
Explore California’s most visited city park in this A-to-Z adventure! From A for Artist Ruth Asawa’s hanging wire creations in the de Young Museum to Z for the Zebra on the carousel in the Koret Children’s Quarter, this book leads you around San Francisco’s famous Golden Gate Park to reveal a range of fun and surprising facts for tourists and locals alike. Step into art, science, nature, and culture by visiting the park’s major attractions, like the serene Japanese Tea Garden; discovering secret destinations, like the magical fairy doors hidden in trees; or just relaxing on the green meadows where the bison roam. Included also at the back of the book is a colorfully illustrated map with extra trivia and details on the park’s favorite sights. The board book version of this is available as ABCs of Golden Gate Park .


Talented debut author’s goal is to help with student fears associated with transition in school.The author taught children for ten years and wanted to highlight the nontraditional classroom in a positive and inspiring way. “This classroom was much like my classroom” she says. “I believed in having fun, playing games, moving around, dancing, and enjoying the education experience [for the students and myself]. I think my classroom was dubbed ‘The Noisy Classroom’ because of it. I’ve found students can work, they can learn, they can be successful… and they can do so in a nontraditional way.”Excellent diversity pick full of humor and positive SEL character traits.


Tracy is in the top one percent of real estate sales people worldwide. She is currently ranked 51st in the country by The Wall Street Journal. She has bought, renovated, and sold more than 20 homes in the Western United States.Tracy has worked for 20 years representing clients in the acquisition and sale of homes. For each listing, she compiles comprehensive pre-listing plans for design, construction, and staging. Implementation of these proposals results in an average of a 3X-5X return on each dollar spent by her clients.


Many people are disorganized and overwhelmed and fall asleep every night feeling like, “I didn’t accomplish enough. There’s still so much to do.” Many people rely on digital tools (phone apps, online calendars, alerts, reminders, etc.) to stay organized, but all the digital noise (and excessive screen time) leaves us feeling drained and sick. Many people cram their day with nonstop tasks and chores, while leaving almost no space for mental and physical health, quality time with loved ones, quiet time alone, time in nature, and other experiences that bring beauty into our lives. Many people wildly overestimate what they can realistically achieve in a single day, and then continually feel “behind.”
Solution: Un-complicate things. Plan your day in a thoughtful and realistic way. Get back to basics. Simple daily checklist. One piece of paper. A pen. A clipboard. A checklist you can physically hold in your hands, not a list on your computer or phone. A checklist is one of the world’s oldest, simplest, and best productivity systems, dating all the way back to the Roman Empire. Just like our modern culture has rediscovered yoga (an ancient practice with so many benefits) it’s time to rediscover…the art of the checklist!


Perfect for beginner designers and budding newcomers to flowers, this book demystifies the art of floral arrangements with 10 simple techniques plus over 20 stunning bouquet ideas, all presented in lush photographs with clear step-by-step instructions. Filled with useful tips and easy-to-follow tutorials, Just Add Water reveals the secret to transforming beautiful blooms and greens into gorgeous designs for everyday enjoyment—and with just a few materials. With creative spirit and a friendly voice, author Cynthia Gaylin Bigony shows you how to use what you have on hand already and then elevate it. Learn to combine different colors, textures, and sizes of flowers into a design, repurpose everyday containers into unexpected ways, use rubber bands and tape to invisible but noticeable effect, lengthen the life span of wilting flowers, and much more. Once you discover how amazingly simple and easy it can be, you too can create uniquely styled designs with this beautiful nature-inspired guide.


Thankful Thinking for 5 Minutes a Day A daily dose of humor and heart.  Find inspiration through writing prompts and quotes in this gratitude journal by bestselling author Ronnie Walter. The creator of a coloring series dedicated to stress relief and fun (The Coloring Café®), Ronnie brings over twenty years of successful illustrating and writing to this daily journal dedicated to personal growth and happiness. Exercise gratitude each day.  Whether it comes at the start of our day or the end, making time to think about what we’re grateful for is beneficial in many ways. Practicing an attitude of gratitude strengthens our spirit and quiets our mind, even if just for a moment. It provides the peace and zen we long for and need in the midst of busy days and packed schedules. Move forward to a happier and more meaningful life.  Journaling is a form of self-care because it encourages us to check in with ourselves and examine our thoughts and feelings on a deeper level. By using this 5-minute journal to record things we’re grateful for, spot meaningful intentions, and celebrate tiny victories, we create a space to grow in gratitude for what we have and see better who we want to be. Harness your “Thank You Power” in just 5 minutes with the help of Ronnie Walter’s  Gratitude with Attitude journal. Dive into it each day and find: Ideas for connecting to your sense of abundance and wellbeingWays to express your creativity and imaginationInspiration for deepening your connection to spirituality Be sure to pick up  Gratitude with Attitude  if you’ve enjoyed other titles such as  Good Days Start With Gratitude ,  Zen as F*ck: A Journal for Practicing the Mindful Art of Not Giving a Sh*t , and  The One-Minute Gratitude Journal .


Dopo un macabro incubo in cui trova la madre sgozzata nel proprio letto, Jack, sedicenne come tanti, viene catapultato in un altro pianeta e costretto a intraprendere un sentiero di morte, sangue e crudeltà. Riuscirà il suo esile cuore a resistere alle fiamme divine e permettergli così di salvare la Grande Costellazione? L'oblio incombe… Jack, sedicenne appassionato di arti marziali, dopo un macabro incubo in cui trova la madre sgozzata nel proprio letto, inizia a indagare quando rivive alcune parti del sogno. Accompagnato dal suo inseparabile amico Max, si ritrova a pedinare un losco e terrificante vecchio. Da semplice indagine, tutto si trasforma in un qualcosa di surreale quando uno strambo individuo lo raggiunge raccontandogli una storia inverosimile che lo vede come l'essere umano scelto dalla grande divinità creatrice dei dieci mondi per salvare la Grande Costellazione dell'imminente oblio. Trasportato su Abram, il pianeta dei mercanti, si rende conto che tutto è reale e che davanti a lui, ha un percorso da compiere al di fuori delle sue possibilità. Ma lo spirito di Ashar, dio del sole, ha scelto lui e con tutte le debolezze che un essere umano di sedici anni ha, non può far altro che andare avanti. Santos, astro protettore della natura, è il suo maestro e insieme a Gabriel, urano custode del potere del fulmine e Boris, re dei folletti, si ritrova a dover affrontare la più difficile missione della sua vita. Imprigionati dal losco signore di Ishcor e costretti a combattere fino all'ultimo sangue nell'arena, i quattro compagni affrontano battaglie violente e sanguinose. Quando ormai sembrano spacciati e prossimi alla morte, Jack perde il controllo vittima del sogno di iniziazione con il quale Marmorn, antico re terrestre, cerca di sfruttarne gli immensi poteri. Nella perdizione più totale, il giovane terrestre si trasforma da vittima in carnefice macchiandosi le mani del sangue di innumerevoli vittime. L'eroe salvatore annunciato dalle sacerdotesse di Numit lascia il posto a una terrificante creatura famelica assetata di sangue. Impotenti, i suoi tre maestri proveranno in ogni modo a impedire ai tre sogni di iniziazione di manifestarsi. Ma l'oscurità si mostrerà subdola e infame. Lo scontro finale tra Jack e Santos segnerà l'animo del Salvatore avvicinandolo spaventosamente a Marmorn. Le fiamme divine riusciranno a risplendere nella più totale oscurità? PUBLISHER: TEKTIME


Фазиль Искандер (р.1929) – писатель, исцеляющий удивительным чувством юмора. Лауреат премии «Большая книга» 2011 года, номинант на Нобелевскую премию, автор произведений, которые легли в основу любимых фильмов: «Созвездие Козлотура», «Маленький гигант большого секса» и другие. «Софичка» – повесть о подлинности чувств, верности и чести как основах бытия и предательстве как пути искажения личности. Перед вами история любви с первого взгляда. Главные герои, прощая зло и нарушая данное любимому обещание, теряют жизненную силу, которая позволяла им дарить свою неисчерпаемую любовь и душевную щедрость окружающим.

