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frame, structure, fabric.Archives, n. pl. 1. Registry, record-office.2. Records, chronicles, registers, ANNALS, historical accounts.Archway, n. Arched passage.Arctic, a. Northern, boreal.Arcuate, a. [Rare.] Curved, bent, bowed, hooked, crooked, aduncous.Arcuation, n. [Rare.] Curvature, incurvation, curvity, flexure, bend, crook.Ardent, a. 1. Hot, burning, fiery.2. Warm, passionate, fervent, impassioned, eager, intense, keen, sharp, vehement, fiery, earnest, fervid, glowing, zealous, devoted, enthusiastic, strenuous, sanguine.3. Alcoholic, spirituous.Ardor, n. 1. Heat, warmth.2. Zeal, fervor, fervency, flame, glow, excitement, sharpness, earnestness, eagerness, heartiness, devotion, enthusiasm, soul, spirit, vehemence, impetuosity, intensity, passion.Arduous, a. 1. Steep, high, lofty, uphill.2. Hard, difficult, laborious, onerous, troublesome, Herculean, toilsome, tiresome, wearisome, fatiguing, beset with difficulties, full of difficulties.Area, n. 1. Region, sphere, realm, territory, domain, district, circuit, circle, definite space.2. (Geom.) Superficial contents.Arena, n. Field, lists, stage, ring, amphitheatre, battle-field, field of battle, scene of action, place of contest.Arenaceous, a. Sandy, arenose.Arenose, a. Sandy, arenaceous.Areometer, n. Hydrometer.Argent, a. 1. Of silver.2. Silvery, bright, resplendent, shining, radiant, brilliant, beaming, effulgent, refulgent.Argil, n. 1. Potter's clay, white clay.2. Alumina, argillaceous earth, oxide of aluminium.Argillaceous, a. Clayey, aluminous.Argol, n. Tartar (crude), bitartrate of potash, wine-stone.Argosy, n. Carack, galleon.Argue, v. n. 1. Reason, plead, offer reasons, use arguments.2. Dispute, debate, chop logic, try conclusions, bandy words or arguments, hold or carry on an argument.Argue, v. a. 1. Show, indicate, evince, denote, imply, betoken, prove.2. Debate, discuss, VENTILATE, sift, contest, controvert, moot, reason upon.Arguer, n. Reasoner, debater, controversialist, disputant, disputer.Argument, n. 1. Reason, reasoning, chain of reasoning, process of reasoning.2. Controversy, dispute, disputation, discussion.3. Subject, topic, matter, theme, thesis, question, subject-matter, matter in hand.Argumentation, n. Reasoning, ratiocination, process of reasoning.Argumentative, a. 1. Controversial, polemical.2. Disputatious, given to controversy.Argus-eyed, a. Discerning, perspicacious, sharp-sighted, quick-sighted, lynx-eyed, hawk-eyed.Arid, a. Dry, dried up, parched with heat.Aridity, n. Dryness, SICCITY, want of moisture.Aright, ad. Rightly, without error or mistake.Ariose, a. Melodious, of a melodious character, characterized by melody (as distinguished from harmony).Arise, v. n. 1. Ascend, mount, soar, tower, go up.2. Get up, start up, get out of bed.3. Rise, appear, come in sight, come into view, present itself, show itself, discover itself, make its appearance, reveal itself, come to light.4. Begin, originate, spring, spring up, be excited, come into action.5. Come into being, enter upon life.6. Accrue, result, proceed, issue, flow, follow, come, ensue, be derived.Aristate, a. (Bot.) Awned, bearded.Aristocracy, n. 1. Government of nobles or a privileged order.2. Nobility, noblesse, gentry, peerage, body of nobles, the quality, persons of rank.3. [Colloquial.] Upper classes, UPPER-TEN, UPPER-CRUST, upper ten thousand.Aristocratic, a. 1. Noble, princely, patrician, titled, of high rank.2. Haughty, proud, arrogant, disdainful, overweening, supercilious, overbearing, consequential.Aristocratical, a. 1. Noble, princely, patrician, titled, of high rank.2. Haughty, proud, arrogant, disdainful, overweening, supercilious, overbearing, consequential.Aristotelian, a. Peripatetic.Aristotelian, n. Follower of Aristotle, peripatetic philosopher.Arithmetic, n. Science of numbers, art of computation.Arm, n. 1. Branch, bough, projecting part.2. Inlet (of the sea).3. Power, might, strength, puissance.4. Branch of military service (as artillery or cavalry).Arm, v. a. 1. Equip, furnish, provide, or supply with arms.2. Fortify, put in a state of defence.3. Prepare, fit up, make ready.Arm, v. n. Take arms, be fitted or provided with arms.Armada, n. Fleet (especially that of Spain against England in 1588), squadron, flotilla.Armament, n. 1. Body of forces.2. Guns, cannon, arms, munitions of war.Arm-chair, n. Elbow-chair, armed chair.Armistice, n. Truce, suspension of hostilities, cessation of arms, temporary peace.Arm of flesh, Human strength, human aid.Arm of the sea, Estuary, frith, inlet.Armor, n. Defensive clothing, coat of mail.Armorial, a. Heraldic.Armory, n. Arsenal, depository of arms, magazine of arms.Armpit, n. Axilla.Arms, n. pl. 1. Weapons.2. War, warlike exploits.3. Escutcheon, scutcheon, shield, ensign armorial, armorial hearings.Army, n. Host, force, troops, legions, armed force, military force, body of troops.Arnica, n. Leopard's-bane.Aroma, n. Fragrance, perfume, redolence, sweet scent, pleasing scent, grateful odor.Aromatic, a. Fragrant, redolent, balmy, spicy, odoriferous, aromatous, ambrosial, high-scented, strong-scented, sweet-scented, sweet-smelling.Aromatize, v. a. Scent, perfume.Aromatous, a. Fragrant, spicy, AROMATIC.Around, ad. Round, on every side, on all sides, in a circle, right and left.Around, prep. 1. About, round, encircling, encompassing, surrounding, on every side of.2. All over, in all parts of.Arouse, v. a. Incite, excite, animate, stimulate, warm, kindle, inspirit, provoke, instigate, awaken, raise, whet, stir up, wake up, summon up, set on, hurry on.Arraign, v. a. 1. Prosecute, bring to trial, take the law of, bring before a court.2. Accuse, charge, denounce, impeach, indict, criminate, tax, inform against, call to account, take to task.Arraignment, n. 1. Prosecution, bringing to trial.2. Accusation, charge, indictment, impeachment.Arrange, v. a. 1. Dispose, array, class, classify, group, rank, trim, marshal, distribute, place, range, put or bring into order, set in order, reduce to order, set out, assign places to.2. Adjust, settle, determine, fix upon.3. Plan, devise, scheme, contrive, project, mature, organize, concoct, construct, prepare, fall upon, hit upon, lay out.Arrangement, n. 1. Disposition, classification, method, distribution, grouping, collocation, reducing to order.2. Structure, make, form, mode of building, manner of making.3. Adjustment, settlement.4. Regulation, management, economy.5. Preparation, plan, scheme.Arrant, a. 1. Notorious, utter, gross, downright, consummate, rank, thorough-going.2. Infamous, vile, atrocious, monstrous.Arras, n. Tapestry, hangings.Array, n. 1. Order, regular disposition.2. Dress, fine clothes, elegant attire, rich garments.3. Exhibition, show.4. (Law.) Panel, body of jurors.Array, v. a. 1. Rank, range, arrange, place, dispose, marshal, set in order, draw up.2. Dress, habit, enrobe, robe, invest, clothe, bedeck, deck, adorn, embellish, decorate, garnish, BEDIZEN, TRICK OUT, set off.Arrears, n. pl. Arrearage, amounts due but unpaid.Arrearage, n. Arrears.Arrest, v. a. 1. Stop, stay, check, interrupt, obstruct, hinder, delay, detain, restrain, hold, withhold, keep back.2. Seize, apprehend, take, capture, catch, take up, take into custody, take prisoner.3. Engage, fix, engross, occupy, rivet.Arrest, n. 1. Staying, stopping, hinderance, obstruction.2. Seizure, capture, detention.Arrival, n. Advent, coming.Arrive, v. n. 1. Come, get here, reach this place.2.

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