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Century, a hundred years.Centesimal, a. Hundredth, by the hundred.Centre, n. [Written also Center.] Middle, midst, middle point.Centrifugal, a. Tending from the centre.Centripetal, a. Tending to the centre.Centuple, a. Hundred-fold.Century, n. 1. Hundred.2. Centenary, a hundred years.Cephalalgy, n. (Med.) Headache.Cere, v. a. Wax, smear with wax.Cereals, n. pl. Edible grains.Cerecloth, n. Cerement.Cerement, n. Cerecloth.Ceremonial, a. Ritual, formal.Ceremonial, n. Rite, form, formality, CEREMONY.Ceremonious, a. 1. Civil, respectful, courteous, courtly.2. Formal, punctilious, stiff, precise, exact, starched, prim.Ceremony, n. 1. Rite, form, formality, ceremonial, solemnity, observance.2. Parade, pomp, show, stateliness.Certain, a. 1. Indubitable, unquestionable, indisputable, undeniable, incontestable, uncontrovertible, unquestioned, undisputed, undoubted, absolute, positive, plain, past dispute, beyond all question, sure as fate, sure as a gun, clear as day, not doubtful.2. Sure, assured, confident, undoubting, fully convinced.3. Unfailing, infallible, never-failing.4. Actual, real, existing.5. Settled, determinate, fixed, stated, constant.6. One, some, particular.Certainty, n. 1. Surety, indubitableness, certitude, freedom from doubt.2. Truth, fact, fixed fact, accomplished fact, real state.Certificate, n. 1. Voucher, testimony.2. Testimonial, attestation, credential.Certify, v. a. 1. Attest, testify to, vouch for.2. Verify, ascertain, determine, make certain.Certitude, n. Certainty.Cerulean, a. Azure, blue, sky-colored, sky-blue.Cerumen, n. Ear-wax.Ceruse, n. White-lead, carbonate of lead.Cespitose, a. Turfy, turf-like.Cespitous, a. Turfy, turf-like.Cessation, n. Stoppage, stop, intermission, remission, suspension, pause, rest, respite, discontinuance.Cession, n. 1. Surrender, relinquishment, yielding, renunciation, abandonment.2. Grant, conveyance.Cestus, n. [L.] Girdle (especially the girdle of Venus), belt, cincture, band.Cetacean, n. Cetaceous animal.Cetacean, a. Of the whale kind.Cetaceous, a. Of the whale kind.Chafe, v. a. 1. Rub, hurt by rubbing, wear by rubbing.2. Irritate, vex, annoy, fret, tease, gall, chagrin, provoke, ruffle, offend, nettle, incense, enrage, exasperate, anger, make angry.Chafe, v. n. 1. Be rubbed, be worn by rubbing.2. Rage, fret, fume.Chaff, n. 1. Husks, hulls, glumes.2. Refuse, worthless matter.Chaff, v. a. Ridicule, mock, scoff, deride, jeer, flout, make fun of, POKE FUN AT.Chaffer, v. n. Higgle, haggle, bargain, negotiate.Chagrin, n. Mortification, vexation, displeasure, disquiet, ill-humor.Chagrin, v. a. Mortify, vex, irritate, chafe, annoy, displease, provoke, put out of temper.Chain, n. 1. Fetter, manacle, shackle, bond.2. Connected series, orderly succession.Chain, v. a. 1. Fasten with a chain.2. Confine, restrain, fetter, shackle, trammel.3. Enslave, hold in bondage.Chair, n. 1. Movable seat.2. Seat of justice, seat of authority.3. Chairman, presiding officer.4. Professorship.Chairman, n. Chair, presiding officer.Chaldaic, n. Chaldee, Chaldaic language.Chaldee, n. Chaldaic, Chaldaic language.Chalice, n. Cup (especially the communion-cup), bowl.Chalky, a. Cretaceous.Challenge, v. a. 1. Defy, dare, brave, invite to trial, call to combat, call to answer.2. Demand, require, claim, call for.3. (Law.) Object to, take exceptions to.Challenge, n. 1. Defiance, summons to trial, call to combat, call to answer.2. (Law.) Exception, objection.Chalybeate, a. Impregnated with iron.Cham, n. Khan, sovereign prince (of Tartary).Chamber, n. 1. Apartment, room, hall.2. Cavity, hollow place.3. Legislative body.Chamber-fellow, n. Chum.Chamber-pot, n. Urinal, jorden.Chamfer, v. a. 1. Bevel.2. Channel, flute, groove, cut furrows in, cut channels in.Chamfer, n. 1. Bevel.2. Fluting, channel, furrow.Champ, v. a. Bite, chew, gnaw.Champaign, n. Flat, open country.Champaign, a. Flat, (as land), level, open.Champion, n. 1. Combatant (in behalf of others), fighter, warrior.2. Defender, protector, vindicator.Chance, n. 1. Accident, casualty, contingency, fortuity, fortune, fortuitous event, unforseen event.2. Risk, hazard, peril, jeopardy.Chance, v. n. Happen, occur, befall, betide, take place, fall out, turn up, come to pass.Chancery, n. 1. Court of Equity, Court of Chancery.2. [U. S.] Equity, proceedings in equity.Change, v. a. 1. Shift, remove for another, set aside for others.2. Alter, vary, modify, make different, make some change in.3. Exchange, barter, commute, give in exchange.Change, v. n. Alter, vary, shift, veer, turn, undergo change, change about.Change, n. 1. Alteration, variation, mutation, commutation, transition, transmutation, revolution.2. Vicissitude, variety, novelty, innovation.3. Small coin, small money.Changeable, a. 1. Variable, inconstant, unsteady, unsteadfast, unstable, unsettled, mutable, uncertain.2. Fickle, wavering, vacillating, fitful, capricious, volatile, giddy, like a weather-cock.Change about, Change.Change hands, Change owners.Changeling, n. 1. Child (taken or left in place of another).2. Oaf, simpleton, fool, DUNCE.Channel, n. 1. Passage, duct, conduit, water-course.2. Gutter, furrow, fluting, chamfer.3. Strait, arm of the sea, narrow sea.4. Avenue, route, way.Channel, v. a. Groove, flute, chamfer, cut furrows in, cut channels in.Chant, v. a. &n. Sing, warble, carol.Chant, n. Song, carol, melody.Chanter, n. Singer, songster.Chanticleer, n. Cock, ROOSTER.Chaos, n. 1. Matter in a disorganized state, matter in confusion.2. Disorder, confusion.Chaotic, a. Disordered, confused.Chap, v. a. Crack, split, cleave.Chap, v. n. Crack, open in slits.Chap, n. 1. Cleft, crack, opening.2. Boy, youth, fellow.Chaparral, n. Thicket (of brambles and thorny shrubs).Chapeau, n. [Fr.] Hat.Chapel, n. Church, temple, meeting-house, place of worship.Chap-fallen, a. [Sometimes spelled chopfallen.] Dejected, dispirited, depressed, discouraged, melancholy, sad, downcast, disheartened, downhearted, desponding, despondent, BLUE, crestfallen, low-spirited, in low spirits.Chaplet, n. Garland, wreath, coronal.Chaps, n. pl. Mouth, jaws.Char, v. a. Burn, scorch, reduce to charcoal.Character, n. 1. Mark, figure, sign, emblem, letter.2. Constitution, quality, nature, disposition, cast, turn, bent.3. Person, personage, individual.4. Reputation, repute.Characteristic, a. Special, peculiar.Characteristic, n. Peculiarity, marked feature.Characterization, n. Designation (of properties), specification.Characterize, v. a. 1. Distinguish, designate, mark.2. Describe, set forth the character of, specify the peculiarities of.Charcoal, n. Wood-coal.Charge, v. a. 1. Load, burden, freight, lade.2. Intrust, put in one's keeping or care.3. Ascribe, impute, lay, put, bring home to, lay to one's door, lay to one's charge.4. Accuse, arraign, impeach, inculpate, criminate, indict, tax, call to account, take to task, inform against.5. Command, order, bid, require, enjoin.6. Attack, assault, fall upon, bear down upon, set on.Charge, v. n. Make an onset,

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