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had a pet before you met me?

      6 What did you think when you saw me in the fridge?

      7 How did you find yourself in that cave?

      8 What else did you find in the cave?

      9 Had you wanted to have a pet before I appeared?

      EXERCISE 5

      Finish the sentences using different past tenses:

      1 Kudjo was sleeping fast while Dradjo …..

      2 Kudjo was licking his paws because …..

      3 Dradjo didn’t want to eat anything because …..

      4 Kudjo and Dradjo were quarrelling because…..

      5 They had gone to bed by the time ….

      6 When they looked into the cave they …..

      7 While Kudjo was hiding some treats, his pet …..

      8 When they left home in the morning …..

      9 Before they came back, …..

      EXERCISE 6

      Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple, Past Continuous, Past perfect and Past Continuous Tenses:

      1 4 billion years ago there /exist/ only dragons on our planet.There were dragon animals, dragon birds and dragon fish.

      2 They /live/ happily for ages until one day a terrible bang /shake/ the planet and /spread/ a very strong and aggressive virus all over the planet.

      3 That virus /kill/ most dragons before they /decide/ to leave the planet for another one.

      4 By the time the dragons /build/ a huge spaceship, only eleven dragons /survive/.

      5 Anyway, they /fly/ to another planet, which was safe but gloomy with grey and brown scenery.

      6 The dragons /live/ on that new planet free from care for ages when one day they /stumble/ across an old book with amazing pictures of the Earth.

      7 A couple of dragons /read/ that book and /decide/ to fly to the Earth as they /want/ to see what /happen/ to the planet of their ancestors.

      8 When they /land/ they were astonished to see a very beautiful place full of different colours, which they never /see/ before.

      9 They /settle/ in one of the cosiest caves and /lay/ an egg very soon.

      EXERCISE 7

      Change the sentences using the tense in brackets:

      For example,

      He is taking a nap now. / Past Continuous/ – He was taking a nap when the smell of roast meat woke him up.

      1 They have been chasing squirrels and look wet and tired./Past Perfect Continuous/

      2 He has just finished his breakfast. /Past Simple/.

      3 They have seen the best planet in the Universe./Past Perfect/

      4 He is trying to hide his tears. /Past Continuous/

      5 Who has been playing with my ball? /Past Perfect Continuous/

      6 They didn’t like eating spinach when they were little./used to/

      7 He doesn’t understand why the dog is barking at him. /Past Continuous/

      8 He has been to many different places. /Past Perfect/

      9 They are listening to a story about dragons now. /Past Perfect Continuous/

      EXERCISE 8

      Find and correct mistakes in 7 sentences.

      1 He use to sleep with all his toys so as not to offend any of them.

      2 Kudjo was sweating. He had been running after his pet.

      3 Kudjo were running and jumping around a tree when I saw him.

      4 The sandwich mysteriously disappeared before Kudjo returned to the room.

      5 They played Monopoly when a loud knock on the door frightened them.

      6 They had been knowing each other for ten months when they quarrelled for the first time.

      7 Kudjo was hiding under the bed when Dradjo looked for him.

      8 His paw was bleeding, he had been cutting it badly.

      9 He had been waiting for an hour before Kudjo finally looked at him and said «Hello’.

      EXERCISE 9

      Kudjo is texting a message to Chilly. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct past, present and future tenses:

      1 Sorry. I /not be/ in touch for long. I /not be/ busy. I /feel/ upset.

      2 Dradjo /take/ the final decision. He /leave/ me soon.

      3 I /understand/ him. He /want/ to live with his real mum and dad on the planet with other dragons.

      4 I hope one day I /visit/ him there.

      5 Yesterday when we /talk/ about it, he /begin/ crying but /pretend/ that he /get/ something in his eye.

      6 At that moment I /have/ something in my eye too and /regret/ that we /go/ to that cave and /find/ that spaceship.

      7 All evening I /try/ to find any arguments to get him to stay here until I /realise/ that it was wrong.

      8 Today I /not think/ so.

      9 We /prepare/ for his departure since this morning and we still /have/ a lot to do. I /text/ you later.

      EXERCISE 10

      Choose the correct option:

      1 They ***** together for over a year.

      a have been

      b were

      c are

      2 They ***** around when suddenly I ***** that it was their last day together.

      a had kidded/realised

      b were kidding/were realising

      c were kidding/realised

      3 Neither of them ***** while they *****.

      a had been talking/were packing

      b was talking/were packing

      c talked/packed

      4 Kudjo

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