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и они стояли несколько минут, пока глаза не привыкли к темноте. Пещера казалась абсолютно пустой, но Драджо вдруг заметил какой-то странный металлический шар, который притягивал его. Он подошел и взял его в лапы. Шар внезапно засветился всеми цветами и начал издавать странные красивые звуки. Когда Драджо их услышал, он вдруг крепко обнял шар и заплакал. Потом он бросил шар на землю, тот покатился из пещеры и наши друзья побежали за ним. Шар катился довольно долго, пока не привел их к маленькому озеру, где они увидели настоящий космический корабль…

      Когда Куджо забрал яйцо, драконы долго искали своего детеныша, но не нашли и улетели на свою планету драконов. Однако они оставили сообщение-шар и этот корабль для своего сына. Полетит Драджо к своим родным на планету драконов или останется здесь с Куджо? Мы узнаем об этом совсем скоро.

      Unit 5

      The Past Perfect Continuous Tense versus The Past Perfect and The Past Continuous Tenses

      The difference between the Past Perfect Continuous and Past Perfect is the same as between the Present Perfect Continuous and Present Perfect. The Past Perfect Simple Tense emphasises the completed action, while the Past Perfect Continuous emphasises its duration.


      By the time Kudjo returned home, Dradjo had woken up.

      /что сделал? – проснулся/ – we are interested in the result

      By the time Kudjo returned home, Dradjo had been sleeping for five hours.

      /что делал? -спал/ – we are interested in the process

      EXERCISE 1

      Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Perfect Simple or the Past Perfect Continuous Tenses:

      1 By the age of eight Kudjo /read/ all these books.

      2 He /read/ for two hours before Dradjo asked him to go out.

      3 They /decorate/ the house with lights before the guests arrived.

      4 They /eat/ anything before they set off.

      5 Dradjo felt ill because he /drink/ ten glasses of milkshake.

      6 He /run/, so he was hot and tired.

      7 When they returned home, they already /take/ the decision to come back to the cave.

      8 They /have/ fun only for an hour when suddenly the terrible thunderstorm began.

      9 Kudjo just /finish/ his breakfast when Dradjo woke up.

      EXERCISE 2

      Find the proper verb and put it into the correct form of Past Simple, Past Perfect Continuous or Past Perfect Simple: get up/wait, wander/decide, hit/rise, injure/not walk, hear/see, wait/finish, pour/not can, be/snow, look/see

      1 They ***** weird sounds before they ***** a shadow on the wall.

      2 Kudjo ***** for ages before Dradjo ***** his breakfast.

      3 They ***** for a few hours when they ***** to have a bite.

      4 It ***** with rain for two days so they *****leave home.

      5 Kudjo ***** his left paw so he ***** fast.

      6 The front door ***** blocked because it ***** heavily all night.

      7 When Kudjo *****, Dradjo ***** for him at the door since the sunrise.

      8 When he ***** into the fridge, he ***** that all yummy sandwiches had disappeared miraculously.

      9 They already ***** the road when the sun *****.

      How to tell the difference between Past Perfect Continuous and Past Continuous as they both show the process in the past?

      Past Continuous Tense is used to express interrupted actions in the past. The tense shows that a longer action is interrupted by a shorter action in the past. While they were walking on the street, they saw a stray skinny cat. /делал что-то, что было прервано другим действием/

      Past Perfect Continuous Tense is used to express a past action which started in the past and continued (and we know how long the action had continued) till another action or time in the past.

      Kudjo had been looking for the backpack for 2 hours when he found it under Dradjo’s mat. /делал что-то какое-то время и закончил раньше другого действия/

      EXERCISE 3

      Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Perfect Continuous or Past Continuous:

      1 When they came to the pet shop, a shopkeeper /have/ a tea break.

      2 They /wait/ for twenty minutes until the shopkeeper finished having tea.

      3 Kudjo and Chilly /take/ a nap after lunch when they heard a loud knock on the door.

      4 They /sleep/ for an hour before that loud knock woke them up.

      5 They /wait/ for good weather for a couple of days before they went fishing.

      6 They /play/ backgammon when a kitten jumped onto the board.

      7 They looked tired and filthy. They /play/ football.

      8 They /wander/ since the morning until they found a nice spot to have a picnic.

      9 They /hike/ when Dradjo tripped over a stone and hurt his paw badly.

      EXERCISE 4

      Make up the answers to Dradjo’s questions to Kudjo using the Past Simple, Past Continuous, Past perfect and Past Continuous Tenses:

      1 How long had you been living here before you met me?

      2 Where had I been before you found me?

      3 What

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