management.3. Commission, duty, office, employment.4. Order, injunction, direction, mandate, precept, command.5. Instruction, exhortation.6. Accusation, crimination.7. Cost, expense, outlay, expenditure.8. Price, sum charged.9. Onset, onslaught, assault, attack, encounter.10. (Her.) Bearing.Chargeable, a. 1. Ascribable, attributable, imputable, referrible, traceable, owing, to be charged.2. Liable to be accused.3. Burdensome (as a cause of expense).Charger, n. 1. Dish, platter.2. War-horse.Charily, ad. Cautiously, warily, heedfully, carefully.Charitable, a. 1. Benevolent, kind, benign, full of good will.2. Beneficent, liberal, free, bountiful, generous, munificent, open-hearted, free-hearted, open-handed.Charity, n. 1. Benevolence, kindness, tenderness, affection, benignity, humanity, kind-heartedness, fellow-feeling, good-will, good-nature, milk of human kindness.2. Beneficence, liberality, generosity, bounty, alms-giving, active goodness, doing of good.3. Benefaction, gift, alms.Charivari, n. [Fr.] Discordant music, mock serenade.Charlatan, n. Quack, empiric, mountebank, pretender, impostor, cheat.Charlatanic, a. Empirical, quackish.Charlatanry, n. Quackery, empiricism, trickery, deceit.Charles's Wain, The Great Bear, Ursa Major, The Wain.Charm, n. 1. Spell, enchantment, incantation, witchery, magic, sorcery, necromancy, magical power.2. Attraction, fascination, allurement, attractiveness.Charm, v. a. 1. Subdue by a charm, allay by enchantment.2. Fascinate, enchant, delight, attract, captivate, catch, transport, enravish, enrapture, enamour, bewitch, allure, win, please highly, lead captive.Charmer, n. Enchanter, magician, sorcerer.Charming, a. Fascinating, captivating, enchanting, enrapturing, bewitching, delightful, lovely, very pleasant.Charnel-house, n. Ossuary, GRAVE.Charter, n. 1. Instrument, deed, indenture, act of incorporation.2. Right, privilege, prerogative, immunity, franchise, liberty.Charter, v. a. 1. Incorporate, establish by charter, grant by charter.2. Let or hire (a ship).Chary, a. Cautious, wary, careful, shy.Chase, v. a. 1. Pursue, hunt, track, run after, give chase to.2. Emboss, enchase.Chase away, Drive away, force away.Chase, n. 1. Hunting, hunt, field-sport.2. Pursuit, race.Chasm, n. 1. Breach, opening, cleft, fissure.2. Gap, hiatus, cavity, hollow.Chasseur, n. [Fr.] Horseman, horse-soldier, equestrian, chevalier, mounted soldier.Chaste, a. 1. Pine, undefiled, virtuous, modest, continent.2. Decent, not obscene.3. Uncorrupt, unaffected, simple, neat, in good taste.4. Refined, elegant, classic.Chasten, v. a. Chastise, correct, punish, castigate.Chastening, n. Chastisement, punishment, correction, castigation.Chastise, v. a. 1. Chasten, correct, punish, castigate.2. Repress, restrain, moderate, check, sober down.Chastisement, n. Punishment, chastening, correction.Chastity, n. 1. Purity, virtue, modesty, continence.2. Decency, freedom from obscenity.3. Unaffectedness, simplicity.Chat, v. n. Prattle, chatter, prate, babble, gossip, confabulate, talk freely, have a free and easy talk.Chat, n. Prattle, prate, gossip, confabulation, chit-chat, easy conversation, free and easy talk.Chattels, n. pl. Goods, effects, furniture, movables, movable property.Chatter, v. n. Prate, prattle, chat, gossip, talk idly, talk freely.Chatter, n. Prate, prattle, CHAT.Chatterer, n. Prater, prattler, tattler, gossip, babbler, gadder, gadabout, rattle-head.Cheap, a. 1. Low-priced.2. Common, of little value, of small account.Cheapen, v. a. 1. Bid for, bargain for, ask the price of, try to get cheaper, haggle about, chaffer about.2. Make cheap, lessen in value.Cheat, v. a. Defraud, trick, deceive, dupe, gull, overreach, jockey, cozen, chouse, outwit, bamboozle, circumvent, delude, hoodwink, diddle, beguile, mislead, inveigle, gammon, impose upon.Cheat, n. 1. Trick, deception, imposture, imposition, juggle, stratagem, finesse, fraud, circumvention, delusion, artifice, deceit, chouse, BAM.2. Trickster, impostor, rogue, knave, swindler, sharper, cheater, artful fellow.Cheater, n. Trickster, CHEAT.Check, n. 1. Restraint, curb, bridle, hinderance, stop, obstacle, impediment, obstruction, bar, barrier, damper, interference, rebuff, repression, control.2. Counter register, corresponding indenture, corresponding cipher.3. Mark, symbol, sign.4. Order for money.5. Ticket, certificate of right.6. Checkered cloth.Check, v. a. 1. Restrain, curb, bridle, hinder, obstruct, repress, chastise, counteract, control, put a restraint upon, hold in check, put a damper upon, nip in the bud.2. Reprove, chide, reprimand, rebuke.3. Note with a mark.Checker, v. a. Variegate, diversify.Checker-berry, n. Partridge-berry, squaw-vine, winter-clover (Mitchella repens).Checkers, n. pl. Draughts.Checkmate, v. a. Beat (at chess), conquer, vanquish, put in check.Cheek, n. 1. Side of the face.2. [Colloquial.] Boldness, impudence, insolence, impertinence, sauciness, assurance, audacity, presumption, face, front, effrontery, brass.Cheek-bone, n. Zygoma.Cheek by jowl, Close (as in familiar intercourse), face to face, side by side, TÈTE-À-TÈTE, in close proximity.Cheeky, a. [Colloquial.] Bold, forward, pert, assuming, BRASSY, brazen-faced.Cheer, n. 1. Mirth, gayety, joy, gladness, CHEERFULNESS.2. Entertainment, provisions, food, repast, viands, victuals.3. Acclamation, shout of applause.Cheer, v. a. 1. Gladden, exhilarate, inspirit, enliven, animate, incite, encourage.2. Comfort, console, solace, make cheerful.3. Applaud, clap, salute with cheers.Cheerful, a. Lively, sprightly, animated, joyful, joyous, blithe, mirthful, buoyant, gleeful, gay, cheery, airy, sunny, jocund, jolly, in good spirits, of good cheer, in high feather.Cheerfulness, n. Liveliness, animation, joyfulness, joy, gladness, mirthfulness, cheer, buoyancy of spirits, flow of spirits, good spirits.Cheesy, a. Caseous, of the nature of cheese.Chef-d'œuvre, n. [Fr.] Master-piece, master-work, master-stroke, paragon, capital performance.Chemise, n. Shift, smock.Cherish, v. a. 1. Nurture, foster, nourish, nurse, sustain, support, comfort, care for, treat tenderly.2. Harbor, entertain, indulge, encourage, hold dear, embrace heartily.Cherup, v. n. Chirp, chirrup.Cherup, v. a. Encourage (by chirruping), inspirit, animate, cheer, chirrup.Chest, n. Breast, thorax, trunk (of the body).Chetah, n. [Sometimes written Cheetah.] Hunting leopard (Felis jubata).Chevalier, n. Knight, CAVALIER.Chew, v. a. 1. Masticate, manducate, MUNCH.2. Champ, bite, gnaw.3. Meditate, ruminate, muse on, reflect upon, chew the cud upon.Chew, v. n. Meditate, ruminate, muse, reflect.Chicane, n. 1. Trick, shift, ruse, stratagem, wile, artifice, fetch, CLAP-TRAP.2. Trickery, sophistry, chicanery.Chicanery, n. Trickery, duplicity, chicane, sophistry, sophistication, deception.Chiccory, n. Succory.Chickadee, n. Black-capped titmouse (Parus atricapillus).Chickaree, n. Red squirrel (Sciurus Hudsonius).Chide, v. a. Rebuke, reprimand, censure, reprove, blame, upbraid, admonish, scold, scold at.Chief, a. 1. Leading, supreme, headmost, first, supreme, most eminent.2. Principal, main, prime, vital, especial, great, grand, cardinal, master, most important.

      Chief, n. 1. Chieftain, commander.2. Leader, head, corypheus, principal person.Chiefly,

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