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/drink/ all the bottled water by night and I’ll have to buy a lot more.

      EXERCISE 2

      Find the proper verb and put it into the correct Future Perfect form:

      Do you know what will have happened by the time Kudjo is twenty? What do you think will have come true? Put T (true) or F (false):

      1 He /have/ a great-grandchild, who he’ll love a lot.

      2 He /become/ a famous actor and played in eleven films.

      3 He /fly/ to the planet of Dragons to meet Dradjo.

      4 He /become/ serious and calm.

      5 He /stop/ eating so many treats.

      6 He /fight/ with hundreds of dogs.

      7 He /move/ to the country because of the hustle and bustle of city life.

      8 He /invent/ special healthy food for dogs, which will help them live far longer.

      9 He /put/ on a lot of weight.

      10 His red fur /turn/ grey.

      11 He /write/ a hundred books about his adventures.

      EXERCISE 3

      Put the verbs in brackets into the Future Perfect, Present Perfect or Past Perfect tenses:

      1 What a strange sound! you /hear/ anything?

      2 When I walked into the room I saw that Kudjo /not tidy/ up yet.

      3 By the time I finish my work, he /wake/up.

      4 The dogs /become/ close friends in a couple of days, I’m sure.

      5 He /learn/ to wait for me patiently by the age of four months.

      6 He just /come/ home from a walk and is hot and thirsty.

      7 How many audiobooks he /listen/ to before he learnt to read?

      8 How long Kudjo /love/ reading?

      9 he /read/ this book by the weekend? I’d like to borrow it.

      10 He /not start/ eating before I come back.

      11 They /turn/ the house upside down by the end of the party.

      EXERCISE 4

      Put the verbs in brackets into the Future Perfect or the Future Continuous:

      Kudjo’s dreams about next summer

      1 This time in June I /not breathe/ bad city air, I /enjoy/fresh air in the country.

      2 By the beginning of the summer we /leave/ the city for the country.

      3 All summer days I /kid/ around, /go/ home and /leave/ home whenever I want.

      4 I /chase/ cockerels and bulls from morning to evening.

      5 I /swim/ in ponds, lakes and bogs.

      6 By the end of the summer I /catch/ all the frogs in our pool.

      7 I /protect/ our huge territory from cat trespassers.

      8 I /become/ bigger and stronger, my claws and fangs /become/ sharper by the end of the summer.

      9 I /eat/ grilled meat and fish for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

      10 By the end of my summer vacation I /find/ all the toys that I hid last summer.

      11 I /become/ friends with all the horses in the village by the time I leave for the city.

      EXERCISE 5

      Put the verb in brackets in the correct future form and say if you believe it or not:

      The future as Kudjo sees it:

      1 In twenty five years’ time people and their dogs /travel/ to other planets on a holiday.

      2 By the end of this century robots /replace/ people but won’t have replaced dogs.

      3 In seventy years’ time dogs /control/ all animals.

      4 By the end of the century cats /become/ dogs’ pets.

      5 In five years’ time dogs /eat/ only raw meat and fish as much as they wish while people /eat/ dried food.

      6 In forty years’ time all people /speak/ the Doggish language.

      7 By the beginning of the next century dogs /become/ the presidents of all countries.

      8 By next year dogs /start/ getting some pocket money for toys and treats.

      9 By 2050 dogs /have/ robot servants.

      10 In ten years’ time there will be no zoos and all animals /live/ in the wild.

      11 By 3000 the planet Earth /turn/ into the planet of Dogs.

      EXERCISE 6

      Put the verb in brackets in the correct form of Continuous and Perfect Tenses and guess the last word of the sentence:

      1 Next weekend Kudjo /spend/ as usual: he /sleep/, /read/, /walk/ and *****.

      2 Now he /lie/ with his eyes open, /think/ of eating something yummy or /do/ something *****.

      3 Kudjo /do/ that jigsaw puzzle for two hours when I /trip/ over that picture and *****.

      4 Kudjo /try/ to understand the neighbour’s cat but he couldn’t get her *****.

      5 He /play/ with his new toy since the morning and /wake/ up *****.

      6 By September they /know/ each other for two *****.

      7 This time yesterday Kudjo /wait/ for his friend to come, but she didn’t, which /break/ his *****.

      8 By tomorrow he /watch/ all the episodes of this new series about alien *****.

      9 Kudjo /look/ for a hidden treat for long before I /show/ him the secret *****.

      10 Don’t take any notice of him, he /kid/ around at the *****.

      11 He /make/ friends with a new pretty terrier

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