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midnight tomorrow

      3 at 10 am this Sunday

      4 this time next week

      5 this time next month

      6 this time next year

      7 in five years’ time

      8 tomorrow evening

      9 in two days

      10 your next birthday

      EXERCISE 4

      Put the verbs in brackets into the Future Continuous, Past Continuous or Present Continuous Tenses:

      1 Kudjo /watch/ his favourite series at 9 pm while I’m working.

      2 Kudjo /hide/ under the table because he had broken my cup.

      3 He is fed up with gloomy weather. Hopefully, when we wake up tomorrow, the sun /shine/.

      4 He still /sleep/ fast and nothing can wake him up.

      5 This time next week we /lie/ in the grass and eating ice-cream.

      6 Look. A shadow /move/ here. Keep silent.

      7 When I saw Kudjo, he /protect/ his friend from a gang of stray dogs.

      8 They /stand/ like this while the dogs are running around.

      9 They /play/ in the snow when those aggressive dogs appeared out of the blue.

      10 They /relax/ at home now. Don’t bother them.

      EXERCISE 5

      Guess the answer using the Future Continuous, Past Continuous or Present Continuous Tenses:

      1 What is Kudjo doing now?

      2 What will he be doing this time tomorrow?

      3 What was he doing at that time yesterday?

      4 Where was Kudjo lying when he fell asleep yesterday?

      5 Who is Kudjo meeting this weekend?

      6 What will he be snacking on the next time he’s watching a movie?

      7 Who will he be playing with during tonight’s walk?

      8 What is he thinking about?

      9 What was Kudjo listening to when you walked into the room?

      10 Where will Kudjo be living in five years’ time?

      EXERCISE 6

      Change the sentences from Simple to Continuous using the tense in brackets.

      For example,

      He has watched 2 episodes so far. (Present Perfect Continuous) – He has been watching the episodes since the morning.

      1 He stays at home in rainy and stormy weather. (Present Continuous)

      2 He played backgammon with a clever skinny cat yesterday. (Past Continuous)

      3 kudjo will read a book about up-bringing tomorrow. (Future Continuous)

      4 Kudjo had had a surgery by the age of one. (Past Perfect Continuous)

      5 Kudjo had eaten two packs of food by lunchtime. (Past Perfect Continuous)

      6 Kudjo has drunk two litres of water today. (Present Perfect Continuous)

      7 He went fishing with his friends and came back home hungry and wet. (Past Continuous)

      8 Kudjo and I will go to a dog-show next time. (Future Continuous)

      9 We play a lot of different games in a lift. (Present Continuous)

      10 Kudjo has just cooked delicious roast turkey. (Present Perfect Continuous)

      EXERCISE 7

      Fill the gaps in the story with missing words:

      Do you ***** in ghosts? I have started doing it recently. Ok. I’ll tell you how it happened.

      One day Kudjo ***** up in a terrible mood because he ***** a nightmare about a ghost dog, which ***** him wherever he went. The nightmare was ***** and Kudjo couldn’t stop thinking about ghosts even after breakfast. But the sun *****. There were a lot of dogs and ***** walking outside. There was no sign of any ***** and Kudjo calmed down and even started jumping and kidding around. The weather was ***** and we decided to drive somewhere to have a *****. We ***** rather long when Kudjo suddenly spotted a nice ***** and we stopped there.There used to be an old ***** many years ago, but now we could see only abandoned ***** and playgrounds.The place looked ***** even though it was picturesque. We had made a ***** and started preparing ***** before we heard a strange howling sound. And one more. Kudjo and Luna didn’t want to give up grilled ***** and told me to ignore those *****.

      By the way, I’ll never listen to them again!

      Anyway, we went there to investigate the nature of the sounds. They were coming from the ***** house with a big ***** in the roof…

      (to be continued)

      EXERCISE 8

      Finish the sentences using the tense in brackets:

      1 By the time we came back, Kudjo …. (Past Perfect Continuous)

      2 Look! What a mess. Kudjo … (Present Perfect)

      3 While we were talking, Kudjo … (Past Continuous)

      4 This time tomorrow Kudjo … (Future Continuous)

      5 Since we moved to the country, Kudjo … (Present Perfect Continuous)

      6 I guess Kudjo … (Future Simple)

      7 Do you hear? What is the sound? Kudjo … (Present Continuous)

      8 Before I could say anything, Kudjo … (Past Perfect)

      9 When Kudjo was younger and more emotional, he … (Past Simple)

      10 Sometimes Kudjo … (Present Simple)

      EXERCISE 9

      Find and correct mistakes in 9 sentences:

      1 We had wandering for an hour when suddenly we met a strange creature.

      2 This time next year we’ll sailing a yacht in the Dogatlantic.

      3 This little stupid puppy has teared all the pages out of my book!

      4 How long has your paw bled?

      5 He had been fighting with aggressive village dogs since we came to the country.

      6 While the dogs listened to a story, they were eating carrot sticks.

      7 Kudjo woke up, looked around, sighed and falled asleep again.

      8 I’ll be go shopping after lunch. Do you want me to buy something yummy for you?

      9 Shall I help you with your bowl?

      10 It is such thick

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