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from jail.Break in, 1. Make an irruption.2. Intrude one's self, take up the discourse, begin to speak.Breaking, n. Rupture, fracture.Break of day, Dawn, dawning, daybreak, morning, cockcrowing, MORN, dayspring, peep of day, prime of day, first blush of the morning.Break off, 1. Be ruptured.2. Desist, cease, stop, leave off.Break out, Issue, break forth, burst out.Break the ice, Make a beginning, prepare the way, open a way.Breakwater, n. Jetty, pier, mole.Break with, Fall out, part friendship with.Breast, n. 1. Bosom.2. Heart, conscience, seat of the affections.3. Mamma, teat, dug, udder.Breast, v. a. Face, stem, withstand, oppose, resist, bare the breast against.Breast bone, n. Sternum.Breastwork, n. (Fort.) Parapet.Breath, n. 1. Air inspired and expired.2. Life, existence, animation, breath of life, vital spark.3. Respite, pause, rest.Breathe, v. n. 1. Respire.2. Live, exist.3. Pause, rest, take breath, have a respite.Breathe, v. a. 1. Inspire and expire.2. Exhale, emit, give out, throw out.3. Whisper, utter softly.4. Indicate, manifest, express, show.Breathe in, Inhale, draw into the lungs.Breathe out, Expire, force out of the lungs.Breathing, n. 1. Respiration.2. Aspiration, wish, desire, longing, craving, yearning.Breathing, a. Living, alive, live, not dead.Breathing-hole, n. Vent-hole.Breathless, a. 1. Out of breath.2. Dead, lifeless, defunct.Breech, n. Hinder part, after part.Breech-band, n. Breeching.Breeches, n. pl. 1. Small-clothes.2. Trousers, pantaloons.Breeching, n. Breech-band.Breed, v. a. 1. Nourish, nurture, foster, bring up.2. Discipline, educate, instruct, train, teach, school.3. Beget, get, procreate, engender, generate, produce.4. Originate, occasion, give rise to, be the cause of.Breed, v. n. 1. Bring forth young, produce offspring.2. Be born, be produced.Breed, n. Race (of animals), lineage, pedigree, progeny, stock.Breeding, n. 1. Nurture, education, discipline, instruction, training, schooling.2. Deportment, manners.Breeze, n. Zephyr, air, gentle gale, moderate wind, light wind.2. Quarrel, disturbance, commotion, noise, tumult, uproar, stir, agitation.Bregma, n. (Anat.) Sinciput, top of the head.Brent, n. Brant, brand-goose (Anser bernicla).Brett, n. Britzska.Breviary, n. 1. Abridgment, epitome, compend, compendium, summary, synopsis, syllabus, abstract, digest, brief, conspectus, outline, sum and substance.2. Prayer-book.Brevipennate, a. (Ornith.) Short-winged.Brevity, n. 1. Briefness, shortness.2. Conciseness, terseness, compression, succinctness, pithiness.Brew, v. a. 1. Prepare by fermentation.2. Contrive, plot, devise, project, hatch, concoct, foment, excite, stir up.Brew, v. n. 1. Make beer.2. Be gathering, be forming.Brewery, n. Brew-house.Bribe, n. Reward of treachery.Bribe, v. a. Suborn, gain by a bribe, give a bribe to.Bridal, a. Nuptial, connubial, hymeneal, matrimonial, conjugal.Bridal, n. Marriage, wedding, nuptials, nuptial festival.Bridewell, n. Prison, jail, penitentiary, workhouse, house of correction.Bridle, n. Restraint, curb, check.Bridle, v. a. Restrain, control, check, curb, control, govern.Brief, a. 1. Short, concise, succinct, compendious, laconic, CURT.2. Transitory, fleeting, transient, temporary, short-lived, ephemeral.Brief, n. 1. Epitome, compendium, summary, synopsis, syllabus, abstract, breviary, abridgment, conspectus.2. Pontifical letter, papal rescript.3. (Law.) Writ, precept.Briefly, ad. Concisely, in short, in brief, in a few words.Brigand, n. Robber, highwayman, free-booter, marauder, outlaw, bandit.Bright, a. 1. Luminous, shining, resplendent, glowing, lustrous, beaming, gleaming, radiant, brilliant, effulgent, refulgent, splendid, beamy, silvery, argent.2. Clear, transparent, lucid, pellucid, limpid.3. Illustrious, glorious, famous.4. Acute, ingenious, discerning, keen, INTELLIGENT.5. Auspicious, promising, propitious.Brighten, v. a. 1. Polish, burnish, furbish, make bright.2. Make cheerful, make joyous.Brighten, v. n. Grow bright.Brightness, n. 1. Lustre, splendor, brilliancy, radiance, resplendence, effulgence.2. Clearness, transparency, lucidity.3. Acuteness, ingenuity, sagacity, acumen, astuteness, discernment, mother-wit, quick parts.Brilliancy, n. Splendor, lustre, brightness, effulgence, refulgence, radiance, shine, sheen, gloss.Brilliant, a. 1. Sparkling, glittering, splendid, lustrous, shining, bright, beaming, radiant, effulgent, refulgent, resplendent.2. Illustrious, glorious, celebrated, famous.Brilliant, n. Diamond (cut into facets).Brim, n. Edge, border, rim, verge, margin, skirt.Brimful, a. Quite full, full to the brim, choke full.Brimstone, n. 1. Sulphur.2. [Commercial term.] Cane brimstone, roll sulphur, stick sulphur.Brinded, a. Brindled, tabby.Brindled, a. Brinded, tabby.Brine, n. 1. Salt water.2. Sea, ocean, deep, main.Bring, v. a. 1. Convey, bear, FETCH.2. Produce, gain, be the cause of, be the means of.3. Draw, lead, induce, prevail upon.Bring about, Effect, achieve, accomplish, bring to pass.Bring back, 1. Recall.2. Restore, return.Bring down, Humble, abase.Bring forth, 1. Give birth to.2. Produce, exhibit, show, expose, bring out, bring to light, make manifest.Bring forward, Introduce, propose.Bring near, Approximate.Bring on, Originate, give rise to.Bring out, Produce, expose, show, exhibit, bring forth, bring to light.Bring over, 1. Bear across.2. Convert, win over.Bring to, 1. Check the course of (said of a ship).2. Resuscitate, revive.Bring under, Subdue, repress, restrain, conquer, get the better of.Bring up, Educate, instruct, rear, nurse.Brink, n. Edge, border, margin, verge, brow.Briny, a. Salt.Brisk, a. Active, lively, smart, agile, nimble, quick, smart, alert, spry, spirited, vivacious, sprightly.Brittle, a. Fragile, crumbling, shivery, frail, frangible, BRASH, easily broken (into pieces), easily shivered.Britzska, n. Brett.Broach, v. a. 1. Pierce, tap.2. Utter, publish, proclaim, give out.Broached, a. Tapped, abroach, on tap.Broad, a. 1. Wide.2. Large, ample, extensive, expanded, extended, vast.3. Spread, diffused, open.4. Gross, coarse, indelicate, vulgar, obscene.Broaden, v. a. Widen, make broad.Broadside, n. 1. Cannonade (from all the guns on the side of a ship).2. Placard, bill, poster, hand-bill.Brochure, n. [Fr.] Pamphlet.Broil, n. Affray, fray, quarrel, contention, feud, BRAWL.Broken, a. 1. Shattered, rent, severed, separated.2. Weakened, impaired, feeble, shaken, spent, wasted, exhausted.3. Abrupt, craggy, steep, precipitous, rough.Broken-hearted, a. Disconsolate, inconsolable, comfortless, cheerless, sad, sorrowful, melancholy, woebegone, forlorn, undone, heart-broken, in despair.Broker, n. Factor, agent, middleman, go-between.Brood, v. n. Incubate.Brood, n. Offspring, progeny, issue.Brood over, Think long and anxiously about.Brook, n. Rivulet, streamlet, run, RUNNEL, runlet, rill, BURN, small stream.Brook, v. a. Endure, bear, abide, tolerate, suffer, put up with, submit to, bear with, take patiently or easily.Broom,

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