
Taskuhäälingusaates “Edu Valem” on seekordseks külaliseks pikaaegse kogemusega tippjuht, kes varsti juba kolm aastat on tüürinud Eesti Rahvusringhäälingut.


Eesti üldsusele hästi tuntud spordimehega räägiti taskuhäälingusaates «Edu Valem» lahti, mis oli tema edu valemiks sportlasteel ning kuidas tuli ta toime karjääri alguses suurvõistlustel kogetud ebaõnnestumistega.Võrreldi, kuidas edu alused spordis oleksid meil kõigil üle kantavad tavaellu. Kanter ise ongi suurepärane näide, kuidas sportlaskarjääri lõpetanuna võttis ta vahesammuna treenerina juhendada oma endised poolakatest konkurendid ning ühtlasi on tegemas esimesi samme ka suures spordipoliitikas.


Taskuhäälingusaates”Edu Valem” külas käinud BNS-i ja Postimehe majandustoimetusejuht Harry Tuul rääkis muuhulgas akadeemilise hariduse olulisusest, praktilistest oskustest ja palgast.“Mõned inimesed või koolkonnad üritavad raha kuidagi labastada. Aga raha on väga selge mõõdupuu, kuigi mitte ainus. Kui ma töö juures ikka viis või kümme aastat palka juurde ei saa, siis on midagi valesti. Miks mul palka ei tõsteta? Kas mina teen midagi halvasti või on see firma rumal?” tõi Tuul välja paljude inimeste jaoks päevakajalise probleemi.


Wild rice, one of the most versatile, nutritious, and flavorful grains, has been an important food source for people and wildlife for hundreds of years. The warm, nutty taste and rich texture of wild rice makes any dish a special one. This varied collection of recipes by Beatrice Ojakangas includes basic “how to” instructions, soups, salads, side and main dishes, breads, and even desserts. With more than 80 tempting recipes, this is an essential addition to any cookbook collection.


Podcast “Edu Valem” püüab toimekate inimestega vesteldes leida edukuse retsepti. Seekord jagab oma mõtteid ja kogemusi olümpiasangarist ettevõtja Allar Levandi, kellega räägitakse spordist, juhtimisest, ettevõtlusest ning sellestki, kuidas maailm ja meedia on aastatega muutunud üha hektilisemaks.


Taskuhäälingusaates “Edu Valem” käis Manta Maja stuudios mees tänu kellele Manta Maja üldsegi sellisel kujul olemas on – saatejuhtide poolt “kinnisvaramoguliks” ristitud Allan Kool. Allan on ärikinnisvaras progressiivseid ja eesrindlikke lahendusi pakkuva ettevõtte Hammerhead juhatuse liige.


Looking at the positive influences, great talents and unique thought processes of individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders, this book is a celebration of those who have used their autism to shine in life. Writers from all over the world at different stages in their careers, and from very different backgrounds, share their experiences of creating a successful life on the autism spectrum. Each explains how it is possible to draw on autistic strengths not just to make your way in the world, overcoming challenges and obstacles, but also to make your life a real success. Education, the world of work, and relationships are the focus of the first part of the book, which then goes on to look at exceptional creativity, and the use of special interests. The autobiographical stories in this book are full of wisdom and humour, and will be an inspiration for anyone with high-functioning autism or Asperger Syndrome, their family and friends, and the professionals who work alongside them.


From green-lifestyle mavens who endorse products on social media to natural health activists sponsored by organic food companies, the marketplace for advice about how to live life naturally is better stocked than ever. Where did the curious idea of buying one�s way to sustainability come from?In no small part, as Andrew Case shows, the answer lies in the story of entrepreneur and reformer J. I. Rodale, his son Robert Rodale, and their company, the Rodale Press. These pioneers of organic gardening were also pioneers in cultivating a niche for natural health products in the 1950s, organizing the emerging marketplace for organic foods in the 1960s, and publishing an endless supply of advice books on diet and health in the process.Rodale�s marketplace environmentalism brought environmentally minded consumers together and taught Americans how to grow food, eat, and live in more environmentally friendly ways. Yet the marketplace has proved more effective at addressing individual health concerns than creating public health interventions. It is as liable to champion untested and ineffectual health supplements as it is to challenge the indiscriminant use of dangerous pesticides. For anyone trying to make sense of the complex tensions between business profits and the desire for environmental reform,�The Organic Profit�is essential reading.


"The order of history emerges from the history of order" is the sentence that opens Eric Voegelin's multivolume work, Order and History. A search for an understanding of the order that can be found in history, and within the human being who is the subject of history, has resulted in a large and complicated body of work by this contemporary philosopher. Eugene Webb offers a full illumination and assessment of that work.


In The Plays of Samuel Beckett Eugene Webb first summarizes the western philosophical tradition which has culminated in the void–the centuries of attempts to impose form and meaning on existence, the failure of which has left experience in fragments and man a stranger in an unintelligible universe. Succeeding chapters take up the plays work by work, interpreting each individually and tracing recurrent motifs, themes, and images to show the continuity in the underlying tendencies of Beckett's mind and art.