

Windows IT Pro/RE – профессиональное издание на русском языке, целиком и полностью посвященное вопросам работы с продуктами семейства Windows и технологиям компании Microsoft. Журнал предназначен для системных администраторов и разработчиков. В номере: Тема номера Доступ к файловому серверу с помощью утверждений Корзина Active Directory в Windows Server 2012 Динамическая миграция хранилища в Windows Server 2012 ИТ и бизнес Заглядывая в будущее учетных данных Обновления Blue: бизнес-функции в системе Windows 8.1 Вводный курс Основы безопасности: что необходимо знать для защиты SharePoint Отказоустойчивость Высокая доступность VMware в SQL Server и многое другое


Lacan, the last owner of Courbet’s The Origin of the World, loved the painting so much that he couldn’t even bring himself to look at it. Instead, he hid it behind a “safer” painting. The Chinese called it the “valley of the roses” (watch out for the thorns!), the Persians, the “honey-pot” (watch out for the bees!), and the Greeks, “the mound of Venus” (mind the steep climb!); to each era its fantasies and its theories about the feminine mystique. Then there are the testimonies of poets, painters, and even of some famous psychiatrists. The Origin of the World is a work of art only suitable for lovers of intrigue.


В предлагаемом читателю сборнике представлены тексты статей – докладов и выступлений участников III-V Международных конференций по риторике, организованных Российской Риторической ассоциацией. В докладах обсуждается широкий спектр вопросов, касающихся теории риторики и общественно-языковой практики, культуры современной речи и эффективных методов обучения целесообразной и убедительной речи. Для студентов, аспирантов, преподавателей-филологов, учителей риторики.


From the time he set up his first studio at the tender age of sixteen, Sir Anthony Van Dyck (1599-1641) was a legend in the art world. Rubens, whom he studied with as a child, said that he was his most talented pupil, and he went on to spectacularly fulfill this promise with a career as a celebrated court painter in England and Spain. Historians, scholars, and art lovers alike continue to recognize the sophistication and timeless beauty of his works. In this fascinating compendium of Van Dyck’s decades-long career, Natalia Gritsai highlights the best of the artist’s many masterpieces.


Condemned by the Nazis as a degenerate artist, Franz Marc (1880-1916) was a German painter whose stark linearity and emotive use of color eloquently expressed the pain and trauma of war. In work such as his celebrated Fate of the Animals, Marc created a raw emotional expression of primitive violence which he called a premonition of the war which would eventually be the cause of his own untimely death at the age of 36.


If, as the famous saying goes, you really are what you eat, then Giuseppe Arcimboldo (1527-1593) was a consummate painter of the human soul. This artist was a master draftsman whose finely wrought canvases captured the imagination of his generation. In this fascinating book, Liana De Girolami Cheney takes a closer look at the critical history of Arcimboldo’s work, from his initial popularity and the tragic obscurity that followed his death, to the ventual triumphant revival of his work and vision by Surrealist admirers of the 1920s.


August Macke (1887-1914) was a master of German Expressionism, a movement which sprang up in the early 1900s with the intent to forego physical reality in search of its emotional counterpart, with a particular emphasis on expressing dark moods of tragedy and angst. Macke was a master of color and form, producing eye-catching canvases that evoke a strong sympathetic reaction in the viewer. He was equally at home portraying the sun drenched streets of Tunisia, the cloudy sky around the Bonn cathedral, and the faceless multitude of a crowded railway station. In this compelling text, Walter Cohen examines the brief life of an artist whose seemingly limitless potential was tragically cut short by his untimely death.


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«Классный журнал» – современный интерактивный журнал для детей младшего и среднего школьного возраста. Издается на протяжении 10 лет и является одним из популярнейших детских еженедельников России. Каждый номер «Классного журнала» содержит самую актуальную информацию для детей: от мультиков, компьютерных игр и детских киноновинок до научных открытий, спорта и техники. В журнале соблюдается баланс между познавательной и развивающей информацией. Уникальные рисованные герои Пантукль и Жукабра живут на страницах журнала, помогая юным читателям разобраться в интересующих их вопросах. В гостях у них бывают и другие популярные детские герои.