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lively, sprightly, vivacious, animated, spirited, joyful, joyous, gay, blithe, blithesome, jocund, sportive, elated, jubilant, in good spirits, in high spirits, full of life, full of spirit.Burbot, n. Eel-pout (Lota vulgaris).Burden, n. 1. Load, weight.2. Cargo, freight, lading.3. Incumbrance, clog, impediment, incubus, drag weight, dead weight.4. Chorus, refrain.Burden, v. a. Load, overload, overlay, oppress, surcharge, put a burden upon.Burdensome, a. 1. Heavy, oppressive, onerous.2. Troublesome, grievous, hard to bear.Bureau, n. 1. Chest of drawers.2. Office, counting-room, place of business.3. Department (of Government).Burgall, n. Conner, cunner, CHOGSET, blue perch.Burglary, n. House-breaking (at night).Burial, n. Interment, sepulture, inhumation, entombment, burying.Burial-ground, n. Cemetery, graveyard, burying-ground, church-yard, necropolis.Burin, n. Graver, style.Burlesque, a. Comic, comical, funny, laughable, farcical, ludicrous, jocular, sportive.Burlesque, n. Caricature, travesty, parody, farce, ludicrous representation.Burlesque, v. a. Caricature, travesty, make ludicrous.Burly, a. 1. Stout, lusty, brawny, portly, bulky, strong, STRAPPING, BOUNCING.2. Boisterous, noisy, blustering, swaggering, bullying, hectoring, coarse and rough.Burn, v. a. 1. Consume with fire, reduce to ashes.2. Calcine, char, scorch, toast, parch, bake.3. Injure by fire or heat.4. Shrivel, cause to wither.Burn, v. n. 1. Flame, be on fire.2. Glow, warm, be excited.Burn, n. [Scottish.] Brook, rivulet, streamlet, runnel, rivulet, rill, small stream.Burning, a. 1. Fiery, flaming, hot, scorching.2. Glowing, ardent, fervent, fervid, impassioned, intense, earnest.3. Vehement, powerful.Burning-glass, n. Convex lens.Burnish, v. a. Polish, furbish, brighten, make bright, make glossy.Burn one's fingers, Get one's self into trouble (as by meddling in the affairs of others, or by speculation), smart for it.Burst, v. n. 1. Break open (from internal pressure), fly open, be rent asunder.2. Break out suddenly.Burst, v. a. Rend asunder, break open.Burst, n. Explosion, BURSTING.Bursting, n. Explosion, disruption, blast, burst.Bury, v. a. 1. Cover (with earth, &c.), cover up.2. Inter, inhume, entomb, inurn, lay in the grave, consign to the grave.3. Hide, conceal, secrete, shroud.Burying, n. Interment, sepulture, inhumation, entombment, burial.Burying-ground, n. Cemetery, graveyard, BURIAL-GROUND.Bury the hatchet, Make peace, be reconciled, sheathe the sword, put up the sword.Bush, n. Shrub.Bushel, n. Four pecks, eight gallons, thirty-two quarts.Business, n. 1. Calling, employment, occupation, pursuit, vocation, profession, craft, AVOCATION, walk of life.2. Trade, commerce, traffic, dealing.3. Concern, matter, affair, transaction.4. Office, duty, function.Buskin, n. 1. Half boot (especially one with high soles, worn by the ancient tragedians).2. Tragedy, tragic drama.Buskined, a. 1. Dressed in buskins.2. [Rare.] Tragic.Buss, v. a. [Colloquial.] Kiss.Buss, n. Kiss, smack.Bustle, v. n. Fuss, stir about, busy one's self, be active, be busy, bestir one's self, make a fuss, be in a fidget, be in a PUCKER, be in a stew, make much ado about trifles or about nothing.Bustle, n. 1. Stir, FUSS, hurry, flurry, tumult, pother, commotion, ado, TO DO.2. Bishop, TOURNURE.Busy, a. 1. Diligent, assiduous, industrious, sedulous, notable, active, working, hard-working, at work; diligently employed, engaged, or occupied.2. Brisk, stirring, bustling, nimble, agile, SPRY, constantly in motion.3. Meddling, officious, importunate.Busy, v. a. Occupy, employ, make busy.Busybody, n. Meddler, intermeddler, meddlesome person, officious person.But, conj. 1. On the other hand, on the contrary.2. Yet, still, however, nevertheless, moreover, further.3. Unless, if it were not that, if it be not that.4. But that, otherwise than that.But, prep. Except, excepting.But, ad. Only, no more than.But, n. 1. End (especially the larger end), but-end.2. Bound, boundary, mete.Butcher, n. Slayer, killer, murderer, slaughterer, assassin, cut-throat.Butcher, v. a. Kill, MURDER, slay, slaughter, massacre, ASSASSINATE, despatch, put to death.Butchery, n. Murder, slaughter, massacre, carnage, bloodshed.But-end, n. Blunt end, but.Butt, n. 1. Mark, object, target, point aimed at.2. Laughing-stock.3. Stroke, blow.4. Cask.Butt, v. n. Bunt, strike with the head or the horns.Butter-bird, n. Bobolink, rice-bird, rice-bunting, reed-bird, skunk-bird, skunk-blackbird (Dolichonyx orizyvorus).Butterfly-shaped, a. Papilionaceous.Buttery, n. Pantry.Buttock, n. Rump.Button-ball tree, Button-wood.Button-holder, n. Bore, proser.Button-wood, n. Sycamore, plane-tree, button-ball tree, water-birch (Platanus occidentalis).Buttress, n. Shore, prop, support, stay, brace.Buxom, a. Gay, brisk, sprightly, lively, joyous, joyful, buoyant, vivacious, cheerful, blithe, blithesome, WINSOME, jocund, sportive, frolicsome, jolly, airy, debonair, in high health and spirits.Buy, v. a. Purchase, bargain for.Buzz, v. n. 1. Hum, make a humming sound (as bees).2. Whisper, murmur.Buzz, n. 1. Hum, humming noise.2. Whisper, murmur.By, prep. 1. Through (as the cause, or the remote agent), WITH, by the agency of, by means of, by dint of.2. At, on, by way of.3. From, according to.4. Near to, close by.5. Past.6. Along, over.By, ad. Near.By and by, Presently, soon, before long, in a short time.By chance, Perhaps, perchance, possibly, haply, PERADVENTURE, maybe, it may be, as luck may have it, as it happened.By degrees, Gradually, step by step, little by little, by little and little.By dint of, By, by force of, by means of, by the agency of.By-end, n. By-purpose, private interest, secret purpose, self-interested purpose, clandestine design.By far, Very much, in a great degree.By fits, Irregularly, fitfully, by fits and starts.By fits and starts, By fits.Bygone, a. Past, gone by.By hand, With the hands, by the use of the hands.By hook or by crook, Somehow or other, one way or other, in one way or another, by any means.By-name, n. Nickname, SOBRIQUET.By one's self, 1. Alone, solitary.2. On one's own account, ON ONE'S OWN HOOK.By-path, n. By-way, private way.By-place, n. Retired place, out-of-the-way place.By-purpose, n. By-end.By-road, n. Private road, unfrequented road.By-room, n. Private room, CABINET.By rote, By mere repetition, without any exercise of the understanding, with no attention to the meaning.Bystander, n. Spectator, looker-on.By stealth, Secretly, clandestinely.By the board, Overboard, over the side.By the bye, In passing, EN PASSANT, apropos to the matter in hand, by the way.By the job, At a stipulated price (for the whole job).By the strike, By the level measure.By the way, By the bye.By-way, n. By-path, private way.Byword, n. 1. Saying, saw, maxim, adage, proverb, aphorism, apothegm, dictum, sententious precept.2. Object of contempt, mark for scorn.3. Slang, cant term.

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      Cabal, n. 1. Clique (for some sinister purpose), junto, COTERIE, set, party, gang, faction, combination,

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