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a. Apt, pertinent, relevant, fit, fitting, befitting, suitable, appropriate, seasonable, germane, APROPOS, to the purpose, to the point, well applied, well put.Appraise, v. a. Value, estimate, prize, rate, measure, set a value on, fix a price for, estimate the worth of, form an estimate of.Appraisement, n. Valuation, estimation, estimate, judgment.Appreciate, v. a. 1. Estimate justly, set a just value on, form a correct estimate of, value rightly.2. Estimate, esteem, value, rate.3. [U. S.] Raise the value of.Appreciate, v. n. [U. S.] Rise in value, be worth more.Appreciation, n. 1. Valuation, estimation.2. Just estimate, correct valuation.Apprehend, v. a. 1. Seize, arrest, take, take prisoner.2. Conceive, imagine, see, perceive, believe, know, COMPREHEND.3. Fear, dread, think of with fear.Apprehend, v. n. Think, suppose, imagine, conceive, fancy, OPINE, hold, ween, presume, be of opinion, take it, entertain the idea.Apprehension, n. 1. Seizure, arrest.2. Understanding, intellect, intelligence, intellection, mind, reason.3. Conception, IMAGINATION, the mind's eye.4. Knowledge, discernment, perception, sense.5. Opinion, belief, fancy, supposition, judgment, sentiment, idea, notion.6. Fear, dread, distrust, suspicion, anxiety, solicitude, care, concern, misgiving, alarm, worry, disquiet, uneasiness, vexation.Apprehensive, a. 1. Quick to understand.2. Fearful, distrustful, suspicious, anxious, afraid.Apprentice, n. Learner (of a trade).Apprise, v. a. Inform, acquaint, warn, notify, tell, admonish, make acquainted, make aware, give notice to, disclose to, make known to, mention to.Approach, v. n. Approximate, draw near, draw nigh, come near, be at hand.Approach, v. a. Resemble, come near to, be like.Approach, n. 1. Advance, approximation, advent, coming, drawing near.2. Access, admittance, admission.Approachable, a. Accessible.Approbation, n. 1. Approval, liking, praise, encomium, commendation, good opinion, favorable opinion.2. Support, concurrence, assent, consent, sanction, ratification.Appropriate, v. a. 1. Adopt, take to one's self, take as one's own.2. Take, seize, abstract, steal, purloin.3. Assign, apportion, allot, set apart.4. Apply, use, employ, convert.Appropriate, a. Adapted, fit, fitting, befitting, apt, PAT, suitable, proper, becoming, due, seemly, agreeable, conformable, congruous, germane, convenient, pertinent, apposite, felicitous, applicable, APROPOS, to the point, to the purpose.Appropriateness, n. Suitableness, fitness, propriety, aptness, appositeness, pertinency, PERTNESS, relevancy, felicity, applicability.Appropriation, n. 1. Seizure, capture, taking, taking to one's self.2. Application (to a particular use).3. Sum set apart (for a specific object).Approval, n. 1. Approbation.2. Support, sanction, assent, consent, concurrence, ratification.Approve, v. a. 1. Commend, recommend, praise, like, appreciate, value, think well or favorably of, think highly of, speak well of, be pleased with.2. Sanction, confirm, justify, ratify, sustain, make valid.Approximate, a. 1. Proximate, approaching, coming near.2. Nearly correct, nearly accurate or true.Approximate, v. a. [Rare.] Bring near.Approximate, v. n. Approach, come near.Approximately, ad. Near, nearly, about, not far from.Approximation, n. Approach.Appulse, n. Collision, meeting, coming together, striking together.Appulsive, a. Impinging, striking against.Appurtenance, n. Adjunct, appendage, dependency.Appurtenant, a. Belonging.A priori, [L.] Theoretically, before experience, before trial, from assumed principles.Apropos, a. [Fr.] Opportune, seasonable, timely, fit, suitable, apt, apposite, to the point, to the purpose, just the thing, quite the thing.Apropos, ad. Opportunely, seasonably, to the purpose.Apt, a. 1. Apposite, pertinent, suitable, fit, fitting, meet, befitting, germane, applicable, appropriate, APROPOS, to the point, to the purpose.2. Inclined, liable, prone, disposed.3. Quick, sharp, ready, prompt, expert, dexterous, able, clever, happy, adroit, handy, skilful.4. Docile, teachable.Aptitude, n. Turn, disposition, genius, gift, endowment, talent, faculty, capacity, capableness, tendency, inclination, bias, proclivity, proneness, propensity, forte, aptness.Aptness, n. 1. Fitness, suitableness, appropriateness, adaptation, applicability.2. Turn, tendency, inclination, APTITUDE.3. Quickness, readiness, expertness, skill, facility, knack, adroitness, address, ability.4. Docility, teachableness.Aqua-fortis, n. [L.] Nitric acid (somewhat diluted), spirit of nitre.Aqua-regia, n. [L.] Nitro-muriatic acid, nitro-chloro-hydric acid.Aquarius, n. (Astron.) Water-bearer.Aqueous, a. Watery, waterish, moist, wet, humid, damp.Aquiline, a. Hooked (like an eagle's beak; applied especially to the nose), bent, curved.Arab, n. Arabian, Saracen.Arabesque, a. Moorish, moresque.Arabian, a. Arabic.Arabian, n. Arab, Saracen.Arabic, a. Arabian.Arable, a. That may be ploughed, fit for the plough, suitable for cultivation.Arbiter, n. Arbitrator, umpire, judge, referee.Arbitrament, n. 1. Choice, option, will, determination, decision, umpirage.2. (Law.) Award, adjudication, determination, decision, decree.Arbitrariness, n. Despotism, absoluteness, absolutism, tyranny, autocracy.Arbitrary, a. 1. Irresponsible, absolute, tyrannical, tyrannous, imperious, domineering, bound by no law.2. Optional, voluntary, determined by no rule or principle.Arbitrate, v. a. Decide, determine.Arbitrate, v. n. 1. Mediate, intercede, interpose.2. Judge, decide, determine, adjudicate, give judgment, pass judgment.Arbitration, n. 1. Mediation, intervention, intercession, interposition.2. Decision, determination, adjudication, arbitrament, umpirage.Arbitrator, n. Arbiter, umpire, judge, referee.Arbor, n. 1. Bower, shady recess, shady retreat.2. Spindle, axis, shaft.Arborescence, n. Branching, ramification.Arborescent, a. Dendriform, dendrite, dendritic, arboriform, branching.Arboriform, a. Dendriform, ARBORESCENT.Arbor-vitæ, n. White cedar (of Canada; Thuja occidentalis).Arc, n. (Geom.) Arch, part of a circumference.Arcade, n. Piazza, colonnade.Arcanum, n. [L. pl. Arcana.] Secret, mystery.Arch, n. 1. (Geom.) Arc, part of a circumference.2. Curved structure.Arch, v. a. 1. Vault, cover with an arch, arch over.2. Bend into the form of an arch.Arch, a. 1. Chief, principal, consummate, first-rate, of the first class.2. Sly, shrewd, cunning, wily, astute, subtle.3. Roguish, waggish, mirthful, frolicsome, sportive, merry, playful.Archæologian, n. Archæologist.Archæological, a. Antiquarian.Archæologist, n. Antiquarian, antiquary.Archæology, n. Science of antiquities.Archaic, a. Old, ancient, obsolete, antiquated, antique, by-gone, out of use, out of date, out of fashion, old-fashioned.Archaism, n. Antiquated term or expression.Archbishop, n. Primate, metropolitan.Archduchy, n. Archdukedom.Archdukedom, n. Archduchy.Arched, a. 1. Vaulted, bowed, camerated, concave.2. (Bot.) Fornicate.Arched-ceiling, n. [L.] Vault.Arched roof, n. [L.] Vault.Arch-enemy, n. Arch-fiend.Arch-fiend, n. Devil, Satan.Archer, n. Bowman, SAGITTARY.Arch over, Arch, cover with an arch.Archetype, n. Pattern, model, type, prototype, original, examplar, example, protoplast, mirror, paragon.Arching, a. Vaulted, curving.Architect, n. 1. Designer of buildings, professor of building.2. Contriver, maker, former, author.Architecture, n. 1. Science or art of building.2. Workmanship, framework,

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