
Video Enhanced Reflective Practice (VERP), an application of Video Interaction Guidance, supports individuals or groups to reflect on and develop their professional communication, teaching or therapeutic skills with their clients through shared review of moments of attuned interaction in video clips of their day-to-day practice. This book brings together international researchers and practitioners from a range of professions to define VERP, present its theoretical basis and review the current research evidence. Increasing in popularity, VERP is used as a reflective professional development tool for a wide range of professionals and employees, supporting them to analyse and reflect on moments of their effective interaction on video, in situ in the professional environment. The VERP approach is optimistic and empowering, focusing on strength and potential rather than problems or weaknesses. This book provides examples of VERP's application in a wide range of sectors and will be of interest to trainers, CPD providers, managers, psychologists, social workers, higher education educators, health visitors, early years professionals, teachers, counsellors, therapists, and professionals in the private, voluntary, government and local authority sectors.


Are the Keys in the Freezer? is an artful blend of practical advice and the compelling story of a family's search for the right care for their mother with dementia. This well-researched book is a must-read for families in the US looking for resources and ideas about care facilities, hospices, finances and costs of care, advance directives and other topics related to managing the affairs of the elderly with dementia. A story of conflict and of light-hearted moments, Are the Keys in the Freezer? is the rich personal testimony of a family's struggle to navigate the confusing world of dementia care choices for their mother. The book is an insider's guide to unravelling medical, legal, and regulatory issues that affect the quality of care for loved ones who cannot make care decisions for themselves. The book's easy, conversational tone turns complex issues into everyday language, making it an easy read for newcomers to the world of caring for people with Alzheimer's and other forms of dementia.


This introductory guide to ABA demystifies the often complex terminology, the underlying principles, and commonly-used procedures of ABA using accessible, everyday language. This revised and updated edition reflects recent developments and introduces new key terms. Albert J. Kearney explains the kinds of learning and reinforcement processes that form the basis of ABA programs. Having covered these essential principles, he describes how the science of behavior analysis can be effectively applied to real life behavior problems. He looks at how behavior is assessed and various intervention techniques that are often employed with children who have autism and other special needs. Having laid these essential foundations, Kearney touches on more advanced topics: the applications of ABA in behavioral education, such as precision teaching and programmed instruction.


Silver Medal Winner in the Grief/Grieving category of the 2015 Foreword Reviews' INDIEFAB Book of the Year Awards A unique collection of 33 narratives by bereaved students and young adults, this books aims to help young adults who are grieving and provide guidance for those who seek to support them. Grieving the death of a loved one is difficult at any age, but it can be particularly difficult during college and young adulthood. From developing a sense of identity to living away from family and adjusting to life on and off campus, college students and young adults face a unique set of issues. These issues often make it difficult for young adults to talk about their loss, leading to a sense of isolation, different-ness and a pressure to pretend that everything is OK. The narratives included in this book are honest, engaging and heartfelt, and they help other students and young people know that they are not alone and that there are others who 'get' what they are going through. The narratives are usefully divided by themes, such as isolation, forced maturity and life transition challenges, and include commentary by the authors on grief responses and coping strategies. Each section also ends with helpful questions for reflection. Inspired by the experiences of Dr. Fajgenbaum losing his mother during college and Dr. Servaty-Seib dedicating her career to college student bereavement, this book will be a lifeline for students and young adults who have lost a loved one. It will also be of immeasurable value to counselors, college administrators, grief professionals and parents.


Children are using the internet and mobile devices at increasingly younger ages, and it's becoming more and more important to address e-safety in primary schools. This practical book provides guidance on how to teach and promote e-safety and tackle cyberbullying with real-life examples from schools of what works and what schools need to do. The book explains how to set policy and procedures, how to train staff and involve parents, and provides practical strategies and ready-to-use activities for teaching e-safety and meeting Ofsted requirements. Including up-to-the-minute information and advice that includes new technologies, social media sites, and recent school policy trends such as 'Bring Your Own Device', this book provides all of the information that educational professionals need to implement successful whole school e-safety strategies.


Drawing together motivational theory, research-based evidence and guidance for best practice, this book presents innovative models for goal-setting and goal pursuit in therapy with children. Setting goals not only allows children, and their families, to engage with the overall therapeutic process, but it also provides an essential motivational element throughout the entire therapeutic process. The editors and contributors give practical advice on empathically collaborating with the child and his or her family, to clearly identify achievable goals that can be wholeheartedly pursued. Key information on Self-Determination Theory (SDT) is accessibly explained, which will aid professional understanding of the relationship between motivation, goal-setting, and strong therapeutic practice. The approaches in this book can be used by a wide range of professionals, including those who specialise in working with children with physical disabilities, learning disabilities, and emotional and behavioural difficulties. The combination of theory, research and practical advice makes this book an essential resource for professionals working therapeutically with children, including occupational therapists, speech and language therapists, physiotherapists, counsellors, psychologists, social workers, arts therapists and psychotherapists.


The mindful art therapy presented in this book places inner contemplation, openness and visual language at its centre, showing how traditional Eastern wisdom can be integrated into modern psychotherapeutic practice for mind-body wellness. This book introduces a foundation for mindful art therapy practice by providing a coherent framework that bridges paradigms between eastern and western traditions. The author clarifies different approaches from mindfulness traditions to guide students and practitioners in determining the most suitable and personalised method for practice, research and professional development. The book features case studies and artworks from the treatment of common clinical presentations such as anxiety and depression and includes a guided meditation script and audio file. This book is an essential text for art therapy and psychology students, academics and allied health professionals who seek to integrate mindful art therapy into research and practice.


Having Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) can – given certain situational conditions – make individuals more vulnerable to becoming caught up in criminal activity and vulnerable to unfavourable interactions once in the criminal justice system. Guided by empirical research, psychological theory and illustrative case studies involving adults with ASD who have been implicated in crimes, Robyn L. Young and Neil Brewer explain why. They examine the pivotal cognitive, social and behavioural characteristics unique to ASD (such as weak Theory of Mind, restricted interests and acute sensory sensitivities) that – individually or in interaction – may contribute to individuals becoming involved in illegal activities. They then discuss how these same characteristics can result in ongoing ineffective interaction with the criminal justice system. Arguing that the forensic assessment of individuals with ASD requires substantial redevelopment to clarify the key deficits contributing to criminal behaviour, the authors highlight the need for, and desirable nature of, intervention programs to minimize the criminal vulnerability of adults with ASD and to prepare them for interactions with the criminal justice system. A final section raises some major unanswered questions and issues for future research. This book will be of immeasurable interest to criminal justice professionals including probation officers, social workers, clinical and forensic psychologists, police officers, lawyers and judges, as well as students of these professions.


Susan Dunne's life changed forever when a chance question from a doctor led her back to horses, an unfulfilled childhood passion. Detached and isolated due to undiagnosed autism, Susan had already survived rape, battled eating disorders and self-harm, and spent time homeless, when her world was turned upside again by a vicious, life-threatening assault. Severe post-traumatic stress disorder left her feeling distrustful and more cut off than ever before from a world she saw as confusing and dangerous. But as Susan's connection with horses grew stronger, her world started to open up. Poignant and witty by turns, Susan shares her story of survival and transformation, offering a rare insight into her relationship with horses, and how they helped her to find a safe place in the world.


With a wealth of practical strategies for teaching and supporting students with dyspraxia aged from 11 years up to college or university level, this book addresses all aspects of learning and ways in which teaching can be tailored to the dyspraxic learner. By exploring dyspraxia and its physical, emotional, psychological and social impacts on learning, the author shares tried-and-tested strategies for ensuring that students with dyspraxia achieve their full potential. This book covers a wide range of topics, such as research and study skills, improving memory, teaching literacy, visual and auditory learning styles, dealing with sleeplessness, stress, low self-esteem and anxiety, and preparing for future employment. Teachers will have a greater understanding of dyspraxia, and feel confident in helping students with dyspraxia to overcome educational challenges. Teachers, lecturers, tutors and SENCOs will find this book useful, and it will also be of interest to students with dyspraxia who are looking for ways to help themselves with their school or university work.