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      (продолжение следует)

      Unit 3

      The Present Perfect Simple versus The Present Perfect Continuous

      We use Present Perfect Continuous to indicate actions and situations that started in the past and are continuing now while Present Perfect Simple shows completed actions.

      We have been reading the book since the morning.

      (We started and are still doing it)

      что делаем? – читаем

      We have read this book. (You can borrow it.)

      что сделали? – прочитали

      Generally, the focus of this tense is on duration while the focus of Present Perfect Simple on the result:

      He has been tidying the house for three hours.

      He has already tidied the house.

      EXERCISE 1

      Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Perfect or the Present Perfect Continuous:

      1 Kudjo /count/ treats. One is missing.

      2 Kudjo /sleep/ since the morning walk.

      3 They /build/ a tree-house. There’s a terrible mess around.

      4 They /build/ the tree-house and are inviting everybody to visit it.

      5 Kudjo /walk/ ten km and he can’t go any further without a rest.

      6 Dradjo /babble/ without a stop for 2 hours.

      7 How many treats you /eat/ today?

      EXERCISE 2

      Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Perfect or the Present Perfect Continuous:

      1 Dradjo /frolic/ in the garden and /eat/ all the strawberries.

      2 They are not hungry. They /eat/ a lot of meat muffins for their breakfast.

      3 Kudjo /read/ a lot recently. He /read/ two books this week.

      4 Kudjo /clean/ the house and he is exhausted.

      5 Kudjo /clean/ the house. Everything is sparkling clean.

      6 It /not rain/ all day. Only for ten hours.

      7 Dradjo /break/ two cups, three plates and four glasses so far.

      Remember that non-continuous verbs (e.g. love, like, want, know, etc.) are not used in Present Perfect Continuous. If you have these verbs in your sentences, you should use Present Perfect instead.

      For example,

      He has known Kudjo for a year.

      EXERCISE 3

      Find the proper verb and put it into the correct form of Present Perfect Continuous or Present Perfect Simple: know, have, smell, want, belong, have, taste,

      1 How long ***** this house ***** to Kudjo?

      2 He ***** the milk for a few minutes. What’s up?

      3 The tap water ***** strange since yesterday. Let’s call a plumber.

      4 Kudjo ***** this pet for a year. He can’t imagine his life without Dradjo now.

      5 They ***** this party since 7 pm. Now it’s midnight.

      6 Kudjo ***** to have a pet for a long time.

      7 How long ***** they ***** each other?

      It’s easy to tell the difference between these tenses if you have signal verbs. Let’s refresh them together: time expressions for Present Perfect Continuous are for, since, how long, recently, lately, while markers for Present Perfect are just, ever, never, always, already, yet, since, so far, once, the first time, etc.

      EXERCISE 4

      Put correct signal words in the gaps:

      for, since, yet, never, just, How long, already,

      1 Kudjo has ***** had such a tasty big bone before.

      2 They have been playing hide-and-seek ***** the morning.

      3 ***** have they been thinking of going to that cave?

      4 Dradjo hasn’t finished brushing his teeth *****.

      5 They have ***** eaten all the food in the fridge.

      6 They have been running in the rain ***** several hours.

      7 Kudjo has ***** brought a new toy for Dradjo.

      EXERCISE 5

      Kudjo is asking Dradjo some questions. Answer these questions using the Present Perfect Continuous or Present Perfect Tenses:

      1 How many Doggish words have you learnt so far?

      2 Why do you look so sad?

      3 Why are your eyes red?

      4 Why are you wet?

      5 Why are you covered in flour?

      6 How long have you been walking today?

      7 Why is our house in a terrible mess?

      EXERCISE 6

      Kudjo is texting a message to Chilly. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct past, present and future tenses:

      1 Sorry, I /not be/in touch for ages.

      2 So many things /happen/ since I last saw you.

      3 I /have/ a pet for a few months and he /live/ with me.

      4 I’m sure you /not believe/ me, but my pet is a real dragon!

      5 I /find/ his egg in a cave, where I /run/ to shelter from the pouring rain.

      6 When he /hatch/ out, he /get/ into the fridge and /eat/ all my food there.

      7 Now he /try/ to bake some weird muffins. He /do/ it since the morning and my kitchen /look/ terrible.

      EXERCISE 7


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