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Longing, yearning, hankering, craving, ardent wish or desire.Aspire, v. n. 1. Desire (earnestly), long.2. Ascend, rise, soar, tower, mount.Aspirer, n. Aspirant, ambitious person.Aspire to, Desire eagerly, wish for ardently, long for, aim at, thirst after.Aspiring, a. Ambitious, high-reaching.Asquint, ad. Askance, askant, awry, askew, obliquely, to one side.Ass, n. 1. Jackass, donkey.2. Dolt, fool, blockhead, simpleton, numskull, ninny, DUNCE.Assail, v. a. Assault, attack, invade, oppugn, fall upon, fly at, bear down upon, make aggression on.Assailant, n. Aggressor, assaulter, attacker, invader, assailer.Assailant, a. Attacking, invading, assaulting.Assailer, n. Aggressor, ASSAILANT.Assassin, n. Murderer, slayer, cut-throat, assassinator, bravo.Assassinate, v. a. Kill (by secret assault), murder, slay, despatch.Assassination, n. Murder (by secret assault).Assassinator, n. Assassin.Assault, n. 1. Attack, onset, onslaught, aggression, invasion, charge, thrust.2. Storming, storm.Assault, v. a. Assail, attack, charge, invade, STORM, fall upon, fly at, bear down upon, make aggression on.Assay, n. Trial (particularly to determine the quantity of metal in an ore), test, examination, experiment, proof, touchstone, ordeal.Assay, v. a. Try, test, put to the test, make trial of.Assay, v. n. Try, endeavor, attempt, essay.Assemblage, n. 1. Collection, group, cluster, clump, mass, congeries, pack.2. Assembly, concourse, company, crowd, throng, congregation, gathering, meeting.Assemble, v. a. Collect, muster, convene, convoke, congregate, gather, levy, call, call together, bring together, get together.Assemble, v. n. Converse, meet, meet together, come together.Assembly, n. 1. Company, concourse, throng, congregation, gathering, collection, assemblage, meeting.2. Congress, convention, convocation, conclave, synod, diet, meeting, council, caucus, conventicle, Parliament.Assent, v. n. Agree (as to a matter of opinion), CONSENT, concur, acquiesce, subscribe, yield, yield assent, give consent, fall in, go with the stream, go with the current.Assent, n. Consent, agreement, concurrence, acquiescence, allowance.Assent to, Consent to, agree to, give assent to, acquiesce in, concur in.Assert, v. a. 1. Affirm, declare, pronounce, express, aver, allege, asseverate, protest, avow, predicate, lay down.2. Vindicate, defend, claim, maintain, uphold.Assertion, n. 1. Affirmation, declaration, asseveration, protestation, position, statement, word, averment, predication, remark.2. Vindication, defence, maintenance, support.Assess, v. a. 1. Tax, charge as one's share.2. Value, appraise, compute, estimate, rate.Assessment, n. 1. Assessing, valuation.2. Tax, impost, charge, rate.Assets, n. pl. Property (particularly as compared with liabilities), effects, possessions, estate.Asseverate, v. a. Aver, affirm, declare, ASSERT, protest, maintain, avow.Asseveration, n. Declaration, assertion, avowal, protestation, affirmation, averment, assurance.Assiduity, n. Industry, DILIGENCE, assiduousness, sedulousness, activity, perseverance, persistence, patience, close application.Assiduous, a. Industrious, sedulous, diligent, indefatigable, notable, active, busy, untiring, unwearied, unremitting, persevering, persistent, constant, patient, studious, zealous, never-tiring, painstaking.Assiduousness, n. Assiduity.Assign, v. a. 1. Apportion, allot, appoint, appropriate, cast.2. Fix, specify, determine, designate.3. Adduce, allege, advance, offer, give, present, bring forward.4. (Law.) Transfer, convey, make over.Assignation, n. 1. Designation.2. Appointment to meet.Assign dower, (Law.) Set off (by metes and bounds) the widow's share.Assignment, n. 1. Appointment, allotment, apportionment.2. (Law.) Transfer, conveyance.Assimilate, v. a. 1. Liken, make like, bring to a resemblance.2. Digest, turn to one's own substance.Assist, v. a. 1. Help, aid, support, befriend, patronize, serve, speed, second, abet, back, sustain, co-operate with, take part with, give support to, minister to.2. Succor, relieve, SPELL.Assistance, n. Help, aid, succor, LIFT, support, patronage, relief, helping hand, good offices.Assistant, n. Coadjutor, helper, aider, co-operator, co-aid, ally, auxiliary, abettor, ADJUTANT, CLERK, right hand man.Assizes, n. pl. Sessions (of the superior courts in the counties of England).Associate, v. a. Join, conjoin, unite, connect, combine, affiliate, yoke, couple, link, bring into close relation.Associate, v. n. Fraternize, sort, consort, keep company, be in familiar intercourse.Associate, n. 1. Companion, mate, fellow, yoke-fellow, comrade, peer, compeer, follower, CONSORT.2. Partner, copartner, coadjutor, COLLEAGUE, confederate, ally.Association, n. 1. Union, connection, conjunction, combination.2. Society, fraternity, partnership, copartnership, sodality, company, band, corporation, body, guild, firm, house, confederacy, confederation, LODGE, club, COTERIE, CLIQUE, joint concern.Assort, v. a. Class, classify, rank, group, arrange, distribute, sort.Assort, v. n. Agree, consort, suit, be adapted, be suitable.Assortment, n. 1. Assorting, arranging, allotment, distribution, arrangement.2. Class, group, set, batch, lot, parcel, stock, store, collection, pack.3. Variety of sorts, many kinds.Assorted, a. Of various sorts.Assuage, v. a. Mitigate, moderate, appease, alleviate, soothe, soften, mollify, pacify, compose, tranquillize, quiet, still, quell, allay, abate, temper, attemper, lessen, qualify, relieve, ease, dull, blunt, lull.Assuagement, n. Mitigation, alleviation, pacification, easing, abatement.Assuasive, a. Soothing, assuaging, emollient, lenient, lenitive, mitigating, mitigative, mild.Assume, v. a. 1. Take, undertake, take on, take upon one's self, be willing to bear.2. Affect, feign, counterfeit, simulate, pretend to, put on.3. Arrogate, usurp, claim unduly, make unjust pretensions to.4. Beg, suppose, presuppose, imply, consider as true, take for granted.Assumed name, Alias.Assuming, a. 1. Presuming, presumptuous, forward, audacious, bold, shameless, frontless, unblushing, brazen, brazen-faced.2. Arrogant, proud, lofty, stately, haughty, supercilious, overbearing, overweening, conceited, consequential, self-conceited, self-sufficient.Assumption, n. 1. Assuming, arrogating, usurpation.2. Presumption, supposition, conjecture, hypothesis, postulate, theory.3. Haughtiness, loftiness, superciliousness, lordliness, stateliness, conceit, pride, conceitedness, self-conceit, self-importance, vain-glory, arrogance, insolence, HAUTEUR.Assurance, n. 1. Security, certainty, conviction, persuasion, pledge of certainty, ground of confidence.2. Promise, engagement, word of honor.3. Affirmation, assertion, declaration, protestation, asseveration, averment, avowal.4. Intrepidity, courage, confidence, firmness, self-reliance.5. Boldness, effrontery, brass, impudence, impertinence, presumption, CHEEK, face, front.6. (Law.) Insurance.Assure, v. a. 1. Make certain or sure, free from doubt or uncertainty.2. Embolden, encourage, enhearten, hearten, make confident.3. Declare to (confidently and earnestly), vouch to, avow to, protest to, warrant.4. (Law.) Insure, agree to indemnify for loss, secure against loss.Assured, a. 1. Certain, indubitable, unquestionable.2. Confident, sure, secure, sanguine.3. (Law.) Insured.Assuredly, ad. Certainly, indubitably, undoubtedly, unquestionably, truly, surely, sure, without doubt.Asteism, n. Genteel irony, polite banter or raillery, delicate ridicule.Asterisk, n. Star (in printing).Astern, ad. (Naut.) 1. Behind, back.2. Backward, rearward, abaft.Asteroid, n. Small planet.As though, As if.Astonish, v. a. Amaze, surprise, astound, confound, shock, stagger, stupefy, stun, dumfounder, strike dumb, strike with wonder, petrify with wonder.Astonishment,

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